Two waiters arrived to take their order and Seth spoke for them both. "I worked hard for it. Pressuring all those attorneys. I deserve it. Besides, look who's talking about blowing money."

The remark stung Linda like a slap in the face. "And what do you mean by that?"

"That dance place you go to, you don't think I know what goes on in those places? Those gigolos have probably gotten you for thousands of dollars already. It's why you still live in that rabbit hutch and drive that old broken down pissmobile."

Linda felt like lifting the elegant crystal water glass and tossing the contents of it into Seth's face. She didn't know what to get maddest about, the knock against Ron or her choice to hang on to her apartment and her car. Even though Ron had coaxed her into the four thousand dollar program that first year, that still left more than five thousands in her money market accounts, many of which were tied to lucrative mutual funds. And between the bus, the short distance to the dance studio and the jets and rental cars she took on vacation, Myrtle still had less than 100,000 miles on her.

She decided she was maddest about Ron. When the waiters brought out steaming soup, she hissed "Ron is not a gigolo."

Seth shrugged, unaffected by Linda's venom. "Well he's a fag, then. Probably goes home to his lover every night, so they can go out and blow all the commission money they get from you and all the old maids."

Linda threw her napkin down on the table in anger, and a corner of it dipped into the soup bowl. A moment later a waiter rushed to her side. "Would madame care for another?" he asked, indicating the soup bowl with a napkin corner dipped into it.

"Yes, that would probably be best," she said quietly. When the waiter made a hand motion, a white-coated bus boy spirited the bowl away for her. Linda leaned in. "I've got a great idea," she said, to Seth. "How about we don't talk about the dance studio for the rest of today?"

He forced a smile and touched her arm. "Hey, I didn't mean to get your panties all twisted. Sure we can talk about something else. "

Linda switched the conversation to how well Seth's business was doing, and he said that because of Ruth Ann's gift, he was able to buy a new set of power tools. For the rest of their dinner, their army of a wait staff delicately placed course after course in front of them. In the end they were treated to flaming cherries jubilee. Copyright 2016 - 2024