And just in case she does tell Reed and he comes looking for me, I take my pillow and the soft, down feather comforter into the bathroom, lock that door too, and spend the night in the large soaking bathtub.

Dreaming about tequila kisses.

I WAKE TO the sound of my phone alarm blaring and blink against the pillow.

Why the fuck . . .

Then it hits me.

Right. Got shit to do today. That’s why it’s going off. Sure as fuck wouldn’t have set it if I didn’t.

Staying on my stomach, I reach out with a blind hand and smack along the top of the night table, searching for the phone so I can shut the damn thing off. My hand brushes against a condom wrapper. Then another.

My mouth twitches.

Fuck yeah. Riley Tennyson. What a sweet little surprise she turned out to be.

A sweet little surprise I should be feeling right now pressing close, only I don’t.

Dozed off last night with her soft, warm body curling into mine, head on my chest, her leg thrown over my hip and her arm draped across my waist. I did not imagine that. So, what the fuck?

Brow furrowed, I silence my alarm, then I push up onto my elbow and turn my head.

The bed is empty beside me. Reaching out, I run my hand over the cold sheets.


She’s been gone for a while. Why’d she leave? I didn’t give her any reason to think she shouldn’t stay here last night, did I?

I think back to our last conversation. My jaw tightens.

Fuck no. I damn sure did not give her any reason. In fact, I remember specifically telling Riley I wanted her ass in my bed, naked, and to not be surprised if I woke her up wanting another go.

“Baby,” I mumble into her hair, moving my hand down her back to her ass and palming it.

Riley gasps, all fucking cute.

“Yeah?” she answers with a small voice. Her arm tightens across my waist.

“Look at me, darlin’.”

Her head turns up and she looks at me, those big blue eyes blinking slow.

“I like this and what we just did,” I tell her. “I like it enough I know I’m gonna want it again as soon as I get enough rest to give it to you, so heads up. We’re not done. We’re not even close to being done.”

She blinks, sucking that fat bottom lip into her mouth. “Okay.”

“You might wake up with me getting you ready if you aren’t already there. I hope you’re good with that.”

Those bright blues flicker wider. A flush creeps across her one visible cheek. “I’ll be good with that,” she whispers.

I smile and tug her closer.

“Good. Now give me that sweet fucking mouth so I can go to sleep and recharge. You wore my ass out.”

“I barely did anything,” she argues while climbing higher until she’s more on top of me than next to me, her heavy tits now pressing to my chest instead of the side of my ribs.

Her heart is pounding.

Keeping one hand on her ass, I cup her face and slide my mouth along hers, speaking inside our kiss. “Rode me. You forgetting that?”

Her breathing stops. “Oh,” she whispers.

“Yeah. Oh.”

Riley giggles, then deepens the kiss by tilting her head and working her tongue. She pulls away to ask me, “You get enough?”

My brow tightens.

“Enough of what?” I growl. “Didn’t I just say—”

“I meant enough of my mouth so you can get to sleep and recharge,” she explains.

I watch her drop down, flatten her hand on my chest and rest her chin there, doing this while smiling all cute for me.

“I’m gonna be honest with you, babe,” I begin, tucking my one arm behind my head and raising up higher. “If I ever get to the point of getting enough of your mouth, I got a serious problem and most likely need medical attention.”

The smile she’s wearing softens, turning shy.

“So to answer your question, no, I didn’t get enough of your mouth. But I am satisfied enough to shut my eyes knowing I’m gonna get it again the second I wake up. That work for you?”

“That works for me.”

I smile. “Then, darlin’, let’s get some sleep. The sooner I recharge, the sooner I’m feeling you tighten around me again and hearing you scream my fucking name.”

Now that flush is taking over both cheeks and burning out those freckles to the point they are no longer visible.

Riley slowly shifts down and settles against my side, swinging her leg over my hip and draping her arm over my waist as she lays her head on my chest. And I tuck her close, keeping one arm around her.

Yeah, I remember being pretty damn clear. And she seemed agreeable.

So, again, what the fuck?

My phone beeps with an incoming text. I grab it off the nightstand and swing my legs over the side of the bed, sitting there as I swipe my thumb across the screen.

Reed: Breakfast is at Parrot’s Bay in fifteen.

Right. This is why I’m awake. Everyone is meeting up for breakfast before all the wedding shit starts.

Everyone including Riley fuck me Tennyson.

I get out of bed and head for the shower, washing up quickly so I can get dressed and get going. I know I’m going to have to wait until after breakfast to get some answers out of Riley. Makes this breakfast something I’m not looking forward to. But maybe I can catch her before everyone else gets there. Once we all sit down and start eating, I’m screwed. No way will I be able to say shit to her about it.

Not unless I feel like making it awkward for everyone.

“Hey, Reed. I fucked the shit out of your sister last night and then she bailed on me while I was catching some shut eye. Can you believe that? Pass the juice, man.”

Yeah . . .

It’s the guy’s wedding day. I should probably spare him the details of his sister’s tight pussy and what all I did to it.

After toweling off, I get dressed in a pair of army green cargo shorts and a black tee. I grab my phone, my wallet, and my room key, tuck those into my pockets and head out, combing my wet hair with my fingers as I make my way toward the resort restaurant.

When I push through the glass doors and scan the room, I spot the guys sitting at a large round table near the back with their women, Nolan and Chase.

And no Riley.


Ben eyes me and motions for me to join, grabbing the attention of Reed who then notices me along with everyone else, destroying my plans of backing out of the room and knocking on every goddamned door until I see freckles and blue flames. Copyright 2016 - 2024