Dutiful. Ha! "I'll be good, Ms. Nell," I replied cheerfully.

"Come!" she said and motioned me over.

Nell stripped my nightgown off with speed that left me embarrassed. Seemingly unaware of my nakedness, Nell pulled free a clean shift and tugged it over my head.

I pushed my arms through it then eyed the corset. It appeared rigid and unfriendly. I soon had a reason to despise it even more.

Nell fastened it around me then yanked the ties as far as they would go, binding and tightening it around me until I wasn't able to draw a full breath. With my waist held in and my breasts pushed up, I tossed my head back to try to breath better.

And then it hit me.

"Um, Nell?" I asked. "I need to um … go to the restroom." I was definitely not looking forward to my options in this regard.

"To make?"

"Yes. I think."

Nell left my side and went to a wardrobe. She pulled out two pieces of china: a dainty, porcelain, round bowl, and what looked like a gravy boat and set them down. She rested a cotton washcloth on top of the big one.

"Chamber pot and bordalou, as you prefer," she said.

I eyed both and began to wonder how many of my aunt's antique china pieces were really bordalous instead of dinnerware. "Right," I mumbled. "Love my bordalou."

Nell smiled patiently and stood aside, waiting.

"Isn't there an outhouse or something?" I asked.

"A lady does not use the same water-closet as the servants!"

Okay, whatever. "Can I have some privacy?"

Nell nodded her head once. "I'll bring you some tea."

"Thanks." I watched her leave then stared at the pot. This is gonna be rougher than I thought.

I snapped a photo of the two dainty urinals and sent it to Carter, pretty sure he'd get a kick out of it, then pulled up my chemise. Unable to bend over, I thanked the heavens repeatedly for the intense yoga classes I took with my aunt as I lowered myself with pure thigh power.

Ready to laugh at the idea of peeing in a bowl, I managed to do it and stand.

Only when I stepped away did I realized I had completely missed the pot.

"Shit," I muttered, face getting hot at the idea of Nell seeing what I had done.

As if on cue, the matronly nanny opened the door, carrying a tray of tea and delicate cups.

"I can explain," I started, startled. "I didn't mean to go … make on the floor."

Nell wasn't fazed. "The doctor said it would be a while until your mind returns to you."

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