Dex patted Jace on the back and laughed. "Trust me... you're not, bro." Then he walked over to stand in front of me. "This is apartment is great. I'm glad that you decided on this one."

I looked around the place and at everyone that stood around chatting and smiled. "Me too," I said. "I really owe a lot of thanks to you. You helped me in more ways than you know." I turned around to look at everyone. "All of you have helped me more than you even know. Thank you."

Jace walked over and grabbed me by the waist. Then he gently rubbed away the tear that I hadn't even noticed had fallen. "You are so special. You're special to all of us." He ran a finger over my lip, while biting his own. "I-"

"I love you," I cut him off. "I really, truly love you." My heart raced, as I looked him in the eye, in shock that I had found the courage to say those words again. He almost looked as if he could fall over at any moment. It was true though. I loved him. I knew that now. A big part of me had even known for a while. I had just been too afraid to admit it.

Jace cupped my face with trembling hands as he pulled my face close to his. "I love you too," he whispered. "More than you will ever know."

I tangled my hands through his hair and pulled his lips to mine, crushing him with my desire for him. He wanted me, just as badly as I wanted him.

Suddenly, I heard whistling, clapping and shouting from behind us, followed by laughter.

"About damn time." Stacy laughed. "Holy shit! I never thought I'd witness Jace in love."

Dex patted Jace on the back and then looked over at me. "I knew it, bro. I knew it." He smiled and then grabbed a slice of pizza. "I could tell from the very first day that I met Avery."

Jace just shook his head and laughed at our friends. Everyone had something to say except for Jackie. That was when I noticed that she wasn't even in the room. I tilted my head at Jace and got ready to question where she had been. "Where-"

My words were cut short when I heard barking coming from right outside the kitchen door. I gave Jace a questionable look and then reached for the door handle.

Jace just smiled and looked up toward the ceiling as if everything was normal.

The door swung open to Jackie standing there with a beautiful Siberian husky in her arms. She looked up at me and then handed me the puppy. "Look what I found in the back of Jace's car," she laughed. "Weird, huh?"

I took the puppy in my arms and looked behind me at Jace. "Holy... what is this?" I asked amazed. I had never had a dog or any other kind of pet before and I really didn't know how to react.

Jace smirked and walked over to stand next to me. He reached out and rubbed the puppy's head before kissing my cheek. "I couldn't let my lady be alone, when I'm not around. I want you to always feel wanted and needed. Just like you are."

I set my lip into a pout and rubbed the dog’s soft fur. It looked up at me with beautiful baby blues and whined. "I don't know what to say." I set the puppy down in the kitchen and it took off running around in excitement while taking turns being sure to jump up on everyone. The sight made me giggle. It was so playful and free. "Thank you, Jace."

Jace grabbed for a slice of pizza and handed it to me. "You're welcome." He grinned and then grabbed a slice for himself. "Go look in that closet." He pointed over to the closet, next to the pantry and then took a bite of his pizza.

I looked around at everyone as they all stared at me. It actually made me somewhat nervous to have all eyes on me.

"Okay," I said nervously. I walked over to the closet and pulled the door open. The bottom shelf was full of puppy food, puppy treats and puppy toys. Then right above that, were the puppy dishes and leashes. They were all blue.

"A boy," I said with a laugh. "Thank you. Thank you for all of this. You didn't have to."

Jace walked over and reached up on the top shelf. "That's not all." He smiled as he pulled down a huge puppy bed and handed it to me. "He needs somewhere to sleep as well."

I looked down at the soft bed, smiled, and then set it down next to the fridge. "What is his name?"

Jace looked down at the puppy that was now jumping all over Stacy as she giggled in delight. Then he looked back over at me, leaning against the fridge. "What do you want it to be?"

I pointed to myself and shook my head. "I can't name him. You-"

Jace grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest. Then he ran his hand over my face and sucked his bottom lip in. "He's yours. You name him."

I looked down at my new puppy and laughed as he came running over to me, slipping across the floor in the process. "Look at you. You're so darn cute." I crouched down and picked him up as he licked the side of my face. "Lucky. That will be your name because I'm lucky to have all of this." I waved my arms out in front of me and ended up falling back as Lucky jumped on me.

Jace bent down next to us and patted Lucky's head. "Lucky," he paused. "I like that name."

"Lucky," Jackie called.

Lucky glanced behind him, but didn't make a move.

Jace stood up and watched as Lucky plopped down in front of his feet. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled at Jackie. "Well... it will take him a little time to get used to his name."

Jackie waved a dismissive hand at Jace and then reached for her cell. "I'll be right back," she said nonchalantly.

I just stood back and watched as everyone enjoyed each other's company, laughing and telling stories. It was an amazing feeling and things were starting to feel complete.

I felt complete…

Chapter 19

I rolled over as I felt something moist touch my cheek. I had slept so well in my new apartment that I had almost forgotten about having Lucky.

I ran my arm over my face and yawned as Lucky pawed me in the face and whined. "I'm awake." I laughed.

Lucky jumped up on my chest, knocking me back into the mattress, as I attempted to sit up and stretch. The cute little cuddle bug had spent most of the night curled up on my feet, even though I had tried numerous times to get him to settle down in his new bed. I had to admit, I really liked having him around. It made me feel warm and… cozy inside. Copyright 2016 - 2024