I reached over and pulled her into a tight hug. “I know you do. And because you do, I’ll do everything I can to save him from himself.”

She clung to me, and we sat there like that until her quiet sobs died down. When she pulled back, she used her sleeve to clean her tear-streaked face. “Where’s Reese?”

Reese. I’d had to leave Reese. I hated leaving Reese behind. I needed her. “She has a new job, and her boss isn’t going to be there tomorrow. She has to fill in for her. And honestly, I don’t want Reese to be there to see Kiro in his current state.”

Harlow gave me a sad smile. “I’m sorry you had to leave her.”

I was, too. I reached out and tucked a stray hair behind Harlow’s ear. “I miss her. I won’t lie. But right now, Kiro needs help. And for you, I’m going to make sure he gets it.”

Harlow sighed and sank back into her seat. “He loves you, too, you know. He’s proud of you. He doesn’t say it, but he’s proud of the man you became. That you’re not like him.”

I wasn’t like him because I was raised by a good man. I didn’t say that to Harlow, though. I just nodded, because that was what she needed.

She laughed and reached over to squeeze my hand. “You’re agreeing with me because you don’t want me upset. You’re as bad as Grant. I know you don’t believe it. I don’t know if you ever will. But I know Daddy. I know he loves you.”

I smiled at the sound of her laughter. That eased the tightness in my chest some. “I just want you to promise me you’ll stop worrying. Don’t cry. Rest, enjoy Lila Kate, and give poor Grant a break. The man is worried sick over you.”

Harlow glanced back at the house, and a sweet smile touched her lips. “I got lucky with him. He’s wonderful. He makes everything in my world brighter.”

Good. “Focus on that, then. The bright shit Grant creates. Just stop worrying.”

Harlow laughed again, and I felt much better about her. I could leave her and deal with Kiro now, knowing she was better and her mind was at ease.

The door opened, and Grant stuck his head out. “Did I hear her laugh?” he asked in a hopeful tone.

“Yes, you did. I bring the magic, man. You could take lessons from me,” I said, standing up. I walked over and pressed a kiss on top of Harlow’s head. “Love you.”

She squeezed my arm. “Love you, too.”

Grant walked over to her, and she stood up to cuddle against his chest. He began caressing her back and tucked her head under his chin. “Thank you,” he said, looking at me like I’d just solved all the world’s problems.

“Call me no matter what she says next time. No reason for her to worry. She’s stubborn, but you can be more stubborn. I’ve seen it. I was there when you stood at a hospital door, refusing to move until your wife came out of that room alive.”

A moment of fear and then relief flashed through his eyes at the memory. “Noted,” he replied.

Harlow grinned at me. “You’re teaching him to gang up on me.”

I shrugged. “When it’s about your health and happiness, little sis, I’ll do whatever the hell I have to do. And so will he.”

Harlow pressed a kiss to Grant’s chin. He turned his attention back to her, and I was suddenly invisible. I had started to tell her I was leaving for Los Angeles when she turned to look at me. “You aren’t leaving tonight. You’re staying the night and seeing your niece in the morning. Then you’re eating breakfast with us. I want some time with you before you take off to deal with Daddy.”

I wanted to get back to Reese, but I was also exhausted, and she was right—I should see Lila Kate first. I nodded, and Grant chuckled. “What?” I asked him.

He smirked. “It’s fun to see that she has you wrapped around her little finger, too.”

I would deny that, but I loved Harlow, and it was hard to tell her no.

Besides, if I saw Kiro while I was exhausted, I wasn’t going to do any good. I could make Harlow happy and be productive when I finally dealt with him.


Last night, the bed was lonely without Mase. I’d finally managed to get some sleep, but it wasn’t enough. I’d woken up yawning. Before Maryann got there to pick me up, I fixed a large pot of coffee and put it in the thermos that Mase usually used.

I heard Maryann’s truck pull up and quickly grabbed my lunch and the thermos. Running out to the truck, I realized it wasn’t Mase’s mom driving but Major. I opened the passenger-side door and stuck my head in. “Are you my ride?” I asked, making sure he hadn’t just shown up looking for Mase.

His grin always looked like he was keeping a big secret. “Yep. Maryann had to help with some complications with a calf. She told me to give you a ride.”

I climbed in and put my things down on the seat beside me before buckling up. “Thank you,” I told him.

“You’re welcome. But I’ll be completely honest here. She promised me biscuits and gravy, so . . .”

I laughed. Mase was always complaining because Major ate all of his momma’s food. From what I’d heard, Major didn’t have much of a mom, so I kind of felt sorry for him. But then again, he had slept with his last stepmother. Maybe he didn’t deserve my sympathy.

“Talked to Mase?”

“Yes. He called last night when he landed in Florida to let me know he was going to see Harlow.”

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