A twinge of panic raced through Linda's mind, as she remembered the stubborn roll above her waist, which would not go away no matter how much she dieted or how many sit-ups she remembered to do. Would it turn him off?

Suddenly Linda said something that only the day before would have been unthinkable: "And I want you." They helped each other work their jeans free until Linda felt the most vulnerable she'd ever been in her entire life. She lay on the bed beside him with just her panties on, and he just wore navy blue cotton briefs. He lay on his back and winced, since his growing hardness had created a bulge at the front.

"I'll be right back," Linda said, patting his shoulder.

"I ain't going nowhere," Seth wheezed.

Inside the bathroom, Linda saw her mane of tousled hair, the red blotches on her cheeks and shoulders from that day's sun, and the white bumps and bulges above the waistband of her panties. She brushed her hair and reached inside her purse for the tube of coital jelly.

Lauren had suggested, saying that "It makes it a little easier." Along with the jelly, she pulled one of the prophylactics out of her purse. She wondered how it should go. Should she just come out of the bathroom, hand him the little package and say "Take me." Or should she be bold and do what Lauren suggested, offering to roll it on for him (they'd even practiced, on one of her vibrators during Freshman year).

One thing was for sure: after what would happen in the next moments, she would never be quite the same way again.

Finally, she emerged slowly from the bathroom, expecting that Seth would have slipped off his briefs by then, with all his glory there for her to see. He'd kept them on, though. Linda started to kiss him, holding the prophylactic package in her hand. "Oh, Linda," Seth said, as together they worked the waistband of his briefs free, liberating his straining manhood. It uncoiled at her like a cobra.

At that point Linda held up the package for him to see. Seth gazed at it with a blank expression for a couple of moments, then squinted, his lip snarling in mild horror, as if he was looking at a dead rat. "A rubber?" he said. "I don't use those."

"But I really want you to."

"Babe, it's like taking a shower in a raincoat. Don't worry, I'll pull out."

Linda was prepared for this too, from the sex education classes she'd had, and all the giggly, late-night conversations she'd had in the dorm. "But some could seep out before you climax," she said. "I don't want to take any chances."

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