"No," she said, gazing ahead, looking for the big mirror on the side of the cab. She could see a guy smirking, wearing mirror sunglasses and a straw cowboy hat.

For the next few miles they tagged along behind the driver of the red truck with the silver trailer. Linda thought he looked like Jan Michael-Vincent in the movie White Line Fever.Everything seemed well until another big rig truck pulled up behind them, following th em at a close distance. "We're boxed in!"

Lauren shrugged. "So?"

"Well if Jan Michael Vincent slows down suddenly and the guy behind us keeps going, we're gonna be squashed like a beer can."

Lauren turned to look at the truck looming behind them. "You're right."

"You're right? That's it?"

"Well if he stops and we get squashed and our guts get splattered inside this car then both of our parents are going to be rich people, aren't they?" She regarded Linda solemnly.

Linda couldn't believe what her friend had just said and was getting more and more uncomfortable by the minute. She whispered "Are you serious?"

Lauren tossed back and let out an evil laugh like a crazed vampire girl in a Christopher Lee movie. "Gawd, you are so easy. You're too serious. When you get married, your husband is going to cheat on you."

"No he won't."

"He won't, huh? Why?"

Linda shrugged, still glancing in her rear view mirror at the second truck, who seemed to be gaining on them. "Because he'd love me too much. I wouldn't marry a guy who didn't love me."

Lauren waved a hand dismissively at her. "Let me tell you something, guys are dogs. They only care about one thing."

"Well, I know that! I've got an older brother, remember?"

"So you know. They're dogs. And your job is to make them fetch."

Linda was going to ask Lauren what she meant, but to her horror a third truck pulled up alongside them. Between the three tractor-trailer rigs, they were penned in like a hopeless little lamb in the middle of a wolf pack. "Oh my god," she said.

Lauren looked around at the three trucks hemming them in as they sped along.

Casually, she said "They're playing chicken in a basket with us."

"You think this is funny?"

She giggled. "Should I flash 'em?" She tossed off her jacket and pretended to start unbuttoning her blouse.

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