I turned my head away as Emma turned red and bit her bottom lip. "It's fine. I'll probably just have this one," I responded. "I'm not much of a drinker anymore." I took another sip and played with my straw as I desperately tried to avoid Emma’s malicious gaze. It had been five minutes and she hated me already. I hadn't even done anything to her.

Jace smiled and walked over to sit down next to me. "Well tonight you are." He grabbed my drink and held it next to my lips. "I'll make sure that you're safe." His eyes seemed honest. He slammed his drink back quickly and set the empty glass down at the edge of the table. “You deserve to relax a little.”

I leaned in and took a big swig of my mixed drink. The cool liquid ran down my throat and awakened every sense. I swallowed it quickly and took one more before setting my glass down on the edge of the table next to Jace’s. He was right. I did need to relax.

"That wasn't so bad now was it? I have more drinks coming," Jace announced.

Suddenly a perky waitress appeared with two tall drinks and two shots piled precariously on a small tray. "Here you go, Jace," she said, before placing them down on the table and walking away.

Matt, the dark haired cutie with crystal blue eyes and huge dimples appeared next to Emma and set two glasses down in front of her. She rolled her eyes and grabbed a glass before throwing her head back taking a long sip. Matt watched her with widened eyes and laughed to himself.  "How did you end up with a second round of drinks already?" he asked Jace, while eyeing the liquid courage.

Jace nodded his head and grabbed a shot glass handing it to me. His fingers brushed mine and he smiled. "I have my ways."

I looked down into the glass and jumped back when the strong smell hit me. "Really! Jack Daniels," I huffed. Was he seriously trying to get me drunk? I hated Jack Daniels.      

Jace grinned and sniffed his shot. "It's not that bad, Avery." He looked happy and as if, he really enjoyed spending time with me.

I couldn’t let him think that I wasn't grateful, so before I had a second to change my mind, I squeezed the glass tightly in my hand and slammed the shot down. The liquid burned as it slid through my parted lips and down my throat. The feeling was raw and caused me to cough violently.

Emma sneered as Jace reached over and patted my back.

I pushed Jace’s hand away and took a sip of my mixed drink. "I'm fine, seriously," I said, annoyed with Emma's reaction.

Jace downed his shot hungrily and then smiled at me with rich eyes. "You looked pretty hot doing that, just saying." Then he reached over and ran his finger over my lip. I jumped away, and he smiled. "Are you saving some for later because all you have to do is ask for another one and I'll buy it."

I pushed my shot glass away and stifled back a laugh. He was too silly and carefree for me to not to laugh.  "I think that I'm good for now," I replied, feeling the drink flooding through my veins. I felt alive and suddenly nothing around me mattered so much.

Emma glared at me dirtily before grabbing Jace by the arm. Her blond hair cascaded around her tanned face as she tugged his arm. "Come on," she breathed seductively. "Let's dance." Her black, low hanging dress did wonders for her perky breast. They were almost on full display as she eyed Jace as if he were her toy.

Jace scratched his forehead as if deep in thought before finally, standing up. His belt glowed in the darkness of the club as he towered over Emma. "I'll be right back," he said to me as a grimace creased his lips. I swallowed, nodding at him before watching as he turned around and followed Emma onto the dance floor. It was obvious that he didn't want to go, but for some reason still did.

A group of gyrating bodies surrounded them as they danced together underneath the glare of the disco lights. Emma draped her arms around Jace’s neck and began to swing her hips from side to side in a dance of unadulterated lust. My gaze didn’t focus on her though – instead, I stared at Jace. His dark hair and imposing frame had me in a daze. He seemed distant as he stared off into nowhere.

Suddenly, a hand tapped me on the shoulder. I looked beside me to be greeted by another member of the group. He was the owner of the vehicle however, we hadn’t exchanged words yet. He had short blond hair, golden eyes and a smile that looked as if it could make a girl melt from a thousand feet.

"Hi, I'm Reece," He smiled sweetly. "Come dance with me. I feel a little left out." He lightly grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet as I brushed a strand of hair out of my eye and smoothed down my dress.

The silver beads shimmered in the disco lights as I followed Reece over to the dance floor. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. Seeing Jace out on the dance floor was somehow enough to convince me to let Reece pull me out there. Either that or I just didn't want to look silly sitting there alone.

I stood by the side of the dance floor frozen for a moment as I tried to decide whether this was a good idea or not. However, after glancing over to see Emma grinding her slutty little body all over Jace and running her hands down his arms, chest and legs I knew I had made my decision. I wasn’t going to let her have fun while I sat bored and alone, looking silly, in the big bar.

I let Reece pull me out to the middle of the dance floor as I began to sashay from side to side. It was a new experience for me but it felt good and as I let the music consume me, I felt my body begin to loosen up.

Reece was dancing behind me, smoothly rubbing his body against mine as his hands explored my dress, fast, insistent fingers playing with the silver fabric that clung to my slender frame. However as his hands moved slowly up my dress to my breast I felt a pang of discomfort strike me.

I jumped forward and turned around to face him with narrowed eyes. "What are -?"

A thick, husky voice interrupted me. "Let me dance with her.” It was Jace. He didn't look pleased as he watched Reece walk away. He smiled at me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded my head.

I swallowed a lump in my throat as Jace grabbed me firmly pulling my body against his. His face was just inches away from mine as he gripped the back of my leg sensually and dipped me backwards until I could smell the Old Spice aftershave that lingered on his neck. It was strong, sweet, and intoxicating.

I felt a blush stain the porcelain of my cheeks as he leaned forward and pressed his face into my neck. Feeling relaxed, I leaned back and extended my neck as I let his body support mine.

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