I shook Caleb's hand off my arm and crawled over to the corner. My heart was racing so hard that it became hard to think straight. Why? How?

"Avery, honey," my father said sweetly, his malodorous breath reeking of booze. "Your mother and I have missed you very much. I think that it's time you come visit your mother," he slurred, stumbling to the left.

I refused to look up even though I knew that my father was getting closer with each passing second. I was so confused that I just wanted to scream. Why was he acting as if he cared? It was all an act and I wouldn't be stupid enough to fall for his game.

"Go away," I stammered. "You can't control me anymore. I won't let you," I screamed. Inside I was terrified, but I wasn't going to let him take me away.

My father bent down and placed his hands on his knees for support. The look on his face was just as distant as I had always remembered.

He inched forward in an attempt to touch my face, but I pulled away. "I don't know what you're so upset about." He snickered. "Your mother and I have faith that you have changed your life around. You don't have to worry."

The words that he spoke left me in a daze and a bit confused. He was trying to turn things around and make me the bad guy. "But-"

"Avery, you're a good person," Caleb cut in. "Don't be ashamed. Your father told me everything. You're not that same person."

I slowly tilted my head up to look both Caleb and the scum in the eye. "Caleb, shut the hell up."

I pushed myself to my feet and waved my arms out in front of me in order to give myself more space. I felt as if I was suffocating. "And you..."I said looking at the man that was supposed to be my father.” Get the hell out of my life. I hate you," I spat while shoving him out of my way.

My father reached out and gripped my arm. "You listen here. You are coming with me and I don't give a shit about what you say." His grip tightened as he pulled me toward him and slammed me into the wall, his nails digging deep into my flesh. "Your mother is dying."

My heart dropped. Tears started pouring down my face and my palms started to sweat. The look in his blue eyes softened at the mention of my mother and I knew right away that he was telling the truth.

I stood there frozen against the door as Caleb watched with shocked eyes from beside us. "Dying?" I managed to choke out.

My father loosened his grip on me and leaned against the wall next to me. He threw his hands to his bloodied face and then up to tug on his messy hair. "She doesn't have long to live. You have to come see her," he muttered. "She misses you." He stumbled over, but smoothly caught himself before he could fall.

My mind spun as I slowly slid down the wall and placed my hands on my knees so that I wouldn't fall on my face. I felt as if I could vomit or pass out.

Deep down inside my mother wanted to be good. I could always see it in her eyes. The way they always softened when he wasn't around to hurt her. Shit! Hurt her. That bastard!

My eyes trailed over to my father's bruised and bloodied knuckles. "You piece of shit," I growled. "You did it to her." I placed my hands on the wall behind me and pushed myself to my feet.

Caleb's eyes went wide as he reached out and touched my arm. "Your mother is dying. How can you accuse-"

Without thinking, I swung my right arm out connecting it to Caleb's stomach. The impact hurt my hand, but it didn't stop me. Then I reached out, connecting my fist to my father’s left cheek, as he grabbed my arm again. It felt good to hit the man that had hurt me my whole life. "I hate you both," I screamed.

My father gave me that look. The one I had grown to remember. The one that had frightened me my whole life.

I took off running through the hall with my father following behind me. My heart raced as his footsteps got closer. I could hear Caleb not too far behind my father and I panicked.

I reached for the bathroom door and flung myself inside, slamming the door behind me. I quickly fumbled with the lock and then fell into the sink in relief.

My body jumped involuntarily as the pounding on the door began.

"Get out here you, little bitch," my father spat through the door. His voice was venomous and hateful. He pounded again, making my heartbeat skyrocket. "I will break this door down. Do you hear me?"

I backed away from the sink and crawled into the bathtub for safety. It was something that I did numerous times as a child while trying to escape my father’s wrath. I knew that it wouldn't save me, but it never stopped me from still doing it.

"Go away," I screamed, while throwing my hands over my ears and pressing firmly against my head to drown out the noise.

"Maybe you should give her some damn space," Caleb said firmly. "Pam never told me that she hated you so much. This was not what I expected."

I shook uncontrollably as I listened to them argue outside the bathroom door. Their voices began to blend and suddenly I was lost.

I squeezed my eyes shut and frantically started searching for my phone. If it were in my purse then I’m screwed. "Where is it? Shit!" I mumbled.

Finally, I felt the bulge of my phone through my leather jacket. I stared down at my phone, trying to see my contact list, but my vision blurry from the unwanted tears that wouldn't seem to stop.

"I'll give you some time to cool off. I'll be out here waiting for you." My father's voice taunted me from through the door. "Told you I'd find you."

I let out a deep breath and relaxed against the cool tub as I reached up to wipe away the tears. The mascara streaked my hand as I pulled it away and continued my search.

Dex told me that he would always be available if I needed a ride. I really didn't have many other choices unless I wanted to wait for taxi service.

It took me a few minutes, but I finally found his name. My whole hand shook as I firmly pressed the call button.

The phone rang three times before he answered. His voice sounded half asleep.

"Hello. It's pretty early. How-"

"Dex," I cut him off. "I need you to get me. I need to leave right now. Please hurry," I cried into the phone. As hard as I tried to hold back the tears, I couldn't. “It’s me… Avery.”

"Shit, Avery." he said in a panic. "Are you okay?"

I reached up to wipe my face off as I continued to cry into the phone. "No. I need to get out of here. Just hurry."

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