“Go f**k yourself,” Eden croaked.

Swanny made the go signal before the woman could retaliate. In her anger she might well kill Eden on the spot.

Swanny lobbed a flashbang so it landed right beside Eden’s chair and ducked briefly behind the wall so he and his teammates wouldn’t suffer the effects.

The room exploded with sound and two different sets of cries went up as Swanny rushed in, Hancock and the others hot on his heels. The woman was on her knees holding her head but she still reached blindly for her gun, lifting it in Eden’s direction.

Swanny didn’t hesitate. He put a bullet into the back of her head, crumpling her the rest of the way to the floor. Then he rushed over to where Eden was tied to the chair, tears that had nothing to do with the explosion burning a trail down his cheeks.

He ripped off his shirt and placed it to her face to stop the flow of blood covering her cheeks and forehead. Hancock dropped behind her and quickly sliced through the rope securing Eden to the chair.

She immediately sagged forward and Swanny caught her in his arms, swinging her upward, cradling her securely.

“Eden! Eden, honey, talk to me, please. Can you say anything? Are you hurt anywhere else?”

She blinked, confusion furrowing her brow. For a moment her gaze locked with his and relief swamped her eyes before going glossy with tears. It ripped his heart right out of his chest to see her so fragile and vulnerable. He pressed his lips to her forehead, uncaring of the blood that smeared his own face.

“Swanny,” she whispered, her voice hoarse from her screaming.

“Yes, baby. It’s me. I’ve got you now. You’re safe. No one can hurt you now.”

“L-love y-you.”

He lost the battle and broken sobs welled in his throat. “I love you too, honey. God, I thought I’d lost you. I thought I’d lost you. I couldn’t bear it.”

She closed her eyes, pain contorting her features.

“Stay with me, Eden,” Swanny said as he turned to take her up the stairs. “Stay with me, baby. I’ll get you to the hospital. Everything will be all right. I swear it on my life.”

“S-stay with m-me.”

Her voice was so faint he had to strain to hear her. He kissed her hair, just wanting to touch her, reassure himself that she was alive and in his arms as he made quick work of the stairs.

“I’ll never leave you,” he vowed.


SWANNY charged into the hospital in central Paris, cradling Eden in his arms. She hadn’t regained consciousness since she’d told him she loved him, and that worried the hell out of him. Who knew what else she’d been subjected to? And he hadn’t been able to bring himself to let her go from his arms long enough to assess the rest of her body to see if there were additional injuries.

His heart was bleeding for Eden. He was so overcome with grief and guilt that he could barely maintain his composure. But he had to be strong for Eden. Had to make sure she got the care she so desperately needed. No matter what it took. He’d hit his retirement and investments to pay the cost if that was what he had to do.

He was met by a startled nurse and, thank God, Edge was with him since the nurse didn’t speak a word of English.

“I want the best possible care for her,” Swanny said, an edge of steel lacing his voice. “And I want the very best plastic surgeon called in to repair the damage to her face. I won’t accept anything less.”

There was an instant flurry of conversation between Edge and the nurse and then the nurse’s eyes widened, and she immediately got on the phone and spoke rapidly into the receiver.

“What the hell did you tell her?” Swanny demanded.

And why the hell hadn’t they taken her back yet? She needed immediate medical attention. She needed X-rays and a complete head-to-toe examination to ensure that all injuries were accounted for. He prayed with everything he had that her only serious injuries were to her face, but he had no way of knowing exactly all she’d been subjected to, and that gutted him. He wanted a report. Wanted to ease his mind, even though his worry over those cuts was overriding all else. But as long as she lived—as long as there were no serious, life-threatening injuries—he could deal. Because no matter how she looked, he loved her. Her. Not her stunning beauty or the professional face known to so many. He loved who and what she was. The heart of her. He didn’t give one f**k about scars, but he refused to allow her to endure that kind of pain, a constant reminder of her nightmare for the rest of her life. He knew all too well how that felt, and if it was within his power, he’d make damn sure Eden never had to suffer that.

“I simply explained who Eden was and that it wouldn’t do for her not to have the absolute best plastic surgeon in the region. She’s on the phone now calling in the top doctor in the plastic surgery field to see if he can come in immediately.”

After a few more moments, the nurse hung up and rushed around to where Swanny stood with Eden. Then she spoke rapidly to Edge, glancing at Swanny as she talked.

“What?” Swanny demanded. He hated this language barrier. He wanted to know exactly what was going on with Eden.

“She wants to know your relationship to Eden and whether you have authorization to grant permission for surgical procedures.”

“You tell her I’m her goddamn husband and I’ll be the only person authorized to grant permission for medical procedures and I want to know exactly what’s going on every step of the way.”

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