Not here. Not like this.

“Dex!” I say it again, stronger, and push at his chest.

He releases me in an instant. “What?” he demands, his eyes glittering and dark with lust.

My stomach twists. Dear lord, I want this man.

“People. Here. Can’t.” I barely manage to mumble the words. Coherent thought is beyond me now.

Dex looks around, slowly slipping back to reality. The sound of people in the parking lot, just around the building. The noise of music, drifting from inside the bar. The marina, ocean bright and blue just down the street.

“Fuck,” he swears in a low mutter. He reaches for me again, but this time, it’s a hand cupping my cheek, gentle and reassuring. He inhales a ragged breath, twisting his lips in a rueful smile. “I’d give every damn cent I own to be back in my bedroom right now.”

I flush, recovering. “Me too,” I whisper. “But, I don’t think my net worth stacks up to yours.”

Dex gives me a dark look. “Some good it’s doing me now.” He takes another breath, and then adjusts his jeans. “Damn woman, you’re killing me right now.”

“Right back at you,” I say, weak and breathless.

He smiles at me, then laughs. “Come on, you wicked thing.” He scoops me against him, smoothing down my hair and dropping an affectionate kiss on my forehead. “We can pick this up at home. After all, you owe me on that bet.”

“What are you talking about? You didn’t win!” I protest, following him back to the car.

“I was about to,” he replies.

“Almost doesn’t count.” I pretend to pout. “It was a draw.”

“So we both pay a forfeit?” Dex raises his eyebrow. His gaze turns hotter, and my heart skips another beat. “I like the sound of that.”

I slide into the passenger seat, my body singing, my blood twisting tighter. On fire. Doesn’t he realize I don’t need a bet to make me do his bidding?

Anything he asks of me, I’ll do.


The drive back to the beach house is barely a few minutes. When we pull into the driveway, my heart is still racing, my blood burning hot and hungry in my veins.

I have no idea what’s going to happen next, and oh, how that thrills me.

Dex shuts off the engine and gets out, so I open my door. Before I can take a step, Dex is at my side, taking my hand and pulling me to my feet. I stumble against him, only a little by accident, and relish the feel of his body, hard and muscular against mine.

I flash back to the sight of him half-naked last night and feel a shudder.

I want to see his body again. And this time, I want to touch.

I head for the front door, but Dex tugs on my hand, stopping me. “Not that way,” he grins, leading me around the side of the house to the pool area in back. It’s the first time I’ve been down here, and I drink it in. Luxurious loungers are lined up, facing the turquoise pool and the stretch of golden beach beyond. Dex picks up a remote, and then a moment later, music starts to play from hidden speakers set all around the pool.

“This is amazing, like a hotel,” I tell him.

“Better.” He slides his hands around my waist, laughingly pulling me back against him. “Because I’ve got you here all to myself.” He drops his head to kiss along my shoulder, and I shiver, closing my eyes.

For a moment, I just breathe it in. The evening sun, warm on my skin; the scent of saltwater in the air. Dex’s arms holding me tight against him, his body, hard against my back.

Then he murmurs into my ear with a throaty, low rasp.

“Let’s go skinny-dipping.”

“What?” I break away, turning in surprise. Dex grins back at me, looking devious and sexy as hell.

“The bet was for anything I wanted,” he reminds me with a wicked smile. “Well, I want this.”

I blink, my mind racing. “In the pool, right now?” I stutter. “But…but…”

The thought sends a thrill straight through me, but it’s broad daylight. Open to the beach. The kind of crazy stunt I’ve never dreamed of pulling.

“I can’t,” I tell him, my heart racing. “Anyone could see.”

“Suit yourself.” Dex shrugs, and then before I can say a word, he suddenly sweeps me up in his arms, takes a running jump, and hurls us into the pool.


The cold water hits me in a shock. I shriek as it closes over my head and then I’m under, flailing in the deep. But Dex’s arms are still tight around me, and he doesn’t let go for a moment. He kicks off the bottom, pulling me up to break the surface with a gasp.

“What the…?” I splutter, wiping water from my face. I tread water, gasping for air with my dress clinging heavy around my body. “I’m soaked through!”

Dex grins, splashing in lazy circles around me. “Your choice,” he laughs. “My way would have been easier.”

“I can’t believe…you just…” I try to stay mad at him, but the water is glorious, cool and refreshing in the summer heat. And Dex…Lord, he looks good. His wet hair is plastered close to his skull, and as I watch, he strips off his T-shirt and tosses the wet ball over to the edge of the pool.

“What do you say?” he grins, his hands moving down to the waistband of his jeans. “Want to give that skinny-dipping a try?”

I bite my lip, watching as he splashes out of his pants too. They join his T-shirt on the tile, screwed up in a wet heap. His hands go to the waistband of his underwear. Copyright 2016 - 2024