A week later, at lunch break, Johnathan hands me an invitation to attend his birthday celebration. His fingers brush mine explosively and he looks at me in that particular way when he hands me the envelope. He is always, in my opinion, over-friendly and charming with every girl who will let him, and in the beginning it used to irk me, but then I realized he looks at me in a way he reserves for me, and not the other girls. He is so convincing, how could I not like him?

Looking at the gold leaf letters printed onto the black cardboard of the invitation, I recognize in my world this would be good enough for a wedding invitation.

I see the party venue is at an up-market restaurant and frankly, I could not see the point. I am only seventeen years old, I want to go to a party with flashing lights, blaring music which still has my ears ringing the next day, the only refreshments crisps, and cold drinks.

Everyone in my group is excited, because we were all invited and what the heck, I might as well go, even though I think, personally, it is silly to have a sit down dinner for his eighteenth birthday party.

Besides it is Johnathan, how could I not go?

My dad once again drives me, and as we stop in front of the restaurant, Johnathan is still standing outside. I am reluctant to admit this, but I feel humiliated getting out of my dad's car. His car is as old as I am, and although well-taken care off, still aged and by far, not the latest model.

I wait at the curb until I see my dad's tail-lights fade into the night and then taking a deep breath, I turn and walk to Johnathan, feeling self-conscious. In this instance, I judge him too harshly because he does not even notice my dad's car, make or model.

" Here you are," he says relieved, "I thought you weren't going to come."

I smile pleased and ask jokingly, "Are you waiting for me?"

" Yes, I am."

" Why, are none of your usual girlfriends here tonight?"

" She just arrived."

My heart soars, as he puts his arm around my waist, and then we walk into the restaurant.

It turns out to be an enjoyable evening-we laugh and joke, the food is delicious. Johnathan sits close to me, and every now and again, I catch him looking at me.

When it is almost time for my dad to pick me up, Johnathan leans closer to me and smiles seductively, "Are you not going to give me a birthday kiss?" Copyright 2016 - 2025