“Move!” I yell, tossing him his sweats and taking off for the door, my heart racing like thunder in my chest.

“Wait, get back here!” The guard yells, breaking into a run, but we don’t stop. I dart out the side door like my feet are on fire, clutching my dress to my naked body. Daniel slams it shut behind us and takes off after me as I heads for the elevator.

I stab the button, yanking my dress over my head. My underwear is still somewhere back by the pool, and I feel a pang for those cute panties, but that’s quickly replaced by panic as the guard emerges from the pool area, huffing for breath. He sees us down the hall here, and starts towards us.

I hit the button again, “Come on, come on …”

“Take the stairs!” Daniel calls. He grabs my hand and yanks me after him as he sprints for the stairwell. He throws the door open and pulls me through, racing up the stairs two at a time.

The sight of his naked ass bouncing up the stairs is too much for me. The craziness of the situation hits me all at once, and I stop, suddenly overcome with laughter. “Wait, wait!” I exclaim, gasping.

He turns to check if I’m OK, but I can’t stop laughing. “Which floor are we on?” I ask, through spluttering laughter.

Daniel stares back, blank for a minute, and I realize my dress is clinging to my damp body, my hair wet against my face.

“I … don’t know!” He starts laughing too, clutching his bunched up sweats over his naked crotch.

“Oh God!” I shake, clutching the railing for support. He fumbles in the bundle of clothing to find our keycard. “Four oh six!” he declares.

“Shit” I yank his hand, still giggling. “We’re going the wrong way!”

I pull him back downstairs again in a mad dash, our bare feet thumping on the carpet and our laughter echoing into the stairwell. We burst through the door on the fourth floor, and I barely have a chance to register a shocked-looking older couple by the elevators before Daniel throws open our door and we pile into the room, slamming it shut behind us.

I collapse on the bed with a gasp. “Oh my god! I thought for sure we were busted. If he’d come in just ten seconds earlier …” I send up silent thanks that the security guard didn’t interrupt the best goddamn orgasm of my life. “I can’t believe we just did that!”

Daniel gapes, leaning back against the door. “It was your idea!” He protests.

“I said skinny dipping,” I correct him. “The rest was all you!”

“Not everything …”

Our eyes lock, and suddenly, my laughter dies in my throat. My body shivers with awareness, my heart pounding loud. I’m suddenly aware of everything: us, alone in the small hotel room. Wet and breathless and practically naked.


After all this time. Here, with me.

My breath catches, just looking at him. My pulse races with a new nervous rhythm. After what we just did, I shouldn’t feel so awkward around him. I’ve tasted him, felt his hands on my body, cried out for more … But what happened down at the pool — that felt like a dream to me. The hush of the empty room, the soft lap of the water on our bodies … It wasn’t real, like something from my most secret fantasies come to life.

Now, here? This is for real.

Daniel slowly walks towards the best. My body tightens with anticipation. I’d dreamed about what he’d be like, but nothing had been as sweet as the feel of his body between my thighs, and the havoc he wreaked with his fingers. Jesus. I can still feel the golden haze of my orgasm drifting through my veins, but already, I want him all over again. More of him.

All of him.

Daniel pauses, standing above me. “Your turn,” he says slowly.

I blink, my mind empty. “What?”

“Truth or dare?”

My heart stops. There’s no way I can risk telling him anything true, not with my defenses stripped all the way back, my mind scattered and reeling with lust.

“Dare,” I tell him, my eyes never leaving his.

Daniel gives me a wicked smile, and I swear, I’ve never seen him like this: so powerful and deliberate. He always seemed so gentle and polite around Juliet, I never for a moment guessed he could have this darker, dominant side lurking beneath all those preppy Oxford shirts. It thrills me right to the core, shooting wild sparks through my bloodstream as he takes another step towards me, cocking his head to trace his gaze over my body: a burning, possessive stare.

“Take off your dress.”

“Is that the dare?” I try to claw back control of this situation — I’ve let go too much already, I can tell. Down at the pool, I forgot myself, I let the magic of the moment sweep me away into pure pleasure, but now, I have to remember: he’s not mine. He’ll never be mine. This is only for tonight, and if I’m going to make it out with my heart intact, I need to keep it hidden.

Daniel shakes his head. “Think of it as part one,” his eyes flash hotly. “Do it.”

I bite my lip, teasing him as I rock forwards onto my knees. I slowly pull up the skirt and shimmy the damp fabric over my head, tossing it aside in a whisper of silk.

Daniel reaches the edge of the bed and lets his sweatshirt drop, so he’s standing naked in front of me.

I inhale in a shiver. He’s breathtaking. Taut muscle, slim and powerful. I drink in the sight of him, the curve of his abs, the spiral of dark hair going lower …


He’s hard, thick and gorgeous and ready for me. Daniel’s lip quirk with a smile. I move forwards, reaching for him, wanting to tease and taste him, now, but he steps back.

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