They weren’t reckless, and they never risked talking to the wrong people. But they did have a knack for normalizing the very unique career paths their husbands had chosen.

“He knows enough not to pry.” Chris leveled a censuring look at her. “And you should know that any and all details of Dare’s enterprise are top secret. I would never risk security by saying too much.”

She winced. “I guess that could be an issue for any relationship.”

An issue. “Yeah.” Definitely an issue. Before Molly could get worked up about it, Chris pushed away. “I have a million things to get done today, starting with some computer work for Trace and Priss. Then I have calls to make and appointments to set. But after all that I’ll head to the store, so if you think of anything you need, add it to the list on the fridge.” As he walked out, he mussed her already-messy hair more.


Dread stalled him. Without facing her, he said, “Hmm?”

“I love you.”

Nice. He smiled over his shoulder. “Back atcha.”

* * *

After simmering off and on for much of the afternoon, Matt finally called it a day. Now, on his way to the lake, he tried not to second-guess his decision to confront Chris.

He was not a needy person, damn it, not a man who begged for company. But he needed resolution.

Chris was one of those guys that everyone loved. He made people laugh. He listened when others talked. He was relaxed, casual and smart. Chris had a wide range of friends, from football players to doctors, landscapers to dancers…

And Matt, a salon stylist. A damn good salon stylist, if he said so himself.

From the beginning, they’d shared a sexual attraction. He’d stayed over with Chris before, and each time had been better than the last—and more addictive.

Each time, he lost a little more of his heart and became more convinced that Chris was “the one.” But did Chris feel the same?

Last night had been extraordinary, sexy and fun and so easy that it had given him hope. To him, it had felt like they’d crossed a line, that they’d finally strengthened their relationship—a relationship that, to him, meant the world.

To Chris…well, he still didn’t know what Chris felt, and that was the problem. If he wasn’t as invested, then it was past time for Matt to cut and run.

He wanted to be a part of Chris’s life, the best part, and nothing less would do.

His chest felt tight as he thought about how indifferent Chris had seemed. How cold and determined he’d been to get rid of Matt with the morning sunshine.

A complete contrast from the night before.

Thank God his day had been too busy for him to dwell on it much. The hectic schedule had helped to stave off the worst of the worry. But still, thoughts of Chris, complete with images, had intruded in every free second.

Tall and tanned. Strong from swimming and running with the dogs. Sexy in an earthy, relaxed way.

His casual shorts usually hung low on lean hips. Every T-shirt—when he bothered to wear a shirt—seemed at least a decade old. And though Matt styled hair for a living, he recognized something innately masculine about Chris’s shaggy black hair, always disheveled from repeated dips in the lake, the wind and work. Paired with his direct blue gaze and that cocky, laid-back smile…well, a GQ model couldn’t pack as much sex appeal as Chris did without even trying.

But it was more than the good looks that made him special. It was Chris’s sharp but witty sarcasm, his complete irreverence, how comfortable he was in his own skin. Chris didn’t suffer uncertainty, or second-guess decisions.

Everything he did, he did with effortless charm and confidence.

In contrast, Matt had worked his ass off to make a name for himself, to find security, both financial and emotional.

It hadn’t been easy, but he’d met most of his goals, and now he wanted more.

He wanted commitment—with Chris.

Slowing his purple convertible, he pulled up to the entrance of Dare’s impressive home. Unannounced. Not that anyone passing by would notice the dirt road that, hidden by tall evergreens and hardwoods, twisted and turned around the trees and climbed up to a main gate. The very deliberate design did a lot to hide the mansion from view.

Dare owned all the surrounding land, but it wasn’t until farther in that an ornate iron fence enclosed the property. Chris had told him to always check before visiting, because, for reasons Matt didn’t entirely understand, state-of-the-art security included not only the gate and multiple monitors, but also electric fencing.

Only by way of the lake could anyone attempt to sneak onto the property, and even there, alarms and lights announced any and all visitors.

Without meaning to, he’d overheard enough to know that Chris’s friends cultivated associations in all facets of law enforcement, and many within the political arena. He wasn’t privy to detailed info, but it was as much what they didn’t say as what they did that told him they dealt in clandestine operations. It didn’t take a genius to see that the men possessed an edge of danger—but Matt didn’t fear any them.

He trusted Chris, and that said it all. Whatever Dare and the others were into, they were honorable. Otherwise, Chris wouldn’t be a part of it all.

Before he could change his mind, Matt drove forward down the long path until he reached the gate. Surprise visits were highly discouraged. He expected Chris to be pissed, but somehow he’d get around that.

Fighting back nervousness, Matt hesitated for a long time. Just as he worked up his nerve and reached out for the intercom, a car horn beeped behind him. After nearly jumping out of his skin, he twisted to look over his shoulder. Copyright 2016 - 2024