Linda was so impressed that when the song ended, she clapped. They both looked down at her, smiling appreciatively but also showing bewildered looks on their faces. By now, Linda was standing. "That was great you guys!" she said. "What do you call that dance? It's not disco, that's one thing I know for sure."

The guy, who spoke in a nasally New York accent said "It's West Coast Swing. When the floor gets really crowded here, sometimes it's the only dance you can do."

"West Coast swing?" Seth said. "Dude, you sound like you're from the East Coast."

"I am!" the guy said, laughing, pointing at Seth. "Brooklyn. How'd you know?"

"Cause I watch a lot of Welcome Back, Kotter.I just knew."

By that time, the song "Dance the Night Away," by Van Halen was playing. The girl spoke: "Hey why don't you guys get up and dance?" She motioned them invitingly to the floor.

Linda bounced up and down, excited by the idea. "Yeah, let's!"

Seth slumped in his chair, allowing his eyes to roll. "I'm not nearly drunk enough for that," he said.

"It's easy," the guy dancer said. "I'll show you how."

By that time Linda had walked around to a set of steps leading to the smaller dance floor. Together the three of them called down to Seth to get up and join them. Finally, he shook his head, pushed his way out of the chair, and bounded around the tables to the steps, to join them.

"My name's Vic and this is Suzy, by the way," he said, when all four of them were up there. Vic stood side by side with Seth to show him how to rock and skip back and forth. Linda was surprised to see Seth catching on so quickly and even adding a bit of his own personal style as he rock-stepped back and forth.

Vic stopped and held his hands up for Suzy, who pressed her hands back against his. "At the end of the rock step," he said, "you nudge her away for a three count. Another three count, you bring her in." Suzy stepped forward to meet Vic's hands again, and they rock-stepped together.

"That's it?" Seth said. "That doesn't seem too difficult." He held his hands up for Linda, who pressed hers back against his. They looked into each other's eyes for a moment. She felt a twinge that felt like the sense of longing for her grand waltzes with the dashing gentleman in the tuxedo. Linda pushed back against Seth and stepped back away from him. Copyright 2016 - 2024