Jace raised an eyebrow and looked over at me. "Okay then. Thanks, Helen,” he said looking at the girl’s nametag with a smile. “Let's go. I'll help you pick out your ball."

I followed behind him as he walked over to lane five and set his shoes on the table. "Thanks. I have no idea how to choose a ball." It was true, as stupid as it sounded. I didn't know anything about bowling. I had only seen it in movies and usually they already had a ball.

He leaned over and picked up a pink ball with the number eight on it. It was scratched up and stained with dirt marks. He held it out and waited for me to grab it. "How does that feel? Too heavy?"

I placed my fingers in the holes and held it out in front of me. "It feels fine…I think," I said unsure. It wasn't too heavy or too light. I guessed that was what I was looking for. Please don’t embarrass yourself.

"Perfect," he said looking me in the eye. His gaze made my heart feel like it was on fire. His eyes were the most beautiful thing I had seen in my whole life. There was just something in them that gave me a little…hope.

After changing into our bowling shoes, Jace put our names into the computer. I looked up to see that my name was first. Again, I got nervous.

Jace grabbed my ball and motioned for me to follow him to the lane. "Let me show you and then you can do the second throw by yourself. It's pretty easy after that." He waited for me to walk over and then he placed the ball in my hand.

I stuck my fingers into the holes and looked down the lane. How was he going to help me? By telling me how to aim, or how far back to pull my arm before I threw? I was curious. "How are-"

He stepped behind me and placed his arm around me so that it was resting on my hand. Oh god. This is too close. He ran his fingers over mine, being sure that my fingers were properly in the holes. "You pull your arm back and then swing it down the middle of the lane," he breathed in my ear giving me chills. "You want to get your arm as straight as you can before you let go." He pulled my arm back and then swung it forward to show me. “Like this.”

After a few practice swings it didn't seem as hard as I expected. I gripped the ball tighter in my hand and peered over my shoulder at Jace. He looked relaxed in his white thermo and faded jeans as he looked back at me. I liked him this way. "I think I'm ready."

Jace let go of my arm and stepped away. "Good. Now kick some ass. I need someone that can challenge me," he said playfully. "That person might just be you."

I looked over at him and smiled. "Here goes nothing." I took a deep breath and studied the lane. Then I pulled my arm back and swung it forward, dropping the ball down the lane. Jace and I both watched intently as it swerved toward the middle of the lane and knocked down most of the pins. "Yes!" I screamed.

Jace walked over and wrapped his arm around my waist to pick me up. "Hell Yeah!" He looked down the lane and counted the pins that were still standing. "Only two pins left. You might just kick my ass if I'm not careful." He set me back down and poked my nose. "Don't put me to shame." He grinned. “Not just yet at least.”

I reached for the ball as it came back up and held it against my chest. "If I beat you then you owe me lunch." I teased suddenly, feeling confident.

Jace bit his bottom lip and crossed his arms over his chest. His tattoos showed through his thermo, causing me to smile. It was sort of sexy. "Deal," he smirked. "If I win then you have to let me take you to the movies."

I shook my head confused. What would he be getting out of that deal? I smiled and brushed my hair out of my face. "What's in it for you?" I questioned. I tossed the ball down the lane, this time missing completely. Damn!

Jace smiled before walking over and reaching for his blue ball. "Getting to spend time with you." He blew on his hand and placed his fingers in the holes before walking over and throwing his ball down the lane. He smiled as his ball knocked down all of the pins. “Nice! I wonder what movies are out right now.”

“Oh, shut up.” I laughed and stepped up to the lane. I jumped around in place getting out my nerves and then tossed the ball down the lane. It missed completely, landing in the right gutter.

"Oh shoot. Gutter ball," Jace said with a slight grin. "Don’t let the game wear you out too much. I wouldn’t want you falling asleep during the movie," he said joyously. “That would be embarrassing.”

I reached over and lightly punched Jace’s arm. He jumped back playfully gripping his arm with a pained expression. "Oh stop playing around." I laughed. "That didn't hurt.

He bit his lip and dangled his arm next to him. "I don't think I can move it. It might just be broken."

I lightly shoved him before he dropped his ball and threw his arms around me, his touch causing me to lose my breath. He tightly squeezed me and started tickling my ribs. "Stop!" I screamed through laughs. "I'm going to kick your ass, Jace."


We both froze and looked up to see a woman in about her early thirties standing above us with her hand on her hip. She was slightly too thin and her dark hair and green eyes resembled Jace’s. Her black pants squeezed her hips tightly and her red shirt was too short revealing faded scars that covered her belly. "Aren't you guys a cute couple?"

Jace looked shocked as he helped me to my feet. He stared at the woman in silence before he stepped forward and threw his arms around her. They were both stiff as they hugged each other.

Finally, after a few seconds of awkwardness they both pulled away smiling. Jace leaned in with a look of nervousness as he kissed her on the forehead.

"Jackie, this is my friend, Avery." He reached over and grabbed my arm to pull me closer. "Avery, this is...my sister Jackie." He looked between the both of us before his eyes wandered to behind where Jackie stood.

His sister? I was shocked. I had known Jace for almost two weeks and he had never mentioned a sister before. I just assumed that he was the only child. I knew that his father left his mother when he was sixteen but that was it. Apparently, either one of us talked much about our past or personal lives.

Jackie looked me in the eye and smiled. "Avery. That is such a beautiful name." She grinned revealing her yellowing teeth. She made me nervous. "Such a beautiful girl."

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