‘You’re not saying they’ll try to bury it?’ Ken said, mistaken comprehension setting in.

Lorne huffed. ‘That’s the least of it. Because of the content, fake or not, they’ll try to bury us! Or worse!’

‘That’s easily remedied,’ Ken told him dismissively. ‘If we up and tell ‘em we know real from fake, they’ll be on board. Why wouldn’t they be?’

Lorne shook his head impatiently as Ken spoke. ‘No, no and NO! They’re going to try to squash this like a bug. If they get so much as a whiff of how this might play out in terms of public perception, the whole lot of them will know what we’re about and they’ll try to hush it up! They’ll call in favours, and faster than you can get a Catholic woman pregnant, they’ll be on us like a weasel on a lame duck.

‘No matter how you look at it, we’re screwed! There’s no point in giving this stuff to the media because of censorship! We don’t have the negs of the real photos, so they can claim that all of these pictures are cleverly doctored fakes! Even with the hard information we’ve got, they’d go over our heads, confiscate the lot, see to it that every last one of us got the sack, and that’s just for starters! There’s no telling what they might do to us, or to our families.’

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