“No,” he said. “I don"t need it.” When he strode from the room, they exchanged a glance and followed him, puzzled, to the cells that held the women. Anwyn saw the same confusion of fear and hope that Gideon had confronted, but when they recognized what Daegan and Anwyn were, they shrank back again.

“I need to take some fresh blood from one of you,” Daegan said in his velvet, sensual voice, the one that stroked frayed nerves. “Not all vampires are like those here. It won"t hurt, and it

won"t harm you. Three minutes, and then I will be strong enough to get you out of here. You will be able to go back to your homes and families.”

He moved into the cell. There were no volunteers, of course, but Anwyn was surprised that he moved toward Sarah. But since she"d uncurled from her fetal position, she"d made it obvious she had the most spirit, even if she was weak from malnourishment and blood loss.

Maybe Xavier and his monsters had gotten bored with her and used her less than the newer girls. She looked like a wild animal, hair disheveled and no makeup. Anwyn assumed they let the girls bathe, because the stench in here was from sickness, blood and fear, not unwashed bodies. However, when she saw a coiled hose in the corner with a cold-water tap, the image of them being hosed down through the bars made Anwyn feel fury anew.

But Daegan was murmuring to her, as if to a wounded and abused animal, which she supposed was what Sarah was. While her fists were still clenched, her frightened, angry eyes watching him, she was trembling. The others shrank back, made no move to bolt toward the open cell door, as if they"d realized long ago how futile that was, only an amusing game for their captors.

“Your name, child,” he said quietly. “Do not fear me.”

“They called me Sarah. I don"t . . . I can"t remember my real name.” As she met his gaze, hers unexpectedly filled with tears at what she saw in his face. Perhaps she saw the truth, that he did mean to help. Anwyn knew Daegan Rei had that effect on a hurting woman.

Then, oddly, the girl"s eyes became unfocused, and she swayed forward, toward Daegan.

“Sarah,” he murmured. “Come to me.”

Gideon knew compulsion was a gift that some older vampires had. However, it usually worked only on a human whose blood the vampire had taken, unless the vampire was extremely powerful, like Lady Lyssa. Or in this case, Daegan Rei. As the magic spun its hypnotic web, Daegan drew her closer to his body so she leaned into him, getting lost in the folds of his duster. Her cheek rested on his chest as he stroked her hair to the side and bent his head. When he sank his fangs into the side of her throat, he released the pain-numbing pheromones immediately, for she moved in lazy sensuality against him, responding to it. As he drank, he pressed his arm around her back, stroking her, keeping her still, soothing her. It was probably the first kind touch she"d experienced in months. She certainly hadn"t experienced it from Gideon.

He turned away, unable to watch. Anwyn"s focus was all on Daegan. Reaching out from his head to hers, he saw the gremlins trembling in the corners of her mind like gladiators waiting for the gate to go up so they could charge the arena. He moved through that center area, going by instinct to help calm her, give her strength against them. He wasn"t sure she was even aware of the effort, as everything in her was attuned to the other vampire.

As Sarah"s hands relaxed, burrowing into Daegan"s coat and the increasing warmth, Anwyn"s clenched. Gideon wondered what thoughts were in her mind right now, but his own were so torn up, he couldn"t summon the courage to find out, to rise above the insidious gremlin chatter. It was safe there, black and white. His world was easier if he kept it that way.

He"d been there, right in front of him, offering, and Daegan had turned him down. I don’t need it.

Daegan had needed it; he just wouldn"t take it from Gideon, though he"d have given him ten quarts of his blood if it got him off that damn table and looking like the Daegan he knew.

Untouchable, capable of handling anything, even Gideon"s constant barbs.

Just because he couldn"t offer blood with fucking enthusiasm didn"t mean he wasn"t willing.

They"d lost precious seconds convincing and gentling this terrified woman to get the blood Gideon could have given in a blink. Damn it, he"d screwed up. He hadn"t meant to give Anwyn attitude at such a stupid time, but it had been knee-jerk. A reaction to what he"d seen rear its head in her mind at that moment, like a fire-breathing dragon, scarier than the voices, because it had been her, not them.

Yeah, he knew this environment was taking its toll on both of them, particularly her. She was working her ass off to keep the things in her mind under control, drawing on his energy as much as possible. But unfortunately, he knew the difference between what Anwyn, the tough-as-nails woman, would do to protect her own, and what the vampire blood thought it had every right to demand. Even though she hadn"t consciously recognized it, when she told him to go to the cells to get the blood, it was that voice he"d heard and seen.

If she"d thought fresh blood was necessary, she would have made him drag one of those girls in here and open up her vein for Daegan. Or done it herself. She would have stopped short of killing the girl, just as she said, but she would not have been denied. She knew she had the strength to force her will, and she would have used it.

Just as vampires always did when it came to a choice between what they wanted and what a human wanted. He knew his reaction to that was fucking idiotic. They were in a life-or-death situation. If something happened to her, he knew he"d go to extremes to protect her as well, care for her. But this was different. He could see in her mind, so he couldn"t tell himself he"d misinterpreted her emotions in the heat of the moment. She hadn"t thought of it as extreme. It had simply been an option available to her.

Daegan eased a weakened Sarah onto one of the bunks, drawing Gideon out of his mind, and Anwyn"s. The cot was filthy, but since the floor was worse, it was the better alternative. “Stay here with her,” he commanded the rest of the prisoners, as if they"d become active participants in the rescue. “We must dispatch the others before we can get you out, so you are safer in here until we have done that.” Then he was turning and leaving the cell. He left the cell door closed but unlocked. None of the girls moved, and Gideon didn"t blame them.

When Daegan turned toward the two of them, there was nothing remotely human about him.

Something had happened while he was drinking. His eyes had gone all the way dark, no whites, though there was a tinge of crimson to them. His movements were so eerily graceful Gideon realized he was moving almost exactly like a feline predator. Now he knew why Xavier had called him a captive lion. It hadn"t been an idle taunt.

Was the transformation the result of restoring so much blood so quickly, or was this how he looked right before a battle? Gideon didn"t know, but it kept everyone in place, waiting to see what he would do. Even he and Anwyn.

Daegan turned his attention to her now. “Take the west staircase back up to the club floor.

They don"t watch that one, because it only opens from this side and they don"t expect anyone but Xavier or his people to use it. Tell them Xavier finished his tour and you"re leaving. You can say your servant already preceded you.”

She stared at him, incredulous. “I"m not leaving you. There"s absolutely no way.”

“Yes, you are.” The deadly tone made it clear she wasn"t talking to Daegan, but to a warrior who would brook no argument from his troops.

Gideon could have told him that worked better on males. Anwyn crossed her arms and gave him an “I"m not buying it” look that made it clear she wasn"t going unless it was kicking and screaming. Gideon might have found some humor in it, but her earlier words, recalled to his mind now, made it no laughing matter.

I won’t run. Not ever again. Not when someone I love needs me.

“Cher,” Daegan said sharply; then he closed his eyes, sighed. “You have a vampire"s strength, but these are trained fighters, who are also vampires. I don"t doubt your courage. If we survive this, I promise to train you to be a guerrilla soldier.”

“Don"t patronize me,” she said sharply, but her voice broke, an unexpected snap. Gideon assumed that was the only thing that kept Daegan from roaring at her. Still, he had no time for tenderness. Instead, he stepped up to her, so close he forced her back a step. It also reminded Gideon that the only thing scarier than his Mistress was Daegan.

“You will obey me, so we know you are safe. If we do not make it out of here, you are the only one who has a chance of explaining to Lord Uthe, with the help of Lord Brian, what happened here. To keep Stephen and Barbra from wreaking havoc on the one vampire governing council that has a chance of keeping order among all of the vampires. I don"t have time to explain the Territory Wars and everything that went into the structure we have now, but they could dismantle it. I told you to trust me that all this is important. I need you to continue to do it. Do you understand?”

Her jaw was clenched so hard the muscle was flinching. When he put his hand on her cheek, she closed her eyes. Gideon stepped forward then, taking her hand. Thank God, she didn"t pull back, so she must have heard his mental apology for being an ass. “You aren"t running, Anwyn,” he said quietly. “This is different. You know it. There"s not a drop of fear in you.

This is what needs to be done.”

“You said „we," ” she said at last, a note of sullenness in her voice. “Why does he get to stay?”

“He"s a veteran soldier, Anwyn.” Daegan offered a grim smile. “If you would grant me the use of your servant, I would be in your debt.”

“They"re coming.”

Gideon snapped his attention to the cell. Sarah had spoken in a disembodied voice, and now she pushed herself upright from the cot, staring at him. Whether they"d marked her so they could enhance her fear or some other intuition told her, Gideon didn"t question it. Reluctantly releasing Anwyn"s hand, he crossed to the other side of the room, where fortunately Xavier and his thugs kept an assortment of weaponry. Apparently they"d been ready in case they were challenged by other vampires. He pulled a pair of loaded crossbows off the wall, verified the firing mechanisms.

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