Suddenly, it hit me. I couldn't lose him. The thought hurt too much. I still wasn't sure if it was love, but it was something worth fighting for. I had to let him know before it was too late.

I ran to my purse and struggled to pull my phone out. It got caught on the edge of the liner causing my whole purse to fall out of my hand as I finally got the phone out and searched for Jace's number. I kicked my purse to the side and ran over to the door. "Come on. Pick up." The phone kept ringing until finally it went to voicemail. Dammit! Now I was the one trying to reach him and getting no response in return. It hurt.

If I couldn't call Jace then I needed to get to him as soon as I could. Jackie was already sleeping and the last thing that I wanted to do was wake her up and explain to her that Jace and I had gotten into a fight and he left. She already had enough of her own problems to deal with.

I decided on calling for a taxi. That way none of Jace's friends or family had to get involved. I messed up big time and I was feeling the pain. The pain that I had caused both Jace and myself.  I had to make it right.

It was pouring rain by the time that the taxi arrived and it would probably be close to impossible to see the roads through the mess. It didn't matter to me though. I just needed to get to Jace as quickly as possible. Even if I had to walk.

I ran through the heavy rain and jumped into the back of the taxi, slamming the door behind me. "Just drive. I don't know where I'm heading just yet," I announced, shaking the rain off.

The heavyset man glanced back at me, looking me over, before stepping on the gas and taking off. "Your wish is my command," he muttered.

I just shook him off, running my hands through my wet hair while staring down at my phone. Ring! Please. Just ring.

I sat with my face smashed against the frigid window in search of Jace's car. It was close to impossible to see anything through the rain and it was really starting to frustrate me.

Taking a deep breath, I reached for my phone again and dialed Jace's number. Come on. Come on. My hands started shaking as the call went straight to voicemail this time.

I threw my phone down in anger and looked up just in time to notice some flashing lights just ahead of us. A surge of fear shot threw me at the thought of Jace being hurt. "Slow down," I yelled frantically.

I pressed my face back into the glass to get a better look. That's when I noticed three police cars, two ambulances and then a little black car that was smashed up on the side of the road. Jace's car!

"Stop! Stop the damn car," I screamed, my voice shaking. My whole body trembled as I reached for the handle and struggled with opening the door. "Shit! Shit!" I cried. Finally, I managed to push the door open to jump out of the taxi.

The cold rain hit roughly against my heated face as I ran over to the crowd of people and pushed my way through. It was hard to tell, but it looked as if two of the ambulance drivers were pushing a stretcher that was covered with a blanket. I couldn't make out if it had a body underneath or not.

Panic set in as I roughly pushed my way through the crowd to find someone that could help me.

"Move," I shouted while pushing bystanders out of the way. "I need to get through. Move!" I didn't stop until I was standing breathless and sobbing in front of a police officer.

The officer quickly looked up from his paper work and attempted to push me back behind the orange cones. I pushed his arm away.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but you can't be in this area," he said with a sound of regret. "Please step back."

I gripped onto the officer's jacket and started shaking his arm. "No! You don't understand. I need to know what's going on," I cried. "What happened to the man in the black car? Please!" I pleaded, my eyes wet.

The officer froze. His whole body stiffened and he turned away from my view. That couldn’t mean anything good.

"There were no survivors.” He turned away, hiding his eyes from my view. "I'm sorry, ma'am. The driver was going at least 60 mph when his car slid and crashed into that pole. There was nothing that anyone could do. He died instantly."

My body shut down instantly, causing me to crash down onto the filthy, wet ground. I dug my hands into the mud as the tears flooded my eyes. It can't be true. Jace can't be gone.

"No! No! No!" I cried, "There has to be something you can do. Save him," I screamed in rage. "He might still be breathing. You gave up too quickly."

The officer shook his head and attempted to cover the hurt in his eyes. "It was impossible. I'm sorry," he said softly. “We did all that we could do.”

I sat there in shock. I didn't want to live without Jace. I couldn't live without him.

An intense pain shot through my chest as my head quickly spun. My breathing became very heavy and then suddenly my ears started ringing.

"Ma'am are you okay?" The officer questioned. He bent down and reached for my arm. "Someone better get a stretcher over here. This woman is going down.” His voice echoed through my head.

My body hit the ground in what felt like slow motion. Then suddenly my breath got knocked out.


I jumped back startled as the bathroom door swung open to Jace standing there in his boxers. A sight I had grown used to.

He looked me up and down, his body covered in sweat, as he fought to catch his breath. I didn't understand what he was doing.

It made my heart race. “Jace, what are you doing in here?” I took a step toward the door to escape but he grabbed a hold of my wrist stopping me in my place. My heart sped up and my breathing became heavy. "Jace."

He looked me dead in the eye and without saying a word; he picked me up and sat me on the edge of the sink. He gripped my face and roughly pressed his lips against mine, causing me to moan. His lips were soft and sweet, just as I had imagined. Although, I wouldn't admit it. Not even to myself.

The taste was too overwhelming; causing my whole body to shake as he gently ran his fingers through my hair and pressed his body in between my legs. I could feel his hands trembling as he placed them on the inside of my bare thighs while sucking my bottom lip.

Suddenly, he pulled away and we both sat there panting and fighting for breath. His eyes were unreadable as he looked me in the eye and shook his head. My body leaned forward involuntarily, and it almost felt as if I were falling off the sink. I braced myself, pulling myself upright again. Copyright 2016 - 2024