‘You didn’t hear this from me. Removal, to an unfriendly nation that practices, amongst other things, capital punishment. And by removal, I mean that all record of their having been guests of Her Majesty’s Government has been stricken from the record.’

On intuition, Lorne said, ‘This was against your wishes.’

Garth leaned tiredly back in his chair, drained his glass and ordered two more. ‘It was done to send a message to certain people. As you seem to have guessed, to my mind it was the wrong sort of message to send to the wrong sort of people.’

‘I think,’ Lorne told him kindly, seriously, ‘that you should think about getting out while the getting’s good. Ken’s gone and quit. Well, not quit exactly, but he’s moved on and taken his family to Cornwall. Arthur Allenby, our Superintendent of Detectives, has moved on as well. As things stand, I don’t like the look of your future, but we could sure as hell use you. Why don’t you put in a bid for Allenby’s job?’

Garth’s face broke into a broad smile, causing Lorne’s eyes to narrow.

‘You crafty bastard! You’ve done so already, haven’t you! Garth Williams, I never took you for a piss-taking wanker!’

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