Pure adrenaline slams into me. My name, goddamn, when she says it . . . If there was anything stopping me from continuing on with this, one shred of sanity or clear thinking, that shit just went right out the window.

I cup her ass harder and drop my head beside hers, keeping my hand on her mouth. “I want to be all over you, darlin’,” I say, sliding my cock through her pussy, in and out. Tiny thrusts that drive her wild. She gasps in tempo. “I want you fucking smelling like me when you go back outside. He wants to lean close to you, I want him knowing I’ve been here.”

Riley whimpers against my hand.

I thrust up harder, steadily pounding into her. Her pussy is so wet I can hear it and feel it dripping onto my balls. “I want everyone knowing what we were doing,” I rasp, pressing my lips to her cheek. “What we have. What you’re giving me. `Cause you’re giving it, baby, aren’t you? You’re giving me this sweet pussy to come in.”

“Yes,” she moans, eyes pinching shut. Nostrils flaring with her breaths.

Heat spreads underneath my ribcage. Hearing Riley tell me she wants me to fill her with my cum, Jesus, I’ve never . . . I can’t hold back.

Muscles flexing, I buck into her like a wild animal, slamming her ass and the back of my hand against the door. Thwap. Thwap. Thwap. I’m grunting. Sweat beads up on my brow. My face is buried in her neck and I’m telling Riley how good she feels, how much I want her. Need her. “So much, baby. So fucking much.” And she’s crying out and whimpering and panting against my palm. Her heels digging into the back of my thighs and her nails cutting deeper, deeper, deeper. So deep.

“Fuck,” I pant. My legs burning. “Riley, I need to come . . .”

She moans and starts tightening around me, as if she was waiting this whole time, waiting for me. Her eyes roll closed. Her pleasure moves through her. I feel her lips open against my palm and then . . .

The doorknob rattles and something pushes against it, but with our weight pressing in, it won’t open.

“Hey,” a little voice mutters.


I lift my head and turn it, gaging the room we’re in for the first time since we stepped inside. Dragon posters cover the wall. There’s toys on the nightstand. A twin-sized bed . . .

Jesus Christ. We’re in his fucking bedroom.

Riley squeaks as her body tightens up. Her eyes flash open and meet mine in panic but she’s coming, she can’t stop it. Nolan’s calling out for Mia and rattling the knob and Riley’s crying out against my hand, saying my name and soaking my dick.

I gasp and slam her body against the door. Pleasure grips onto me like a vise, and I thrust two, three times before I’m groaning into Riley’s neck and coming deep inside her.

We’re both panting, her against my palm and me into the soft skin of her shoulder. Chests heaving and hearts racing and mine, fuck, mine holding so much love for this girl. More than I’ve ever felt. More than it’s held for anyone.

I am so goddamned fucked.

“Oh, my God,” Riley whispers when I slide my hand off her mouth and onto her cheek. She doesn’t say it out of worry. She doesn’t say it out of panic, either. Her limbs are still wrapped softly around me. Her fingers are feathering through my hair, not pulling. She’s not tense. She loves what we just did. “CJ . . .” her voice cuts with a gasp and her body jars against mine when the door tries to open.

“Mommy! My door is stuck!” Nolan yells. “I can’t get to my stuff!”

“Shit,” I growl under my breath. I blindly find the lock on the doorknob and secure it before setting Riley on her feet. “What do you want to do? What are we saying?” I ask her as I tug up my boxers and shorts.

The doorknob rattles again.

“What the crap!” Nolan whines. “Mommy!”

Riley bends down and steps into her shorts. “I don’t know,” she whispers. “Um . . . maybe one of us hides?”

My brow furrows. “What? I’m not hiding. What if Ben finds me? I don’t want to be caught hiding out in his kid’s room. That’s fucking weird.”

“Well, what if Reed comes up here to help Nolan?” Riley asks. She buttons her shorts, looks to the door and lets her hand fall heavy against her thigh while the other grips the back of her neck. “Crap! What are we going to do?” she whispers.

“Who’s in there?” Nolan jolts the knob. “I can hear you . . .”

Riley whips her head around to look at me. Her eyes are filled with alarm.

“Jesus,” I mumble. “Whatever. Easy solution—he’s a kid.” I take the three steps to get to the door, ignoring Riley’s quiet protests and the tugging she does on my arm. The second I twist the lock, Nolan pushes the door open and stumbles inside the bedroom.

“Hey.” He looks between Riley and me, blinking in confusion. “What are you guys doing in here?”

Riley squeaks.

Christ. Thank God I’m not leaving this plan up to her. She’d probably give us up immediately after forcing me under the bed.

I dig my wallet out of my pocket and pull out a bill. Then I bend down, getting eye level with Nolan. “Do you like money, kid?” I ask him.

His eyes brighten. He licks his lips. “Yes. I like money.”

“Yeah? Have you ever seen a hundred dollar bill before?” I hold up the bill in front of his face.

“CJ,” Riley whisper scolds behind me.

I ignore her. In my opinion, this is the only option that doesn’t lead to me feeling like a giant fucking creep.

Nolan stares at the bill like he’s just discovered buried treasure. Big, gray eyes going round. Lips parting in wonder. “Can I hold it?”

“Yeah, you can hold it. It’s yours,” I tell him, handing over the bill.

He blinks at me. “It is?” He smiles big when I nod. “Aw, cool! I’m gonna put it in my piggy bank so I can save up for my sword!”

Nolan pivots around and hurries over to his nightstand. He grabs his piggy bank and sits on the bed with it, turning it over and dumping out the coins through the slot. Seeing that, I grab Riley’s hand and tug her out of the room.

“I can’t believe you just did that,” she whispers. “You aren’t worried he’ll say something about seeing us?”


“Why not? I’m worried.”

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