“You’re right,” I agree, more because it sounds like he’s trying to convince himself than anything else. “She’ll be great in the end. And hey,” I add with a wink. “If you have any more wardrobe issues, just let me know. I’ll go take her a latte.”

Dash laughs. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“What are you guys whispering about?” Blake interrupts from across the table.

I wonder if that’s a jealous spark in his eyes, so I give him a mischievous smile. “I was just telling Dash about your starring role as Scrooge,” I tease him.

Blake groans, and Dash looks back and forth between us. “This I’ve got to hear.” He takes a gulp of beer and sits back expectantly.

Blake shakes his head. “Nothing to hear, man. Just tales from the jobbing actor trenches.”

“I hear you,” Dash nods. “I’ve made some cheesy wedding videos in my time to pay the bills. Not to mention getting hired for a memorial video…for some kid’s dog.”

“Seriously?” I splutter on my drink with laughter.

“Oh yeah,” Dash grins. “I used old home video footage and photos, set the whole thing to ‘My Heart Will Go On.’ They loved it.”

“See?” Blake tells me. “There’s no job too small when you’re paying your dues.”

“You don’t have to tell me,” I add. “I’m the one who spent an hour picking green M&Ms out of the pack.”

“OK, you win.” Dash clinks his beer to my glass in a toast.

We stay chatting in the corner booth for another couple of hours. Once I get over my initial disappointment at not being alone with Blake, I have a great time. It’s fun getting to know the others, and Dash is a blast, full of stories from past movies and insider Hollywood gossip. And I enjoy the time with Blake too: seeing him relaxed, unwinding after work. I realize most of the time I’ve spent with him has been at a big event, or with the rest of the Callahans. I can see there’s something different about him on his own. He’s quieter, less outgoing, content to sit back and watch the conversation, rather than be the one cracking jokes, the center of attention all the time.

“Another round?” Dash asks.

Blake shakes his head. “I think I’m heading out,” he says, reaching for his jacket. “I need my beauty sleep if I’m going to shoot first thing in the morning.”

“Damn right you do,” Dash agrees. “OK, Zoey?” he asks.

I stifle a yawn. “I better go too. Early start.”

“Pathetic,” Dash grins. He scans the bar, before spotting a couple of women at the bar. His expression brightens. “See you guys tomorrow.”

He heads over with a charming grin, and within seconds, he’s gesturing Garrett over to buy them a round.

“It’s alright for him.” I smile ruefully, turning back to Blake. “He doesn’t have a five a.m. call time.”

“Oh, Dash will be on set before anyone,” Blake promises. “I don’t know how he does it. He can run on like, an hour’s sleep. I just wind up looking like crap if I don’t get a good eight hours.”

“And God forbid we do anything to ruin that perfect face,” I joke, reaching up to pinch his cheek. Blake laughs and ducks away.

“Hey! What am I to you, just another piece of meat?”

“Yes, but I’m sure you taste delicious.” I shoot back my flirty quip without thinking.

Blake’s eyes flash darker. Suddenly, the air seems to crackle between us, like there’s nobody in the bar but us.

I lose my breath, lost in his eyes. For a moment, we’re suspended, then Blake looks away. “Come on then,” he says gruffly, and heads for the door.

What was that?

I stand frozen a moment, my head spinning. It was like we were back on the balcony again, the chemistry shimmering between us.

I didn’t imagine it, after all. There’s something still happening between us.

Quickly, I grab my purse and hurry after him, catching up just outside the doors in the dark parking lot. My heart races as I draw level.

“Hey, wait up.”

Blake stops. His shoulders are hunched, he’s got his hands stuffed in his front pockets, and he’s looking anywhere but at me. “Where are you parked?”

His voice is curt. I blink. “Um, I didn’t. I mean, I walked.”

“Fine, I’ll walk you back then,” Blake says, but the offer has no warmth in it.

I blink, confused. He’s shut down completely, like he can’t wait to get away from me. Whatever happened inside is as much a memory as our kiss.

“You don’t need to babysit me,” I say, wrapping my jacket tighter against the chilly breeze. “I’ll be fine. It’s not far.”

“C’mon, don’t be stupid. You’re at the B&B, right?”

Without waiting for my response, he starts striding in the direction of the street. I follow, getting annoyed now. “I don’t need an escort,” I cross my arms, walking faster. “This is Beachwood Bay, what’s going to happen: some nice old lady comes along and charms me to death?”

“I’m not letting you walk back at night, alone,” Blake growls. “I’d kill Tegan if she pulled something like this.”

“I’m not your sister,” I snap.

“You think I don’t know that?”

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