I watched, holding my breath, as the water dripped over his perfect body, soaking the briefs that he still wore. It turned me on.

The whole room suddenly spun around us as my hands trailed over his bare chest, rubbing his smooth flesh, before  resting on the outside of his wet briefs. The feel of his hardness made me moan.

I felt my body start to shake uncontrollably as he gripped my wet hips and swung me toward the back wall, with passion in his eyes.

We both let out a low moan as he pressed me into the shower wall and roughly bit my bottom lip. "Are you sure that you're ready for this?" he questioned running his hands up my face.

I silently shook my head as I reached down and gripped his wet briefs in my small hand. Everything inside of me wanted to yank them off and toss them at the wall. To get a piece of him.

I stood there frozen in thought. Then suddenly my whole body shook with pleasure as Jace grabbed my hands, looked me in the eye and helped me strip him of his briefs. I was terrified of what was about to happen, but the sight of him naked was the most beautiful thing in the world. A moment that my eyes would never be able to forget.

Everything around me became silent and suddenly the only thing that I could focus on was the rapid beating of our hearts.

I stood there motionless and frozen in time before Jace grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his waist. He leaned into me, pressing his bare skin against mine. I got chills. "I don't want you to ever forget this moment," he breathed, running his lips over my neck. “I know I never will.”

I knew that it would be a moment that I would never be able to forget. Every moment with Jace was something that I could never forget and something that I would never wanted to forget.

I shook my head, biting my lip as my eyes trailed over the smooth curves of everyone one of his perfect muscles, taking in the beauty of his body art. To me, jace was art and everything beautiful in the world.

He moaned into my mouth as he took a piece of me. The one piece that I was able to give.


An hour later we were both dressed and on the road to finding my mother. Although I was scared and nervous, the thought of being with Jace managed to keep a grin on my face. Sure, I had experienced sex before, but nothing like that. I had never felt such happiness in my entire life and he made me feel things that I never thought to be possible. It was both a good and bad thing.


Jace's deep voice broke me from my thoughts as I turned away from the window and smiled. He looked so calm. "Yes.” I smiled while twirling my finger in my hair.

The look on his handsome face was of pure happiness and I couldn't help, but to smile even bigger. "No matter what happens today with your mother I will always be there for you. I have been from the very beginning. Nothing will ever change that." He reached over and grabbed my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine, causing me to smile.

I glanced down at our hands and felt a wave of relief. His touch was so comforting.

Jace had been nothing, but truthful from the beginning and I couldn't see any reason to not trust him anymore.

I turned my head to look back out the window and rested my cheek against the hard, cold glass. It sent chills down my spine, but Jace's touch was enough to keep me warm. "Thank you," I paused to swallow. "For everything. For giving me a place to stay, for giving me a job-"

"I think you've already thanked me enough." He grinned. "That little thing that you do..." I laughed as Jace bit his bottom lip. "That was hot."

I flushed with embarrassment as I pictured it all in my head. I had to admit that I did have a few special moves, but nothing compared to the way that Jace made me feel. I’d gotten so weak in the knees that I’d almost fallen a few times. I had Jace to thank for being there to catch me.

The car became quiet as the hospital came into view. West View Hospital was written on the front of the brick building. The sight was enough to make me feel sick from nerves.

My hand tightened around Jace's as he pulled into the parking lot and began to search for a parking space.

Jace noticed my rough squeeze and slowly ran his fingers over mine to help calm me down.

Suddenly, his touch wasn't quite enough to silence my racing heart. Somewhere in that building, my mother was close to death or possibly already dead. I hadn't the slightest clue how to act.

After what seemed like ages, Jace pulled the car into a spot in the middle of the parking lot and shifted the car into park. He turned off the engine and then turned around to face me. His eyes were full of concern. "This is it. Let's hope that Caleb wasn't lying to us," he paused. "I would hate to have to kick his ass. Well actually, no I wouldn’t."

I pressed my hands to my head and shook my head. I’d never even thought about that.

I nervously ran my hands through my hair and leaned back into the seat. "Do you think that he would just make this all up? Give us a bogus address?" I started to panic at the thought.

Jace clenched his jaw and flared his nostrils. "The thought has come to mind, yes." He looked out the window and studied the brick building. "I didn't want to say anything because I wanted to have good faith for you. You deserve this."

I looked over at him and rubbed my forehead. "What's this?" I questioned.

A pained expression crossed his face as he reached for the door. "A happy ending," he said softly. "Let's go."

I carefully stepped out of the car and followed beside Jace, being sure to not fall as he grabbed for my hand and pulled me closer to him.

The cool wind hit us hard as we walked to the building and stepped inside. The numbing smell of Alcohol swabs and sickness hit me so hard that I felt nauseous and suddenly wanted to faint. I’d always hated hospital visits.

I was so nervous that I had to keep my eyes on the ground the whole way into the hospital and even up to the third floor, where my mother was. I was too afraid of falling over if I were to look anywhere else but there.

When we stepped out of the elevator and onto the third floor, a dark haired woman in purple scrubs greeted us. She stood up from her desk and leaned into the counter. "How can I help you, folks, today?" she questioned with a friendly smile.

Jace lightly rubbed my back as he pushed me closer to the counter. "It's okay," he whispered.

I took a deep breath and leaned into Jace for support. "Yes. I am looking for my mother." I paused to look up at the friendly woman. "Joyce Hale."

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