
My lips crash against his, hungry and desperate. For a moment, he stays frozen, but then with a ragged growl, Dex clasps me against him and claims my mouth with his. Every moment of pain and loneliness, every self-loathing sleepless night, I feel it all in his kiss. He clutches me like the world is ending, and I’m the only thing that can save him. And God, I’m right there with him, lost in the hunger and sheer breathless need of his embrace. The kiss takes us under, it splits the earth apart, and leaves nothing but our ravenous bodies and desperate mouths. I lose myself in him, in his strength and regret, in his grief and hope; I find his darkness and I refuse to look away.

I’ll take all of him. I’ll take everything he is.

Dex breaks away, and the look in his eyes is enough to make my blood burn, a fevered inferno in my veins. He gazes at me with an intensity more than desire, more than need, cradling my face in both hands as we both gasp for air.

“I made you a promise once,” he says, his voice harsh. “That I wouldn’t take you until you were begging for me. Until the only thing you wanted was me sliding deep inside. Tell me you feel it,” he demands, his hands threading in my hair, holding tight. “Alicia, tell me you’re there, because I don’t think I can wait another fucking second.”

I’m dizzy, reeling from that kiss and the crescendo of pure emotion. But my body, oh, my body shudders to hear his words—already wet and aching to have him fill me.

“Yes,” I murmur, clinging to his chest. I feel like my body is a live wire, shaking in the wind for a single touch. “Dex, I need you. Please…”

He answers me with a searing kiss, and then he lifts me in his arms, effortlessly carrying me up the stairs to the house. I cling to him, wrapping my legs around his torso and claiming his mouth again, greedy for another taste as he strides down the hallway to the bedroom and throws me down on the soft mattress of the master bed.

My heart catches in my throat. He’s looming above me in the fading dusk light, a tattooed angel with a ferocious passion in his eyes. This time I know there’ll be no holding back.

I want it all.

I reach for him, and then Dex is on me: pinning me to the bed with his hard body, grasping me to him as his lips explore every inch of me. He strips my shirt away, yanks down my bikini top and closes his mouth over my breast in a hot, wet lick.

Oh! I cry out, arching up against the delicious rasp of his tongue, toying with my nipple, his hands sliding over to my other breast, making me crazy with electric sensation until finally he takes the tight nub in his mouth and sucks. Pleasure crashes through me, and I’m mindless, writhing in his arms. I tug his shirt over his head, greedily running my hands over the muscular planes of his shoulders, his back, his chest to revel in the feel of him. I grind against him, feeling the hard length of his desire straining against my hip.

Dex groans against me. He grabs my hands away, pinning them above my head with one hand, and then returns his attention to licking down my body, nibbling and nipping at me in a cacophony of pleasure and sharp, delicious pain. He shoves his knee between my thighs and Lord, I gasp from the hard friction, there, right there, where I need it most, where I’m clenched and aching for him.

“You want me.” Dex’s voice is hoarse, grating with lust. He fixes those dark eyes on mine, and rocks into me again. “You want me filling you, deep inside. You want my cock sliding into your wet, wet pussy.”

“Dex,” I whimper madly, twisting under his touch. He slides a hand over my breast, palming, squeezing it, sending a new rush of heat between my thighs. His fingertips follow the path of my desire lower, lower, across my naked abdomen and down to the waistband of my shorts and then over the fabric, rubbing me softly through the cotton until I cry out again, desperate for more.

With a growl, Dex yanks my shorts down, taking my bikini bottoms too, tossing them aside before I realize that I’m naked now beneath him. But there’s no time to think, or even breathe, before Dex takes my thighs and spreads them wide, setting my knees up over his shoulders and burying his face between my legs with a possessive growl.

He licks up inside me, and I lose my mind.

I scream, bucking up against his mouth. Dex shoves me down with one hand, locking me in place as he laps, and swirls, and suckles at my clit, driving my body into a panting frenzy, strung out, clutching at the sheets. I can hear myself moaning for him, wanton and shameless, but I can’t stop, oh God, don’t stop now. His rhythm is relentless, driving me on, inch by gorgeous inch towards oblivion. That tongue, sliding over me, again and again, dipping lower to plunge inside me, fucking me slowly, too slowly, as every nerve in my body twists tighter and I beg for release. But he’s the one in control now: holding me down, drawing back to tease me, then devouring me with a new determination. Pleasure rises, echoes of bliss shivering through me, but it’s not enough, never enough, until he thrusts two fingers deep inside me and I bear down on the thickness with everything I have.

“Dex!” I cry, gasping. “Please!”

I don’t even know what I’m begging for, not until he curls his fingers high inside me and begins to pulse, fucking me hard as his tongue draws against my clit, faster now, sending fire through my bloodstream. I can feel my body rising into him, cresting higher, and I clutch his head, tangling my fingers in his hair, wanting to meld his mouth to my body, shuddering on the edge of an infinity only he can provide.

“Look at you.” Dex lifts his head, watching me from between my thighs as I gasp and moan. His fingers keep pulsing, sliding deeper as the pleasure takes hold. His eyes glitter darkly, victorious. “You’re so fucking beautiful, coming undone. Just for me, baby. This is only for me.”

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