“Just because my brother took off on you doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate,” she says, ushering me inside. “Look, girls night!”

I step into the living room and laugh. She’s got the whole place set up for a slumber party, with pillows and blankets, and junk food on every table. Brit waves from her perch on the floor, her mouth full of popcorn, and Carina is on the couch showing photos on her phone to another brunette woman who looks familiar.

“It’s my first night away from him,” she’s saying, before she looks up and sees me. “Happy birthday!”

I go hug her hello. “Where’s little Sawyer?” I ask, referring to her three-month-old. “I haven’t seen you around town at all since he was born.”

“He’s with the sitter,” Carina says, pushing back her blonde hair. She looks about as tired as Garrett’s been, but there’s a new glow about her too. “I can’t believe I get a whole evening without someone grabbing for my boob.”

“Speak for yourself, I miss my boob-grabber.” The other woman gives a wicked smile.

I laugh.

“You remember Sophie, right?” Tegan introduces her. “You met at New Year’s.”

“Right!” I exclaim happily. “You’re the one dating Dex’s bandmate, Austin. Wow, the gang’s all here.”

“Don’t forget me.” A voice comes from behind us, and I turn to find Dex’s fiancée, Alicia, coming in from the kitchen with a tray of cocktail glasses. Her red hair is pulled up in a casual knot, and she’s wearing one of Dex’s shirts with her jeans.

“When did you get in?” I exclaim, surprised.

“Just this afternoon,” Alicia smiles, coming to kiss me hello. “Perfect timing!”

“Perfect to spend some quality time with your fiancé,” Dex mutters, slinking past.

“Hey, out!” Tegan points. “No boys allowed.”

“You’re lucky I love you like a sister,” Dex tells me darkly, “otherwise I’d never let you steal her away on her first night back.”

He heads for the door. Tegan jabs him playfully in the ribs as he passes. “Don’t give me that puppy-dog look. Garrett’s at the bar with Ryland, you guys can drink beer and watch grown men wrestle, or whatever manly things you like to do.”

“While you girls braid each other’s hair and talk about boys?” he shoots back with a grin.

“Absolutely,” Alicia teases him. “And we can’t do that with you lurking. Go on, get out of here.” She gives him a kiss, then pushes him out the door.

“Are you sure?” I ask her, concerned, as the door closes behind him. “You’ve been away for weeks now, I won’t mind if you spend the night with him instead.”

Alicia waves away my concern. “He’s always on the road, touring with the band. It’s time he got a taste of his own medicine.”

“Besides,” Sophie adds from the couch, “anticipation is half the fun. It’ll be worth the wait, right?”

“Right.” Alicia grins.

Carina snorts. “You can keep your wild sex, thanks very much. I’d settle for a single night of sleep.”

“Awww, you don’t mean that,” Brit says. “And you love it, right? Being a mother.”

Carina rolls her eyes, but she can’t stop the massive grin spreading across her face. “Fine, I love it. I love every single dirty diaper and drooling vomit-y moment.”

“Eww,” I laugh. “No boys allowed tonight, and no dirty diapers either.”

“I’ll drink to that!” Tegan raises her glass in a toast. “To the birthday girl!”

“Happy birthday!”

The chorus washes over me, and I feel that lump well up in my throat again. I always hated birthdays because they made me feel so alone, but here I am, surrounded by friendship and support. Everyone in this room came to hang out with me tonight, and just looking around at all the warm faces makes me realize just how far I’ve come.

I’m not that lonely girl, hiding out alone in the stairwell at school anymore. I’m not the one stuck sneaking my lunch in the library rather than face sitting alone in the dining hall; I’m not curled up in my bunk on a Friday night, wishing plaintively that I had someplace to go, and somebody to do it with.

I’m here. I made it through, just like Blake promised all those years ago, and now my life is full of friendship and adventure, just the way I always wanted.

It’s a dream come too.

“You OK, babe?” Tegan slides her arms around me, hugging me as I take in the scene.

I swallow back my happy tears and smile. “I’m perfect,” I smile, hugging her back. “Everything is just perfect.”

“I’m glad.” Tegan squeezes me. More than anyone else, she knows just how much high school messed me up, and the scars I’m still trying to ignore. “It’s great to see you in your element. Not just with my brother, but with the movie too. I can tell you really love it.”

“I do. It’s funny to suddenly discover you can do something,” I smile. “I mean, I always loved movies, but I never thought about being a part of it myself. But Dash doesn’t think my writing sucks, and who knows what could happen if I take the time and really learn something?”

“Anything could happen.” Tegan grins. “And speaking of movies, who’s ready for a Clueless/Pitch Perfect double bill?”

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