He raised his head and said solemnly, "I'm sorry if you're upset about being turned, but I'm not sorry for doing it. Because whether you love me or not, Inez, I love you. You're strong, and brilliant and sweet and have a strength I've never seen in other women. This last week you've done whatever was required of you to help find Marguerite without complaint or allowing fear to stop you, even going so far as being the bait in the trap." He scowled and then admitted, "Though I have to say I thought that was rather foolish. I was really pissed at you for putting your life at risk like that."

"It sounds to me like you still are," she said quietly.

"I love you, Inez. It was hard for me to see you in such a vulnerable position," Thomas said, his expression solemn, and then rushed on, "Anyway, I'm not sorry I turned you. Even if you choose not to be with me, I'll not regret it. And I know we haven't known each other long, and you probably want time to get to know me better. I'm willing to give you that time. I-"

"Thomas," Inez interrupted, and he fell silent at once. "In ten hours I'll have known you one week."

"Well, really, we met months ago," Thomas said quickly.

She smiled faintly, but continued. "I'm usually slow and cautious in making decisions."

"I'm sure you've had to make snap judgments at work in critical situations."

"Our circumstances since we've met haven't been ideal, what with the worry about Marguerite, the need to find her, the attacks-"

"Inez," he interrupted worriedly.

"There has been a lot of pressure and stress. In effect, we've been living in a pressure cooker since your arrival."

"Yes, but-"

"In this week I've seen you worried, furiously angry, tired-"

"Inez," Thomas tried again with alarm.

"And despite all that," she continued, "you've made me laugh, and shown me more joy this last week than I've experienced probably in my whole life. You've been encouraging, and supportive, loving and caring, considerate and sweet to me."

"Well, except for that alley in Amsterdam," he pointed out guiltily. "And I'm really sorry about attacking you. I never would have if it hadn't been for the-"

"Thomas," Inez interrupted with exasperation. "I'm trying to tell you I love you."

"You do?" he asked, a smile spreading halfway across his face. "But then why did you tell Terri that you wanted to delay the turn?"

"It wasn't you. It was because of the pain involved," she said with a grimace and then admitted, "I don't like pain, Thomas. I mean I'm practically phobic about it. My whole life, I've avoided any situation that might involve pain. My dentist even has to gas me to fill a cavity." Inez shrugged unhappily. "I probably would have delayed and put it off as long as I possibly could if you hadn't had to change me to save my life. In truth, Blondie probably did us both a favor by precipitating the events that forced you to turn me."

"Precipitating the events?" he quoted, stepping closer to slip his arms around her waist and nuzzle her neck as he murmured, "God, I love it when you use big words."

Inez chuckled, her own arms slipping around his shoulders, as she reminded him, "Last time you said you liked it when I talk dirty."

"I do," Thomas assured her and scooped her into his arms, adding, "I also like it when you yell at me in Portuguese. I guess I just like to hear you talk."

Inez smiled wryly as he carried her to the bed. "That would be a good thing since you're going to be hearing me talk to you for a very long time."

"You say it like it's a threat," Thomas said with amusement as he set her on her feet beside the bed. "Trust me, it isn't. I look forward to spending the next countless centuries with your voice filling the silence."

"You're so sweet," Inez whispered, running one hand down his cheek, but glanced to the door as the muffled sound of the bathroom door closing reached them. "We should go down to join the others."

"No, we shouldn't. The turning is traumatic. Your body has been put through a lot and you need your rest," he assured her solemnly, his fingers beginning to work busily at the tie of the robe.

"Rest, huh?" Inez asked dryly as he finally got the knot undone and began to draw the robe open.

"Oh, yes." Thomas slid the robe off her shoulders and then bent to press a kiss to one breast as his hand closed over the other. His lips brushed against the quickly blooming nipple as he said, "Didn't you hear Terri last night? Bastien wouldn't let her out of bed for a week after her turn. There was a very good reason for that."

"I'm sure there was," she said, but his mouth had closed over her nipple, drawing on it lightly and the words came out a bit breathlessly rather than with the cynical tinge she'd intended.

Letting the nipple slip from his lips, Thomas straightened and kissed her again, his hands sliding over her body before he broke the kiss and said, "I, of course, shall keep you company to ensure you don't encounter any unforeseen difficulties."

"How considerate," Inez gasped as he caught her by the behind and lifted her to press her against the hardness suddenly straining his jeans.

"Marguerite raised me right," he assured her, bearing her down to the bed.

Her soft chuckle was muffled as his mouth closed over hers.

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