I placed my hands on his bare chest and took a deep breath. His skin felt so soft and warm against my bare hands. It made me want to lose myself in him. "No." I shook my head. "No, I'm fine. I told the landlord that I would show up today with the deposit and first month’s rent."

Jace ran his hands up my arms, lightly tickling me, as he smiled. "It's okay, Avery. You don't have to be upset or worried," he breathed. "At first I was sad that you were leaving, but now that I've had time for it all to sink in; I realize that it's a good thing for you. We can still be together anytime that we want. It's all just a part of a new beginning for you. One that you've needed for so long."

I swallowed hard and stifled back tears. He always had a way of making me feel as ease. "I know, but-"

"No buts," he cut in. "Everything is going to be... perfect." He pressed his lips to my forehead and then kissed all the way down to my lips. "I promise. Now go get dressed."


An hour later, we both stood inside of Bergstroms a small furniture store, about twenty minutes away from Jace's place.

Jace held my hand as he took me around the store and showed me the various couches and beds that they had on display.

The prices seemed to be fairly decent for the quality that they offered, but I was overwhelmed. I didn't even know where to start.

"This is nice. It almost looks like ours... I mean mine." His words stopped my heart as we both stood there looking at each other. Ours?

Jace coughed and pulled my arm, bringing me over to stand in front of a black leather sectional. He was right; it was almost identical to his. It was beautiful.

"This is very nice." My eyes wandered over the leather couch before settling on the price tag. “Thirteen hundred dollars! Oh no." I shook my head back and forth and stepped away. "That is way too expensive."

Jace ran his hand over the arm of the couch and smiled. Then he waved one of the workers over. "I think this one is actually better than mine."

A man in about his mid-thirties walked over with a welcoming smile on his pudgy face. His red polo shirt clung tightly to his round belly, but was entirely too long for his short body. Even his khakis seemed to be excessively long for his legs.

He held out a short, hairy arm and reached for Jace's hand. "Good morning, sir." He nodded his head at me. "Ma'am." He looked at us both, anxious to make a sale. "I see that you are interested in this couch. My name is Tom. Can I answer any questions that you may have?"

Jace ran his tongue over his bottom lip and then grinned. "Yes. How soon can you have this couch delivered, if we purchase this today?"

I lightly elbowed Jace in the side. "I can't afford this," I said soft enough for only the two of us to hear.

Tom ignored me and set his full attention on Jace. "Depending on the location we can have it delivered and set up in an hour. Where would the drop off be?"

Jace scrunched up his face and looked lost in thought. Then he turned to me and rubbed my cheek. "What's the address?"


"What's the address?" he cut in.

I huffed and reached into my purse to pull out the envelope with the address on it. I glanced down at it and read it aloud. "5324 Victory Lane."

A huge smile spread across Jace's face as he nodded his head at Tom and repeated what I said. "5324 Victory Lane. What's the verdict, Tom?"

Tom smiled and shook Jace's hand again. "An hour at the latest."

Jace wrapped his arm around me and then leaned in to kiss my neck. "We have a little more shopping to do first. We'll find you when we find our next purchase. Thank you, Tom."

I watched in horror as Tom walked away with the sales tag in his hand. "I really can't afford that. I only have $600 to spare."

Jace gave me a sincere smile and pulled me close to him. He softly ran his hand under my hairline and gripped the small of my back with his free hand. "Just because you're on your own, doesn't mean I can't take care of my woman. The couch is on me."
My breath caught in my throat and I started choking.

"Are you okay?" Jace softly rubbed my back and held my arm above my head. "Breathe." He chuckled.

I got my breathing under control once again and managed to look Jace in the eye. I was in complete shock that he had just called me his woman. I was speechless. "I don't... you don't have... thank you," I just finally whispered.

Jace laced his fingers through mine and pulled me beside him. "I have more than enough money to help out. I've been saving for years now. It's not a problem for me and it shouldn't be for you either." He kissed my hand. "Let's go find you a bed."


We arrived at my empty apartment, thirty minutes later, with a 42-inch TV, a black coffee table, a glass entertainment center and little black dresser. The couch and the queen-sized bed would arrive within the next forty minutes. The excitement was starting to settle in and I couldn't help but to smile.

Jace and I both looked around the small apartment, checking out all of the rooms. The living room was complete with caramel shag carpet, burgundy shades and black windowsill and trim. It was the perfect size to fit all of my new furniture in it. It actually felt like a home.

Jace ran his hand along the freshly painted wall and smiled. "This place is perfect. I really like it." He pulled up the shade and looked out the window. "I might even spend most of my time here. It's...cozy."

I laughed and reached for Jace's hand. It felt good to see that Jace approved of my new place. "I really like it here. It seems peaceful. It's like having my own place for the very first time. The last apartment never felt like home." I ran my hand over Jace's chest and grinned. "I'm just not so sure that I should allow boys into my first place."

Jace chuckled as he gripped my hips and hoisted me off  the ground. "I'm not just any boy." He smirked. "At least, I'd like to not think so."

I reached out and cupped Jace's face, the same way that he always cupped mine. "Trust me. You're not just any boy." I roughly pressed my lips against his, desperate to get a taste of his sweet mouth. Everything about Jace was sweet.

He squeezed me tightly, while walking us into the kitchen. He stopped in front of the stove before setting me down on top of it. Our lips didn't separate as he wrapped my legs around his waist, pressing his crotch into my inner thigh. It sent chills all through my heated body and made me want to rip his clothing off. He had a way of turning me on, that I couldn't even explain.

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