Linda kept a set of street clothes in the closet of the director's office, for a variety of situations that might come up, such as an on-camera interview for a medical satellite channel, as had happened five years before. Sometimes official business required business wear. She felt this might be one of those times.

Roger seemed surprised when she arrived in the lobby wearing a skirted mauve suit with dress heels. "Wow, what have we here? A quick change artist?" he joked. To get to the point of why he called on her, he took her to a coffee shop. He started to speak as soon as they sat.

"When was the last time you were in The Next Step studio?" Roger began.

Linda shrugged. "It's been at least three years. Stephen lost a lot in the big financial Armageddon and we had to cut back." Actually, she had to cut out the lessons just so she could afford to help him.

"Well, a lot of people got hurt by that mess, unfortunately, including Maggie."

Linda imagined that the grande dame of the studio must be getting on in years. "Yeah, I heard something like that."

Roger's eyebrows lifted. "Did you know she retired? That she closed the studio two years ago?"

The realization hit Linda like a splash of cold water in the face. "I guess I've really been out of touch. Didn't anybody buy it or try to reopen it?"

When Roger smiled warmly, she knew they'd hit on the reason for his impromptu visit. She agreed to go with him to see the site of the old studio. "I'll drive," he offered.

Roger brought a briefcase with him as he swiped an electronic key on a sensor outside the building's front door and then again on the third floor lobby that looked barren and sparse, with all of the plants taken out. The placard for "The Next Step" had also been taken away. Yet, Linda knew that additional shocks awaited her on the other side of the door.

Roger seemed to sense her trepidation. After allowing her to catch her breath, he poised his hand on the door latch, glanced at her and said "Are you ready for this?"

She nodded, and motioned for him to open the door.

When he did, Linda's first thought upon seeing the gutted, empty studio was that it reminded her of the Tower of Terror ride at Disneyworld. On that ride, the elevator passed by a long neglected hotel lobby, with cobwebs branching from the lobby chairs and key slots. Copyright 2016 - 2024