Seth's big, booming and frosty voice bellowed to her from the other end of the line. "Hey darlin'. How'd you sleep?"

"Fine, I guess. How are you?"

"Not too bad. A little headache. I'll live, though." He paused for a moment.

"Hey, could I have your phone number so we could keep in touch?"

Linda's almost blurted out "Why?" Instead, she shrugged and gave him the number. That caused Lauren to squeal with delight and giggle loud enough for Linda to clap her palm over the speaking end of the phone. She motioned for Lauren to quiet down.

Later, after they both took a quick shower, dressed and said their thank-yous and good-byes, Linda drove them back onto the Interstate to start the long trip back to college. Lauren immediately jumped into a conversation about what had happened at the breakfast table. "He likes you! I knew it! I betcha he rides out on his motorcycle before Memorial Day."

Linda snarled her lip. "Be serious. He just asked me for my phone number. You're acting like he got down on his knee and proposed."

"But he's cute!"

"And blind, apparently." Linda watched the highway for the interchange signs.

"Blind? What are you talking about?"

Linda wished she kept her mouth shut. "Well, I'm fat."

"Fat? No you're not."

"I'm short and fat. Five four and a hundred and thirty pounds. Fat. I almost crushed him when he had me on his shoulders."

"No you didn't. He was holding you like you were a feather."

Linda distinctly remembered Seth staggering around at one point, as if he was straining under her weight. "Well then how come he almost dropped me?"

"Because he was drunk. Both those guys were. Couldn't you tell?"

"No. But that explains everything." She hoped they would talk about something else.

No such luck.

"Why is it so hard for you to believe Seth likes you?"

Exasperated, Linda shook her head. She turned the wheel and angled the car onto the entrance ramp for I-71. "He could get someone thinner and prettier right here. He doesn't need to chase after me, two states away."

"Lin, you put yourself down so much. You're very pretty and you have a cute personality. If you ask me, Seth's smart.."

"Okay, Dolly," Linda said. When Lauren flashed her a confused look, she briefly explained the character of Dolly Levi the matchmaker from the Broadway show "Hello Dolly." By the time they reached Louisville, Lauren had angled her seat into a reclining position and fell asleep. Copyright 2016 - 2024