Stacy's baby blues sparkled as she gathered up her things and threw on her apron. She looked amused by the old lady. “Hi, Jan. It’s good to see you too.” She grinned.

Jan pushed past Stacy and pounded her cane into the ground. “Damn, bubbly girl.” Then she scooted into her booth, while shaking her head.

Stacy ignored the old woman’s attitude and started humming to herself while smiling from ear to ear. I had to admit she was acting extra bubbly today.

"Spill it," I said.

Stacy glanced over her shoulder and attempted to hide her smile. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said with a giggle. "Can't I just be happy to work? Today Jace is making his-"

"Oh cut the crap." I smiled and leaned against the counter. She wasn't fooling me. "You're smiling so hard that its even hurting me."

She quickly stepped over and placed her hands on my shoulders. Then she started bouncing up and down like a hyped up teenage girl. I could already see where it was going. "I met a guy," she practically sang.

I couldn't help but to laugh. Some girls were just so silly and clueless when it came to men. It never lasted and no one ever truly cared. "That's great...I think," I muttered.

Stacy frowned and took her hands away from my shoulders. "Oh shoot." She slapped her forehead and shooed Winston away as he attempted to join us. "Not now, Winston. Girl talk." He tiptoed backwards and wandered back into the kitchen, trying to be invisible. "That was so careless of me. I forgot that you're single." She paused and pushed her curls from out of her face. She looked so sweet and innocent. "Tonight, me and you. We're going out." She laughed. "Girl’s night."

I threw on my apron and laughed to myself. "I don't know about that. I have something-"

"She's totally free tonight," Jace said from behind us, causing my heart to sink. "You girls should go out and have fun. You both deserve it."      

He smiled and patted us both on the shoulder. "Besides, I was planning on walking around naked all night," he said winking at us as he walked away.

We both watched his back as he walked into the diner and shook hands with his waiting customers. He really was something else. I didn’t understand how he was so calm and cool about everything.

Stacy's eyes went wide as she threw her hand over her mouth. She looked back over at me and shook her head. "Oh shit! Now that image will be stuck in my head all day," she pouted. "Poor Alex won't like that."

She wasn't the only one. I was already trying to shake the image from out of my head. Damn him. I had already gotten a glimpse of him naked and I had to admit that he was damn sexy. Guess I'm stuck going now.  "What time? Should I take a taxi and meet you somewhere?" I questioned.

She reached over and slapped my arm. "Don't be silly. I'll pick you up," she giggled. "I wouldn't make you take a taxi. That’s what friends are for. I'll pick you up at seven."

"Sounds like fun," I huffed. "We better get started."

“Yes we should,” she sang. “You can start by helping Jan.” She laughed and quickly ran away before I could object.

Oh joy. I looked over toward the grouchy old woman and grunted to myself. I was definitely not a morning person and it was too early to have to deal with a woman like that.

I walked over to Jan’s booth and watched as she played with the plastic bag that covered her hair. “Nice hair piece,” I muttered.

Jan looked up at me and yanked the bag from off her hair. Then she grunted and shifted in her seat. “These damn booths are so uncomfortable.” She puffed up the curls on her head and looked behind me. “Where’s that damn bubbly waitress?”

I leaned into her table and shrugged my shoulders. “I think you scared her off. Now what would you like to drink?”

Jan smiled and puckered her lips. “Get me a damn coffee with extra creamer,” she growled. “And I do mean, extra creamer.”

I laughed under my breath and turned my head away. I had no patience to care about my actions at the moment. “One damn coffee coming up. Extra creamer."

I got ready to walk away when suddenly I felt Jan’s hand grip my arm. I glanced down, looking her in the eye. “About time they got somebody that’s not so damn bubbly around here.” She smiled and then released my arm. “I’ll take some water too.”

“Sure. I’ll be right back.” I nodded and walked away. The woman wasn’t as bad as I expected. I guess old people liked it when people were mean back to them.    

We worked through the lunch rush and things didn’t seem to calm down until well after two o'clock p.m.

Exhausted, I plopped down into a booth and closed my eyes. I didn’t even have energy enough to grab a drink first. I definitely didn’t know how I was going to have the energy to keep up with Stacy later tonight.

“You look hungry.”

I looked up and tilted my head. Jace stood there looking proud with a plate of food in his hand. “I am. I’m actually starving.”

“Good.” Jace set the plate down in front of me and smiled. “Don’t fall in love too much.” Then he walked away and disappeared into the kitchen.

I stifled a laugh as I watched him poke his head through the window of the kitchen and smile. Falling in love has never been a problem of mine. I won’t start now.

I took a bite of the fried chicken, covered in white gravy and moaned. It was moist and full of flavor. Holy shit. This is delicious. I stuffed a few more bites into my mouth and attempted to hide my pleasure. I didn’t want Jace to know how much I enjoyed his chicken. He was too good and he already knew it.

I will never win with him…


Jace sat back on the couch and grinned as I reached for my jacket. Stacy would be arriving any moment and I just wanted to get the night done and over with. "What are you grinning about?" I questioned with my arms crossed.

He threw his head back and laughed. "You will see." He turned on the TV and stretched. "I'm going to have such a relaxing night. I can't wait until you leave so I can start getting rid of these damn clothes," he said tugging on his shirt.

That jerk. He's teasing me. He was enjoying every minute of my suffering. "I still have time. Maybe I will just call and cancel. Then you can keep your clothes on," I smirked. I pointed at my phone and pretended to look for Stacy's number. “Oh there it is.” Copyright 2016 - 2024