“Hey everyone,” Hunter begins, smiling broadly. “We’re really happy you could all make it out on such short notice. I know we were pretty mysterious about this whole thing, but there’s a very special reason we asked you all here today.”

Brit slips an arm around his waist. She looks beautiful, her dark hair pinned back from her face with a crown of tiny wildflowers. “As you know, we’ve been planning our wedding for a while now, with plenty of, uh, disagreements along the way.”

There’s laughter, but something in my heart catches. My heart beats faster, a strange feeling of dread washing over me.

“Well, we were talking the other day, and we asked ourselves what the big deal was about,” Brit continues. “Neither of us really want a big formal occasion, what matters to us is sharing the day with the people we love. Like you guys.”

Oh God. I stare at them in horror, it all clicking into place. The sudden party, why all of Hunter and Brit’s close friends have flown in from all over the country.

The flowing white dress.

“Surprise!” Hunter laughs. “We’re getting married right now!”

There’s a beat of silence, and then the whole backyard explodes in cheers and celebration. Dex claps along beside me, laughing, but my blood has turned to ice in my veins.

Hunter’s getting married. Not in a few months, some distant, far-off date. But here, today.

I watch him and Brit accept congratulations, hugging their guests, full of joy and anticipation. I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel. Everything is whirling inside me, a storm of confusion and doubt.

“See?” Dex turns to me with a grin. “Aren’t you glad we came? You wouldn’t have wanted to miss out on this.”

I nod, still reeling. We’re being directed into the old barn, which has been decorated for the occasion. Bright wildflowers are hanging in bunches from the walls, and folding chairs are set out, forming a central aisle that leads to a makeshift altar with a bridal arch. Blue fabric hangs from the beams overhead, matching the cute cushions set on every chair. It’s colorful and relaxed, homey and beautiful.

Everything I know Hunter would want from his wedding day.

Dex leads me to a seat in the back, still looking happy to be included in things.

“Can you believe it?” I’m hugged from behind. I turn, finding my friend Carina with Garrett in tow. “I never guessed for a moment. But then, I’ve been kind of out of it. This little one isn’t letting me get a wink of sleep.” She rubs her swollen belly with a sigh.

“I didn’t know either,” I answer faintly, but she’s already reaching across me to introduce herself to Dex.

“As in, the Dex Callahan?” Carina pushes back her blonde hair and gives me a meaningful look. “Alicia, you’ve been holding out on me.”

Garrett chuckles. “We’ll let you ladies catch up. Dex, you want to come help me out? They need to bring more chairs out from the house.”

“Sure thing.” Dex drops a kiss on my cheek as he passes. “Be right back.”

Carina sinks into a seat as the men leave us. “That’s better,” she sighs. “I don’t know how I’m going to take another few months of this.”

“You look great.” I try to pull myself together. “Pregnancy suits you.”

“Say that when I’m dry heaving at three in the morning,” Carina says with a wry look. “Garrett’s a saint, he keeps getting up to bring me ginger ale.”

“That’s sweet.”

“But enough about me.” Carina fixes me with a knowing look. “You’ve clearly been having more fun.”

I blush, self-conscious.

“Tell me everything,” she demands. “I didn’t even know you were seeing someone!”

“I’m not,” I reply. “I mean…Maybe.”

“But is it serious?” Carina demands, peppering me with excited questions. “No wait, don’t answer that, the way he was looking at you is plenty serious. But how do you feel? Are you just being casual, or is this for real?”

My head spins. “I don’t know.”

Carina looks disappointed, but she quickly hides it. “Sorry for the inquisition,” she adds. “Call it the matchmaker in me. I’m nesting like crazy right now, I just want to see everyone else settled and happily ever after too. Like Hunter and Brit.”

“Like Hunter and Brit,” I echo numbly.

I look around, my eyes catching on the couples here today to celebrate the big day. Emerson and Juliet. Lacey and Daniel. Even Carina and Garrett are here together. My friends, all busy building lives together with their loved ones: a solid foundation, the kind of real, dependable relationship I’ve craved for so long.

Partners. Lovers. Friends.

I feel a hand on my arm. Dex is back. “I think they’re getting started,” he nods to the front of the barn. Everyone takes their seats and turns to where Emerson is standing up as best man beside Hunter.


He doesn’t look nervous, just calm, standing perfectly still. Waiting for his bride.

I used to dream that was me. I’ve played out this scene a hundred times over, imagining every moment: the music, the flowers, the dress. And that look on his face, about to start our lives together.

But when the music starts, I’m not the one who comes walking down the aisle. I’m not the one he sees in the long white dress. Everyone else turns to look at Brit, but I can’t drag my eyes away from Hunter as he watches his bride make that slow walk towards him.

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