“Good, because I’m not ready to leave yet. But how long will you let me stay for?”

A year. Two maybe.

I put my finger to my lips, looking up, like I’m thinking. “Hmm…ten minutes, if you’re lucky.” I smile, so he knows I’m teasing. I really like that he’s not ready to leave yet.

“I can do a lot in ten minutes.”

“I bet you can.”


Ten minutes…

Honestly, right now, it feels like ten days won’t be enough to do everything I want to do with her.

That’s crazy because, normally, once I’ve had sex with a woman, I’m done. And I don’t mean that in a bastard way. I mean, I’m sated. I don’t need more. Well, not for a few hours at least.

But, with Charly, I feel like I could go again now.

And, from the way she’s looking at me right now, I don’t think she’d be opposed to it.

First things first though, I need to get rid of this condom.

“I just need to go clean up,” I tell her.

I ease out of her. Catching hold of the condom, I pull it off my cock. I roll off of her and out of bed.

I see her getting up. “Where are you going?” I ask, stopping by the bathroom door.

Her eyebrow quirks up. It’s cute.

“Um, to the same place as you. I need to clean up, too.”

“Get your ass back in bed, and stay there.” I point at her.

She gives me a pissed off look, but there’s a smile on her lips, and she complies.

And, from what I already know of Pins, if she didn’t want to do something, she wouldn’t.

I slip into the bathroom, toss the condom, and quickly wash up.

I look around for a cloth and find one on the bath. I rinse it under warm water, wring it out, and take it through to the bedroom.

She’s lying there, on the bed, looking like a fucking goddess.

All that long, colorful hair of hers is spread out on the pillow.

“Spread your legs, gorgeous.”

Her lips curve up in question, but she pushes her legs up a little, so her feet are flat on the bed, her knees slightly bent, legs parted and open for me.

My mouth waters.

Resting a knee on the bed, I reach over and press the warm cloth to her pussy, cleaning her.

Her eyes close. “That’s nice,” she murmurs.


“Mmhmm. No one’s ever looked after me like this before.”

Her eyes open, locking on to mine. I feel something flicker in my chest.

“Then, you’ve been spending time with the wrong kind of men,” I tell her, surprised at the irritation I feel at the thought of her being with other men.

I’ve never been the jealous type. But then finding out that your best friend has been fucking your girlfriend will change that in a man.

I press a kiss to her lips and then pull back. Taking the cloth to the bathroom, I toss it in the sink.

I go back to the bedroom and climb on the bed, lying on my side next to her.

She turns to face me. I hook my hand under her leg, lifting it over my hip, and I pull her closer.

Then, I reach over and grab the blanket, covering us both.

“You staying?” she asks.

“Do you want me to?”

“I asked first.”

“I’ll stay if you want me to stay.”

“I only want you to stay if you want to stay.”

I smile, unable not to.

Battle of the wills. Neither of us wants to be the one to admit the truth. That she wants me to stay. And that I want to stay with her.

I know this is how it’s always going to be with Charly and me. And I like it. I like the challenge she gives me.

But, right now, I want to make her happy more than I want to spar with her.

I brush the tip of my nose over hers. “I want to stay here with you.”

She smiles, and I feel it right in the center of my chest.

“Good, because I want you to stay.” She presses her hand to my stomach, her fingers crawling up to my chest. “I can’t believe we’re here, in bed, together,” she says softly.

“Because I’m so good-looking and rich and famous? And have a big cock? Don’t forget my big cock.” I’m teasing, but I keep my expression straight.

She stares at me. “You’re being an ass, West.”

“According to Cosmo, I have a hot one. The Hottest Ass of 2016.”

“Ugh! Just when I think you’re actually a nice guy, you—”

She tries to get up, but I roll over onto her, pinning her down with my body.

“I’m playing with you. Jeez, I’m not that fucking arrogant.”

She stares up at me, her gorgeous blueberry eyes blinking up at me. “You were kidding?”

I cock my brow. “Mmhmm. I do that sometimes.”

“Sorry.” Her cheeks turn pink. “I’m probably just still feeling a little sensitive after this afternoon.”

“Did I say I was sorry enough for that? Because I am.” Knowing I must be crushing her, I support my weight on my arms, and my hands frame her face. “So, this should show you how sorry I am. I’m about to tell you something completely fucking embarrassing.”


“Well, the reason I snapped at you earlier—and, again, it wasn’t your fault, just my fucked up brain taking it out on the one person I shouldn’t have—well, it was because I’d gotten a stiffy while filming.”

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