John got those men cases dismissed and things seemed to be alright until one night John and Joan saw the women go into their homes and started making sure the bars on their lower floors locked and the shutters on their second floor balcony's doors bars or shutters closed and secured. and the streets was deserted as though they were staring in a story about the last day on earth. Then they saw where the men folk that was out was in groups of three or four and all of them had rifles on their shoulders. John made the comment to Joan wondering what was going on plus he stated I guess if they get caught by the constable I'll have more clients He started to tell Joan what the previous clients had said when they heard a group of wolves start their howling. He told Joan that those clients was scared to go out when the wolves howled. Joan gave him a weird look on her face and mummbled yeah sure what world did they come from. One of her customers called her and said you need to close the bars and lock them for you own safety

Joan saw something outside of her windown whom she thought was somebody in a custome of some kind and thought that was strange due to Halloween was still a few weeks away and just shrugged it off until the next day when she saw what looked like scratches on her woodwork of the front door A lady came into the bakery shop and told Joan they were lucky because the night before the creature had been to their front door and usually if he gets that close that person is found dead the next day. She also stated that the killings only happen during the full moon which last four days a month.. Joan thought yeah and maybe you're really just trying to get us to leave because you have heard about our trouble with the Hardings and they have gotten to you. Copyright 2016 - 2025