"I want nothing of my friends, Mr. David, but their good will."

"Anna, why will you persist in cutting yourself off from the rest of

the world like this? You are too good, too womanly a girl, to lead

this colorless kind of an existence forever."

She looked at him pleadingly out of her beautiful eyes. "Mr. David,

you would not be intentionally cruel to me, I know, so don't speak to

me of these things. It only distresses me--and can do you no good."

"Forgive me, Anna, I would not hurt you for the world--but you must

know that I love you. Don't you think you could ever grow to care for


"Mr. David, I shall never marry any one. Do not ask me to explain, and

I beg of you, if you have a feeling of even ordinary kindness for me.

that you will never mention this subject to me again. You remember how

I promised your father that if he would let me make my home with you,

he should never live to regret it? Do you think that I intend to repay

the dearest wish of his heart in this way? Why, Mr. David, you are

engaged to marry Kate." She took up the water-pail to go.

"Kate's one of the best girls alive, but I feel toward her like a

brother. Besides, Anna, what have you been doing with those big brown

eyes of yours? Don't you see that Kate and Lennox Sanderson are head

over heels in love with each other?"

The pail of water slipped from Anna's hand and sent a flood over

David's boots.

"No, no--anything but that! You don't know what you are saying!"

Dave looked at her in absolute amazement. He had no chance to reply.

As if in answer to his remark, there came through the outer gate, Kate

and Sanderson arm in arm. They had been gathering golden-rod, and

their arms were full of the glory of autumn.

There was a certain assumption of proprietary right in the way that

Sanderson assisted Kate with the golden-rod that Anna recognized. She

knew it, and falseness of it burned through, her like so much corrosive

acid. She stood with the upturned pail at her feet, unable to recover

her composure, her bosom heaving high, her eyes dilating. She stood

there, wild as a startled panther, uncertain whether to fight or fly.

"You don't know what a good time we've been having," Kate called out.

"You see, Anna dear, I was right," David said to her.

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