They arrived right at dinnertime John parked the moving van right in front of their doors Joan had passed him and parked up a little ways and had motioned the boys to park behind her so the van would be parked in front of the door to her shop. Joan's sister parked a little behind they movingvan to give them enough room to unload. but not in front of any body's door. On Joan's suggestion they walked across the street to the the Pub and Grill and entered into the grill and had fish and chips which was really french fries cut like cotter fries, a couple had hamburgers and regular fries. and one wanted fried chicken and coleslaw. While they were eating Joan's youngest neice asked are we going to get into trouble for parking in front of those people's homes. Joan laughed and said no silly I don;t think John will complain then Joan's sister told her that was The Cook's new home. Then she smiled and said aunt Joan can I live in this big magical place. Joan answered no silly but you sure can visit us anytime especially during the holidays. Sarah just smiled and asked which one of the business was going to be Joan's and she volunteered to help clean her shop with her older sister Joanie named after her aunt for her.. Joan took them up on their offer. After dinner while looking over the two businesses they found rails that had been taken off from the front that seperated the three doors to look as one building undivided but John and Joan decided they would put the rails back up so people who would be dooing business knew exactly what door to come in and so Joan's nephews after unloading while Joan's sister Janis and her moved the boxes marked for one room or the other either in the room or close to the room. The dinningroom was the perfect place for a lot of the boxes. When Sarah saw the sun room and Kittie's room she hurried and sat the cat's kennels plus their food and water bowls and kitty beds in there. After Joan and her sister Janis finished cleaning the kitchen they carried the boxes marked our kitchen items into that room. The next thing was to put up the kitchen table and place the chairs around it. Copyright 2016 - 2025