‘Shush! Just a sec, luv.’ He was listening intently to the wireless.

‘ . . . and following examination it appears that Anthony Pringle’s death is highly suspicious, that it was a botched attempt to give it the appearance of an accident. Rumours abound over allegations of sexual misconduct with minors. This matter has been further compounded by the discovery of the partially decomposed remains of at least five children, though at this point any connexion is pure speculation . . .’

‘That’s Dad’s case, isn’t it?’ Monica said very quietly, her eyes wide, when David switched off the wireless.

David regarded her wryly. ‘The one you’re not supposed to know about! But yes, that’s the one.’ He sighed, his mien anxious. ‘No wonder Dad wanted to dump the matter into Security’s back garden. This is getting out of hand!’

Regarding him seriously because of the possible threat to her child and the one as yet unborn, she said bluntly, ‘Should I be worried, David?’

He was about to answer when the phone rang.

At that same moment Richard Dixon had just left his parent’s place where he had deposited his wife and child. As he drove away something in the rearview caught his attention- a black car, moving at a high rate of speed, had just come to a lurching halt in front of his parent’s place. By the time the four men had got out Richard had radioed for help and was bearing down on them.

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