What kind of question is that?

Max grinned and took a long sip of his drink. "I agree. We would be hot together. Right, Jace? I wouldn't mind-"

"No. They're not. They just met tonight." Jace cut in. "Max is an old buddy of mine. We've known each other since we were kids." His lip twitched as he intently watched Max’s every move.

Max smirked while taking another sip of his drink, just brushing off the fact that Jace sounded annoyed with him. "Yeah we have, but I haven't seen you in how many years?" he questioned.     

Jace looked uncomfortable as he looked Max in the eye. "Let me see...about four years now." He ran his hand through his hair and looked away. "It hasn't been long enough.

Kat leaned closer to Jace so that her arm brushed against his. "That's a shame, boys. We all should get together and hang out. I'm sure the four of us could have a fun time." She crossed her legs in a sexual manner as she looked down at Jace's crotch. "I bet you're a big boy, and great in bed."

"Oh, I am." Jace muttered, looking me in the eye. "To both."

You damn, slut. I cleared my throat being sure to get everyone's attention. "I think that I'm going to bed." I started to get up from the loveseat, but froze as Max gripped my inner thigh.

"Stay, beautiful," he smirked. The party is just beginning."

"Get your hands-"

Suddenly, I was knocked out of the way, as Jace wrapped his hand around Max's throat and slammed him against the back of the loveseat. He leaned in close to Max's ear and jerked him away from me. "Don't you ever put your fucking hands on her again."
I jumped out of the way. Jace might've been smaller than Max, but that obviously didn't seem to matter to him.

Max coughed and pushed Jace's hand away. "Are you serious?" he questioned. He pushed Jace away and stood up from the loveseat. "We've been friends since we were ten and you're going to do me like this? I knew that you were still fucked up. You haven't changed." He flexed his muscles before rubbing his neck. "That's fucked up, bro."

Jace looked shocked by Max's words. He shook his head, brushing off Max's words and then pointed at the door. "I think it's best that you both leave." He walked over to the wall and slammed his fist into it, causing a picture to fall off the wall. It shattered into little pieces as it landed on the corner of entertainment center and then down onto the floor.

Kat jumped up from the couch and grabbed for Max's arm. She looked at Jace and then over to me. "Are you guy's dating or something?"

The room stayed silent.

"If not then you sure do act as if you're in love." She pulled Max to the front door as Max kept his eyes on Jace. "So much for having fun."

With that, they were gone, slamming the door behind them.

My heart pounded violently as Jace stared at me with concerned eyes. He studied me looking confused.

Not knowing what to do, I ran over to the broken picture and attempted to pick up the glass. I jumped back as a piece of glass pierced through my thumb, causing blood to ooze out. "Shit!"

Jace was by my side in an instant. He grabbed my thumb and looked it over. "Shit, Avery," he whispered. "Are you okay?" He pulled my finger to his mouth and lightly kissed it. My whole body shivered at the feel of his soft lips and the warmth of his sweet breath. "I'm sorry you had to see that."

I swallowed hard as Jace pulled me by the arm so that my chest pressed against his. "It's... okay." I managed to get out. "I... um-"

Jace placed his hand on my cheek and gently rubbed his thumb over my lip. My eyes closed involuntarily "You're so fucking beautiful," he breathed. "I don't ever want anyone to hurt you again."

We both sat there in silence, the only sound, being the pounding of my heart. It went wild in my chest making it hard to breathe. A feeling that I only got around Jace. "Jace. Don't say-"

I was cut off as he crushed his lips to mine. His hands shook uncontrollably as he gripped my face, running his fingers over our lips. His lips were soft and sweet, making me want to fall into him and let go of everything. The past. The future. Nothing seemed to matter. Just us.

We stayed like that for a while before we were forced to pull away, us both gasping for air. He gently tugged back on my hair so that I could look him in the eye. Those eyes. The prettiest eyes I have ever seen. They were beautiful and caring. So full of everything that I didn't deserve.

Please, stop looking at me that way. I'm no good for you.

I quickly looked down at the ground, pulling my eyes away from Jace's gaze. That was when I noticed the picture. It was of Jace with some woman. They were at some beach running through the water. The girl had short brown hair and big beautiful eyes. She was gorgeous and they looked so happy playing together.

Jace pulled away, nose flared as he noticed me looking at the picture. He turned his head, letting go of my face. "You should go and get a bandage on that cut." He swallowed hard, while gripping the picture frame. "I will clean this up."

I grabbed my cut hand and slowly stood to my feet. "Who is-?"

"Go and clean up, please." he cut in. His body language was tense as he looked away.

I turned my head away in frustration and shook my head. "Yup. I guess I should take care of this." I was somehow mad at him for not opening up to me despite the fact that I refused to do the same for him. It wasn't fair of me to be angry, but I was.

I walked into the bathroom and cleaned my finger off before wrapping it in a bandage. Again, I managed to upset Jace. Not to mention the fact that it was my fault that him and Max were fighting.

Once inside my bedroom, I shut the door behind me and leaned against the wall. My breathing quickened as I ran my fingers over my lips and closed my eyes. Jace's kiss still lingered on my lips, and the sweet taste of him had me on a high. My mind spun as I dropped to my knees and placed my head in my hands. What is wrong with me? Why do I want to scream?

Suddenly, my bedroom door swung open to Jace standing there breathless. His bare chest was hot and wet from the sweat that covered his body and dripped down to the top of his low hanging jeans. I wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch him. To feel the firmness of his bare skin under my fingertips.

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