‘Now, I can well understand why you wish to leave this matter in our hands, but as your unfortunate dilemma has now become our unfortunate dilemma, we have no choice but to seek help where we can find it, which of course refers the matter back to yourselves.

‘The devil of it is, this may well be a serious matter with no foreseeable resolution. On that score, I suggest you continue with your investigations and pass along any further materials which come your way. For our part, from here on in we shall run interference as needed: if they decide to drop the axe upon your necks we shall intervene, though subtly, deflecting the blow rather than interposing ourselves too obviously. Remember, gentlemen, our best weapon is to allow these people to expose themselves (if you’ll pardon the pun) hopefully giving us the chance to capitalize on their over-confidence.

‘As I remarked before, as this case very probably will go on unresolved, I suggest that you pursue it only passively: that is to say, don’t investigate when they drop little hints in an attempt to irritate your curiosity, but do so only if they stick their necks out. In general terms, this means going back to your regular duties for the most part. This in itself might cause them to lose interest altogether, but I do not think so.’

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