God, Daegan had to have him now, wanted to be in Gideon when his cock slid into Anwyn"s slick channel. Daegan pressed up against the male, guiding his cock to that well-lubricated entry. “Relax,” he murmured. “Push against me; let me in.” As he put the pressure there, the cant of his body leaned Gideon into Anwyn, so he knew Gideon"s cock was brushing that heated entrance. A shudder ran through him as Anwyn"s lips curved, knowing what she was doing to him. But she was trembling with her own need as well. “There you are, that fine, tight ass.”

He slid in slow, easy, knowing that Gideon"s ass was still pretty virgin. He was the only one who"d had it, and possessiveness streaked through him at the thought, so strong it surprised him.

Why does it surprise you, my love? Your need to own both of us is part of your love for us.

Anwyn"s desire-filled observation in his mind brought him all the way to the hilt in Gideon.

Before the man could get too caught up in the burn, Daegan clasped his hips, holding him tight and flush against him, feeling the press of his bound arms across his lower abdomen, the sliding clutch of Gideon"s fingers against his sides where he could reach. Then Anwyn reached down, closing her fingers around Gideon"s cock, and made him do a controlled glide into her.

It was indescribable. They were letting him into their minds, so Gideon could see and feel how synchronized they were, mind to mind, two Dominants controlling his movements with tormenting pleasure. As he sank into Anwyn, her body arching up to his, Daegan moved with him, until they were fitted together, the three of them, Gideon high and tight inside her as Daegan was inside of him.

Utter, perfect bliss. Anwyn met Gideon"s gaze and then his mouth with her own, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, her hands caressing Daegan behind him as well. Her legs rose to encompass them both, heels resting on Daegan"s bare hips. Gideon was held between them, his arms bound, directed by Daegan"s movements, more physically helpless than he"d ever been in his life because he was emotionally helpless at the same time, rolling on the ocean they"d created with no direction to go but where they took him.

Daegan withdrew partway, then slid back in, increasing that burning pleasure at once. He took Gideon with him then, pulling him back, pushing him into Anwyn as she made wet sounds of need with every thrust. Gideon thought he was going to die from it. Her cunt sucking on him, caressing him with every stroke. Daegan"s cock rubbing those dense nerves inside, hitting them with perfect accuracy.

The male set his teeth to his neck once again. Gideon knew he was about to mark him, but for the first time the tension that spread through him was all anticipation, something he wanted, maybe needed. It was crazy, but he was past questioning it.

Having Daegan in his mind, along with Anwyn, was yet another way he"d thrown off the lines and taken himself out into the sea of their own making, absorbing every thought and command, whispered emotion and physical response.

Beg him to mark you, Gideon. Give us the gift of your need.

He didn"t allow himself to think, merely let the thoughts flow out from a part of him he didn"t even know he had, an infant emotional trust that he knew she would bring to full maturity, with Daegan guarding his back.

Please. Finish it. Bring us together . . . Master.

Maybe he"d be embarrassed as hell to say it aloud, but right now Gideon felt it with everything he was. Anwyn met his mouth in a kiss. As Gideon groaned into her mouth, Daegan bit down.

Though he couldn"t see it, he knew it was an ethereal blue serum, like a piece of sky melting and flowing through the veins with the power of fire. Unlike the acid of the rushed third mark he"d received from Anwyn, something he knew she regretted for the pain but he no longer did, it roared through him with fiery, erotic pleasure. As it built with the orgasm, he couldn"t wait for the permission their minds were demanding of him. He tried, but oh, fuck . . . he couldn"t stop.

He bucked in their embrace, his mind tumbling between theirs. It felt like he had dropped deep into each of their souls. Then Daegan was pulling his head back, letting him smell the nick the vampire had made at his own throat. Gideon put his mouth to that heated skin and took his first draught of Daegan"s blood, willingly locking the manacle of the third mark firmly around his soul. Binding himself to them both.

You can come for us, Gideon. Give us all of yourself.

He didn"t know who uttered the command, or if it mattered. He released with no choice otherwise, convulsing between them, his movements spurring theirs so he had the roaring pleasure of feeling Anwyn"s cunt clamp down on his pulsing cock, her own orgasm rippling over him. They cried out together, holding on against the impact, bucking and savage, as the power of it stole away all sense of time or surroundings, except for the steadying power of the male vampire holding on to them both. Daegan kept up with their movement, called out in primal encouragement at their release. Then, on the receding tide of their response, the straining shudder of his body warned he could hold out no longer. Anwyn dug her heels into his hips and Gideon clamped down on him, bringing Daegan his release. The vampire let go with a deep-throated groan that pushed them up and over an even higher edge of climax.

It was a perfect joining, a perfect release. A perfect homecoming. A perfect trinity.


“So if I"m the exclusive entrée for both of you, should I have a permanent stash of cookies and juice standing by?”

Gideon turned his head into Anwyn"s hand, for she was idly stroking his hair. They had the gas logs going, the only light in the living room. She lay on the couch, temporarily sated, her lush body draped again in one of those silky robes she liked. Her small feet were folded together between Daegan"s splayed legs. The vampire wore a pair of jeans, carelessly undone at the waist as he sat propped against the other end of the sofa. One leg was bent and leaning against the sofa back, behind Anwyn"s legs and hip, the other long leg braced on the floor, his bare foot next to Gideon"s flank.

For his part, Gideon sat on the floor next to the large sofa, one arm loosely corralling his own bent legs. He was trying to decide if the soft throw rug felt good or odd on his uncharacteristically bare ass.

Daegan swirled the last bit of his wine in his glass, giving him a direct look. “You want me to feed from you?”

“Well . . .” Gideon shrugged, looked toward the wall. “I guess that"s part of the marking deal, right?”

Having two vampires in his mind could be a pain in the ass. Having two vampires who wouldn"t let him get away with any dissembling, any avoidance of his own desires . . . It sucked, but then again, it didn"t. Like the ass on the carpet, it was . . . good and odd at once.

“Mmm.” Daegan"s long fingers overlaid Anwyn"s as he leaned forward, snagging Gideon"s attention. “You want me to feed from you, vampire hunter? You want my mouth on no other human? Do not look away from me.”

“Thought you guys didn"t like humans looking you in the eye. Part of the whole subservient thing.”

Daegan"s brow arched, his touch descending to Gideon"s jaw. It was so different, to be touched by them both at the same time, the female and male fingers caressing him in different ways, Anwyn"s stroke through his hair a seductive pull, Daegan"s stronger, even more demanding tug.

“Except when a servant is doing it to avoid his own feelings.”

“Jesus. Here I thought you were a badass, and you"re one of those sensitive types who likes to yammer about feelings. What a turnoff.”

Anwyn"s chuckle didn"t change the set of Daegan"s expression at all. He held Gideon"s gaze, his lips unsmiling.

“Yeah,” Gideon said. “Yeah, damn it. Don"t really want you using anyone else other than me. It would piss me off. Happy now?”

“Ecstatic.” Daegan let Anwyn take over the stroking again and leaned back, releasing Gideon from that way too intuitive stare.

It was like opening a floodgate, though. Gideon wondered if he could get them to gag him before he humiliated himself further, but he had to say this part. And there was no gag for his mind, after all. “I should have fed you then, that night in Xavier"s. I wanted to.” His gaze shifted to Anwyn. Sometimes it was easier to meet her gaze. “If you hadn"t been so pissed off, you might have seen from my mind that I did. It freaked me out that I wanted it.

Which was why I acted like I didn"t.”

“I was a little too busy worrying about our lives to plunder your mind,” she said dryly, but her eyes softened and she brushed his cheek.

“But she wasn"t too busy to get pissed off about it,” Gideon offered to Daegan. The vampire grinned but gave Gideon a mental heads-up so that he dodged before Anwyn could smack him with the pillow she"d pulled out from beneath her. Since it would have hit him with the force of a basketball, he gave Daegan points for male solidarity. As it was, the pillow took out a lamp behind him. Gideon was on his feet and caught it with a swiftness that took him by surprise. “Wow.”

“A side benefit of a third mark from an older, stronger vampire,” Daegan noted. “As Anwyn increases in strength and speed, it will enhance you further.”

“Enhance me further, hmm? I"m not sure if she can handle anything more enhanced than what I"ve already got here.”

Anwyn rolled her eyes as Daegan snorted. “It can only stand improvement. It was good I was there to satisfy her, this latest time.”

“Hey, if I pitch strikeouts the first seven innings, I can afford to let you finish out the last two.”

Anwyn saw the flash in Daegan"s eyes, the way his lips pressed together against a smile.

The past twenty-four hours had belonged entirely to the three of them, and she"d loved every minute of it, hope growing inside her with every touch, every whisper of a smile, every sensual laugh, every quiet moment where they simply absorbed the bond they"d accepted. Every passionate moment that had taken them over that edge again.

Gideon would never be easy. Daegan would always be impossibly arrogant. She might always deal with shadows in her head. But together, she was less afraid of any of it. And she believed that bond would last. She and Daegan had kept their minds mostly open for these blessed hours, an unspoken agreement to give Gideon temporary access in the more intense moments they"d shared, to reassure him. To help him believe what was still so new and doubtful to him.

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