On stroke five, Debra had pulled him halfway out of Anwyn again, so now he was forced to stay in that position, waiting, powerful body shuddering as Debra worked against those tight muscles.

Anwyn took her hand from her breast and crept to his buttock, applying pressure. “Slow, Gideon. Push into me until you can"t go farther, and then stop. Then suckle my breast.” He did, at a little swifter pace than Debra had managed, but she"d give him credit for not ramming home at this point. When he got there, he lowered his head. Unlike Debra, he didn"t look for further confirmation, a chance she might change her mind.

“Oh . . .” Her breath caught in her throat as his clever lips closed over her nipple. A hot, wet, demanding mouth, pulling hard. Her angry baby. A strained smile touched her mind at the thought, but no other thought was maternal as she cupped the back of his neck. “Let her in, Gideon. Push outward and relax. I want her deep inside you. Surrender to my will. Let me give you everything.”

That shudder again, his long fingers flexing. He"d moved one hand so it gripped her upper arm. She permitted it, knowing he needed an anchor, a connection between them. Debra made an approving murmur and Anwyn felt the sensation of it travel to her womb as Debra sank to the hilt in his ass, pressing her body against Gideon"s bare back.

“Good. There you are.” She reached up, stroked a hand over Debra"s bare shoulder, then down to Gideon"s rib cage. “Start fucking him, Debra. Ride him hard and take yourself to climax.”

She pressed her lips to Gideon"s temple as he nipped her and she gave a throaty moan. “As she does that, I"ll come. Then you can come, Gideon. You can use me as hard as you want, pound into me like a battering ram.”

She noted Debra glance at Brian, her eyes bright with desire, lips parted as she lifted her upper body to do as Anwyn bade. Brian met her gaze, nodded. Gave his permission for the climax. His green eyes were fierce with lust, and Anwyn knew she wouldn"t be the only one used hard before this was over. She wouldn"t be surprised if Brian called Debra over after and fucked her right there in that chair, hands cupped over that sweet round bottom, his gaze devouring the quiver of her full breasts as he pounded her down on him in a vulnerable straddle, making her keep her hands locked behind her so he had a Master"s access to all of her, no control over her own motion or balance.

It was what she would do.

As Debra began to move, Gideon let out another strangled snarl against Anwyn"s breast, renewed his suckling there with fierceness. The other one, Gideon. It wants attention, too.

He shifted his grip, yanked her shirt back on that side, so that the fabric tore, a button coming loose between their closely pressed bodies. He pushed the bra down and attacked that nipple, the animal taking over. The hand gripping her arm was bruising, but the other still held his weight mostly off her, so there was a part of Gideon still in there, taking care of her. As always. It swamped her, pushed her arousal up even higher, the emotional always capable of goading a woman"s physical response ever closer to that shining edge of helpless pleasure. The point where everyone, Mistress or slave, gave up control in favor of that mind-numbing bliss.

She"d noted that Debra brought a singular focus and intensity to every task, and this was no different. She was being very thorough, trying different strokes, speeds, angles, impacts, probably cataloging Gideon"s every response. Anwyn saw the colors of his mind go red and orange, a swirl of flame. He wasn"t suckling in rhythm anymore, just nipping and licking at her nipple in a frenetic oral need, anything to distract him from a climax he wasn"t going to be able to stop.

She"d punish him for it later, because she couldn"t stop her own. Just the friction of him holding still inside her, while lashing her breast with ravenous desire, was enough. Fuck me, Gideon. Let yourself go.

He lifted his hips, countering Debra"s weight and rhythm, and plunged downward. Hard, deep, pounding strokes, that snarl becoming a male cry of raging lust and release. Debra"s moan joined him, evolving into a high, thin scream as his motion took over the pressure on the stimulator. Together, they brought Anwyn to that edge and took her over, so they jumped together into that delicious free fall. The powerful shock of Gideon"s thrusts transformed her body into one long shudder of response that wrenched a cry from her own throat, one Gideon took into his as he covered her mouth in a needy, demanding kiss. He swallowed breath and sound together as they rocked to completion, turning in the flames of that red and orange field in his mind.

The power of it rolled over and through her, keeping her in its grip for longer than she anticipated. When at last it was done, an aftermath of relief and repleteness at once came in its wake. She"d taken command, taken control, just as she"d done a thousand times in the rooms above, and she hadn"t hurt him. The shadow creatures had been nearly still throughout all this, not even their normal buzzing murmur able to rise above the sound of hearts pounding, desire surging and the thoughts of need and lust ricocheting between their two minds.

The very first night, Daegan had told her she could choose to let go of control, stay in command of who she was by acknowledging she needed their help, needed to rely on them.

That she could trust them enough to allow herself that surrender. For wasn"t that what she demanded of a submissive? What she wanted so deeply from Gideon? Not just for a moment, here or there, but fully, totally committed, as Debra obviously was to Brian?

As she came down, shuddering beneath Gideon, his hard muscles quivered against her, his mouth pressed to her temple. Debra"s forehead was against his shoulder, both of them trying to keep their full weight off of her and yet catch their breath. It made her remember something else. Something that Gideon had said, about his brother and Lady Lyssa.

I’ve seen the relationship between a vampire and a servant, Anwyn. Between two of them who love each other. I’m not so sure that kind of ownership, the Dominance and submission, isn’t a fluid thing that goes both ways over time.

He was wrong about it in practice, but in matters of the heart, she knew what he meant. He was her servant; he would submit to her sexually, with some resistance, more or less, depending on his mood. However, if he was rough or violent about his submission, it balanced, for when she surrendered to him, to help her through seizures, letting him into her mind, he was as gentle with her as if he"d been given the most precious of treasures to protect.

She put her hand on his skull, holding his head to the side of hers, and caught some of Debra"s loose hair, pressing her lips to it in brief thanks, giving her the warmth of her eyes, since she was too wound up to smile. Debra nodded, but also, reading her cue, eased out of him and straightened, leaving it just the two of them, so Anwyn could wind her arms around him, hold him close.

Vaguely, she was aware of Debra dropping the strap-on to the side and going to Brian. His gaze slid over her naked body, lingering on the dainty ribbon at the tops of her stockings, the way the heels accentuated the tempting length of legs, the tilt of her ass. Her breasts were still rising and falling more rapidly with her climax, her lips parting at his regard. Placing his hand on her throat, he pulled her in to him as if he might take a kiss from her. Instead he paused just over her lips, holding her there. A tremor of need ran through her, her naked body almost but not quite touching his fully clothed one. He nodded after a weighted moment. “Go to the bedroom. I"ll be there soon.”

Lowering her gaze, she disappeared down the hall to the guest bedroom. Brian met Anwyn"s gaze. “I"ll sort this data out shortly. You can have your servant take off the sensors at your convenience. Thank you, Anwyn. I think Daegan"s right. I think you"ll get along quite well in our world. In fact, it"s likely you might teach us a thing or two.” A slight smile, and then he shut down the equipment and followed his servant, leaving her and Gideon alone.

Gideon lifted his upper body, running a thumb along her cheek. “Why don"t I carry you to the bedroom, Mistress?”

Her limbs felt heavy, her mind a bit disoriented. “Is there another coming? Another seizure?”

“No. But I think that may have taken a lot out of you. You were stressing about it a lot.

Afraid you might bite my head off or something, like a vampire praying mantis.” She pressed her lips together against a smile. “I"m never going to teach you proper respect, am I?”

“As I told you in the beginning, this is as good as it gets.” Anything better might kill me, Gideon. She put her mouth against his shoulder as he lifted her. She was in fact somewhat logy. “You were magnificent. We may have inspired Brian to fuck Debra within an inch of her life.”

“He needs to reassert his claim, make sure her sticking a dildo up my ass hasn"t made her forget she belongs to him.”

“Do you think that"s childish?”

“Not at all. Just the way we guys are.” He slanted her a look. “You already knew that.”

“That men are childish? Definitely.”

“That what we did would make him react that way.” He"d come into their bedroom and she was grateful to see the soft quilts and inviting pillows. Gideon put her feet on the ground, pulled back the cover, and then helped her ease in. She held on to his arm, pulling him in with her. Stay with me until I fall asleep.

As long as you need. He folded his arms over her chest as she turned her back to him, fitting herself to his planes and corners. “So why did you do that?”

“You know why, if you were listening in.”

He shook his head. “Murky relationship-plotting stuff is a female foreign language, even direct from your head.”

She bit his arm, gently, but enjoyed the way her fangs pressed into the flesh enough to take it deeper, find blood. He held her, didn"t pull away or flinch at all as she enjoyed several drops, for pleasure, not hunger, and then traced the puncture wounds with her tongue, helping them close. “Daegan said they were the perfect Master-servant relationship, each one understanding how the relationship is supposed to work. I guess I see more there, simmering under the surface. I wanted to bring it to the top. Maybe for myself, more than them.” And maybe for Gideon as well, to remind him of what he"d said about his brother and his Mistress. She closed her eyes. She did herself no favors, making futile gestures like that. But Gideon"s arms tightened around her. He said nothing for a while, and then, when she suspected he thought she was asleep, she heard his thought.

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