“What’s going on, you guys?” I ask again, trying not to be paranoid.

“Nothing,” Tegan insists. “Nothing except my stomach rumbling loud enough for them to hear it in China.”

I look back and forth between them. Tegan is smiling, too bright. Brit looks uncomfortable, and Sophie glances nervously back to the couch.

I suddenly lunge for the laptop, and flip the screen open again. “What were you looking at? Come on, I just—”

My words die on my lips.

Blake’s Babes! Star gets frisky with Selena and Bethany on wild night out.

It’s a gossip blog, plastered with photos of Blake and two gorgeous women. I recognize Selena May, the hottest young actress in Hollywood right now, nestled in close, whispering in his ear. On his other side, some Victoria’s Secret model has her arm wrapped around him, pouting at the camera.

My heart drops.

“These are old photos, right?” My voice wavers. “From months ago?”

Please let them be old. They have to be old.

Tegan slowly shakes her head. “They’re from last night. In New York.”

I stare at the screen in a daze. As if possessed, my hand moves to click through the rest of the photos. There’s Blake in some bar, dancing with Selena. There’s them in the booth, drinking and partying. And then there’s the three of them stumbling out of the club and into a cab, looking like they’re having the wildest party in town.

Sources say they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. But which lucky lady made it home with Blake? Knowing this Romeo, maybe he didn’t have to choose.

I gulp, tears stinging my eyes.

“You know it’s all bullshit,” Tegan says, coming over. She puts a hand on my shoulder, and gives it a supportive squeeze. “Remember those stories about him and Lila? They said the same thing, and you know it was all made up.”

“This is different,” I say quietly, my heart aching.

Different, because instead of coming home for my birthday like he promised, Blake went out partying with a room full of gorgeous women.

Different, because when I check my phone, he still hasn’t called or texted me.

Different, because suddenly, I feel the distance open up between us again. Between his life and mine; between the paparazzi, and supermodels, and A-list hangouts, and me, slumped here in my old pajamas, feeling like I’m sixteen all over again.

He doesn’t even realize I’m waiting on him.

“C’mon, I mean it about breakfast.” Tegan tries to smile, like she can tell what I’m thinking and wants to distract me. “Just wait before jumping to conclusions. Blake will be home soon, I bet he’s got an explanation. You guys can talk and straighten it out.”

I nod and let her pull me to my feet and down the hall to where Brit and Sophie are already busy making breakfast: the radio on, pans and griddle clattering with noise. I take a seat and let it all wash over me, and I pray that they’re right. This is all just a misunderstanding, and everything will be OK.

But if that’s the truth, then where is he now?


“Hey, it’s me, just checking in again. I don’t know if you’re flying back, but…I hope the meeting went well. Call me.”

I hang up, feeling like a total needy idiot. It’s almost noon, and I still haven’t heard a thing from Blake. I don’t know what’s going on: if he’s moping somewhere because he didn’t get the role, or on a flight, or…

Or still in bed with Selena and Bethany.

No! I cut off that thought, and turn my attention back to work. If I can keep busy, maybe it will distract me from all the questions whirling in my mind. Even without Blake around, things on the movie production are moving full speed ahead. We’ve been shooting around his absence, all the scenes with Lila and the supporting characters, and now we’re back at the beach, getting shots of Lila walking in the shallows, gazing contemplatively out at the ocean.

Dash is down by the water’s edge now, talking her through it. He sets everything ready, and then yells, “Action!”

Lila slowly turns to the water. I watch Dash direct the cameraman to zoom in on her face. I can see the emotion in her eyes. She looks sad and confused—just the way I feel right now. Slowly, she walks the shoreline, heartbreak written all over her face.

“And, cut!” Dash yells. “Perfect, love. It’s a wrap.”

“Finally!” Lila rolls her eyes, the vulnerable expression gone in an instant. “Do you know how freezing this water is?” She wades out and makes a beeline for the trailer, angrily shaking off the assistant who comes to offer her a warm robe.

Dash catches me watching and smirks. “I told you she’d warm up once you got to know her.”

I manage a smile. “Anything you need on the script?” I ask, wanting some distraction.

“We’re all set, thanks.” Dash looks around and exhales. “Can you believe we’ve just got another week left? I thought we’d never get this far.”

Only a week? My heart twists again. Here in the Beachwood Bay bubble, everything seemed safe, but now with the end in sight, all my insecurities build again. I’ve seen what Blake’s life is like out there in the real world. Hell, the front page of all the gossip magazines will remind me tomorrow if I ever thought to forget.

So what happens with us?

“Damn, I forgot,” Dash suddenly curses. “I wanted to tell Lila we’re switching back to the reunion scene after lunch, see if we can get some good takes while it’s clear overhead. Can you run and pass the message along?”

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