“Was it okay what I just did? Telling Mia we’re together?”

I run my knuckles against her cheek. She closes her eyes, leaning into my touch.

I spend the next two hours showing her just how okay it is.

“THIS PLACE IS PACKED!” BETH yells over the music, some Lil Jon, or Lil Wayne song. Lil somebody, I don’t fucking know. She squeezes my hand as I lead her through the crowd of people on the dance floor.

Fucking right it’s packed. It’s Saturday night, though. I wasn’t expecting the only nightclub in Ruxton to be dead, but I was hoping for it. If I have a hard time hearing Beth all night over this shit they’re blaring through the speakers, I might drag her out of here before we have time to celebrate with anyone.

Through a break in the bodies, I spot Ben and Mia over by the bar. “Come on. They’ve got a table,” I tell her over my shoulder.

As soon as Mia sees us, her face breaks into a huge, knowing smile. “Hey, you two.”

She doesn’t need to yell. The music isn’t as deafening by the bar.

Beth takes the stool next to Mia, and they exchange a brief hug before talking closely, looking over at me between every other word. I tip my chin at Ben as I take a seat.

“Hey, man. Sorry we’re late.”

Not really.

Taking Beth to her aunt’s so she could get ready led to getting pulled into the shower, which led to returning to my house for another change of clothes, since mine were soaking wet. We were supposed to get here twenty minutes ago. Naked Beth and time management don’t mix well, but I’ll be late any damn time she wants to do that again.

Ben looks at Beth, smiling like he’s just won the fucking lottery or something. Picking up his beer, he tips it at me. “I see you worked your shit out.”

Nodding, I lean on my elbows, rubbing my hands together as he laughs behind his beer. “Yeah, it’s good. Do me a favor and try not to bust my balls tonight. I know you’re fucking ecstatic over this. You’re practically glowing.”

“Never thought I’d see the day.”

“Here we go.”

“I might start taking pictures. Commemorate the evening.”

I glare at him, but fuck, I can’t help smiling at the idiot. He’s happy for me. I’m on cloud fucking nine right now myself. “You’re such a dick,” I joke. My eyes scan the bar. “Where’s Luke and Tessa?”

He shrugs, setting his beer down. “I haven’t talked to either of them since Wednesday. Luke’s kept his phone off for some reason.” He wraps his arm around Mia’s body, drawing her attention up. She smiles at him. “Angel, where’s my sister?”

Mia’s face falls in concern as she looks around the table. Her shoulders drop. “I have no idea. I can’t get Tessa on the phone to save my life. It’s like her and Luke have gone into hiding or something. She texted me earlier after I left her another message. They’re supposed to be here.”

“Maybe they’re both sick,” Beth suggests, slipping her hand into my lap. I grab her stool and slide her closer to me. “Hi,” she whispers against my arm.

I kiss her hair. “Hi.”

Mia smiles at us. She’s just as bad as Ben. Shaking her head, she drops her eyes to the table. “No, Tessa would’ve called if they weren’t coming. She wouldn’t just not show up.”

“Angel, why don’t you just say what you want to say to Beth and Reed. They’re here. You might be waiting all night for the other two.”

I’m fully focused on Mia now, as is Beth who goes stiff beside me. She’s thinking the same thing I am, more bad news, or something else we have to worry about. I don’t know if I can take hearing anything but positive shit from Mia right now. Not after Wednesday. But she doesn’t look worried. Ben sure as hell isn’t breaking shit and getting all of us thrown out of here.

What could she have to say to us?

Mia quickly kisses Ben, then turns back to Beth and I. “We just wanted to say,” pausing, her eyes lock onto something over my shoulder. She slaps the table. “There they are.”

Looking over my shoulder, I watch Tessa and Luke move through the crowd. Tessa reaches the table first, waving a dismissive hand in front of her.

“I know, I know, we’re late. Blame Luke.” She tugs her skirt down, looking around the table. Her eyes land on Beth, then me. She points a finger between the two of us, mouthing, “‘bout time.”

Christ. It’s going to be the Beth and Reed show all night. Maybe we should’ve stayed home.

Luke steps up, wrapping his arms around Tessa and pulling her against his chest. “If she said it was my fault we’re late, she’s lying. I was ready an hour ago.”

“Where have you been?” Mia asks Tessa, leaning forward. “I’ve been calling and texting you like crazy, and I get one response from you? What the hell?”

Tessa bites her lip, smiling up at Luke. He drops his mouth to her ear and whispers something to her. She giggles.

“Tessa!” Mia shouts.

“Babe, you better tell them,” Luke says, kissing her temple.

Tessa looks around the table, smiling so big her one lonely dimple is on display. She takes a deep breath, clamps her eyes shut, then holds up her left hand. “We got married yesterday!”

Mia screams, clamping her hand over her mouth. Ben nearly spits out half his beer, choking on the rest he inhaled. My mouth falls open as I hear Beth utter, “holy shit,” under her breath.

Holy shit is right. This is fucking awesome.

“You got married? And you didn’t tell any of us?” Mia flies out of her chair and nearly tackles Tessa to the ground. “I can’t believe you. Oh my God, I’m so happy right now, but I could seriously punch you in the face.”

She wraps Tessa into a hug, and they both start doing this weird combination of laughing and crying. It’s the strangest fucking sound I’ve ever heard.

I offer my hand to Luke, standing. “Congrats, man.”

He shakes my hand, the biggest grin I’ve ever seen him have wiping across his face. His other hand runs over his buzzed hair. “Yeah, thanks. It’s fucking crazy. I’m still waiting for this shit not to be real.”

“Fucker. I laid into you about this and you were planning on doing it all along? You should’ve said something.” Ben pulls Luke into a hug as Beth brushes against my back. She joins the girls in their hysteria, hugging Tessa and admiring her ring.

Luke snorts, pulling back from Ben. “I should be thanking you. Saying all that shit to me and watching you with Mia. I don’t know what the fuck I was waiting for. I kept thinking I’d do it when she wasn’t expecting me to ask, but she was always looking at me, always ready. After all that shit on Wednesday, I looked at her and realized I didn’t care if she was expecting it or not. If I went another day without asking, I was going to start ripping your deck apart and breaking boards myself.”

I cross my arms over my chest, frowning, looking between the two of them. “If either one of you wants shit to break, fucking ask me. I got a ton of spare wood in the bed of my truck. There’s no need to start pulling boards off the deck.” I settle my gaze on Luke. “Did you guys go to the courthouse?”

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