“It’s okay, Avery,” he cut in. “You don’t have to explain why you’ve never bowled before. I’m sure there are others out there.” He smiled and slipped his hand across the table, resting it next to mine. “You’re so...”

I stared down at his hand before pulling my hand off the table and resting it awkwardly on my lap. Don’t stop there. “I’m so what?”

Jace smiled as Maple approached the table with our food. “Cute,” he said calmly. Then he stood up to help Maple with our plates.

Maple slapped Jace with her towel and laughed. “You sit down. You’re not working. I am perfectly capable, young man.”

Jace sat back down throwing his hands up. “Yes, ma’am.” He grinned. “Thank you.”

A smile crossed my face as I watched the two of them. They were so comfortable with each other and I had to admit that it was rather cute.

“You two enjoy each other.” Maple paused. “I mean the food.” She laughed.

Jace grabbed his fork and looked over at me. “Oh we will.”

While eating, I looked across the diner noticing the same strange woman from last week. She sat in the corner of the diner, peeking over her phone in our direction. I could feel her stare burning a hole right through me, making me feel uncomfortable. She kept tilting her phone as if she were taking pictures of us. It was distracting and creepy.


He looked up from his plate of food and set his fork down. “What’s up?”

"Do you know that woman that is sitting in the corner behind you?”

He peered over his shoulder and then quickly turned back around. "Nope. I've seen her in her a few times but that's it," he replied. “Why?”

I shook my head, blowing it off. She was probably just hungry. It’s a diner after all.  “Just curious. She looks familiar. That’s all.”

Jace looked down at my fork as I played with my steak. “Now eat.” He smiled before shoving his food in his mouth. He somehow even managed to make that look sexy.

After eating, Jace tossed a ten-dollar bill on the table for Maple. Then I pulled out a five -dollar bill and threw it down on the table as well. Jace smiled and placed the saltshaker down on top of the money. "That's nice of you," he said.

I just shook my head before following him to the car. Maple was a sweet woman and she deserved money for her hard work. In the whole time that I had known her, I had never seen her without a smile.

After arriving back to the house, we spent the next couple of hours cleaning the house and just hanging out. It was so different from what I was used to and it felt nice. We made some small talk but I still couldn’t manage to talk about my past or my family. It was my dark little secret. A monster inside of me that I didn’t want to release.

“Thank you for today.”

Jace looked up from the loveseat and nodded his head. “Don’t thank me. Just promise to do it again someday.”

I couldn’t help but to look at his arms as he stretched them out behind him. I remembered what it felt like being close to him and my heart flipped in my chest just thinking about being in his arms again. “I’ll think about it.” I smiled at Jace before heading to my room to be alone. I needed some thinking time. Some time to be alone.

It was my 16th birthday and I was about to go on my first date. I had been crushing on Nate since the fifth grade and I was so excited that he had finally asked me out. I put on my best dress and threw my hair up in a bun. I wanted him to like me as much as I had liked him.

After I was dressed, I looked over at the clock to check the time. "Shoot!" He would be arriving any minute now. I was so nervous. Even more nervous because both of my parents had been drinking.

My heart stopped and I froze when I heard a light knock on the door. I needed to get downstairs so I could answer it before my parents. I couldn't let them ruin my first date. I was half way down the stairs when suddenly I heard a loud bang on the wall and my father mumbling to himself. Shit!

My father had the door wide open and my mother was in the background in a T-shirt and underwear. Nate stood there with a worried look on his handsome face. His blue eyes, usually so bright, were now dull and full of regret.

"Kid, do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into," My father questioned. "Look at her." He motioned back to me as I walked up behind him. My whole body shook.

My mother leaned back in her chair and let out a devilish laugh. It sent chills down my arms. My father joined her in laughter and grabbed a hold of my hair. "She's not worth your time. She's not worth anyone’s time," he said spitting in Nate’s face. "Get out while you can. Run off kid."

I yanked my head away from my father’s grip and grabbed the door. "No!" I screamed. "Nate."

Nate took one look into my eyes and I could see the fear in them. He slowly turned away and walked down the sidewalk. My heart broke with every step that he took.

"Come back, please," I cried. He didn't stop or even bother to turn around. He just left. Left me alone and broken.

I felt the anger build up inside of me and I lost it. I wasn't thinking. "Dad!" I screamed. "I hate you both."

My dad looked at me with eyes of fire. He was going to rip my head off. I had never spoken to him like that before. Even my mother froze in her chair. "You, little bitch."

I took off running toward the stairs. My legs gave out and I knew that I was dead.

I sat up in bed screaming. My whole body covered with sweat, as the tears rolled down my face. I grabbed my hair and pulled it out of my face, while glancing up to see Jace standing in my doorway shirtless. The sight startled me.

He didn’t hesitate before running inside my room and sitting on the edge of my bed. "Avery, what's wrong?" he questioned while grabbing my face. His hands were soft and warm. “Tell me.”

I stared up at him unable to speak. I felt my whole body quake as I started crying even harder. "I…I-"

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled my head against his chest. "Shh! It's okay." He ran his strong hands over my head and face and placed his head on mine. "I'm here. It's okay," he whispered.

I sat there in his arms for what felt like forever. I didn’t want to move. It was starting to become a normal routine for us. I leaned closely against his chest as he comforted me with his soft touch.

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