“Two,” Dex recovers. “To start. But not those,” he stops me as I lift a packet from the shelf.

“Why not?”

He winks at me. “We’ll need the extra-large.”

My mouth drops open. I hear myself make a garbled noise as Dex smoothly reaches for the packet and tosses it in my basket. My head is spinning all over again, but he places a firm hand on the small of my back, and guides me towards the checkout lines. I stand, silent, as the cashier scans and bags my items.

Every time I think I have the upper hand with Dex, he goes and proves me wrong.

We’re just leaving the store when there’s a noise behind us.

“Excuse me, Dex? I mean, Mr. Callahan?”

I feel Dex’s body tense beside me. He turns. There are a couple of college co-eds clustered nearby, staring at him with wide-eyed disbelief. “Ohmygod,” one of them squeals, a blonde girl in a tank top and cut-off jeans. “I told you it was him!”

“We love you,” the other girl gushes, looking like she’s about to bounce right off the floor. “I have all your music, I went to see you in concert last year. You were amazing!”

“Thanks,” Dex replies. He gives them a smile, but his grip on my hand has tightened. “I appreciate the support.”

“Can you sign my shirt?” the blonde begs. “Becky, give me that pen.” Her friend passes her a sharpie, and she thrusts it towards Dex—along with her ample chest. “Right here is good.” She points to her breasts, and giggles flirtatiously.

I blink in shock. Is she serious?

Dex clears his throat, then reaches to sign his name lower, along her stomach instead. He scrawls his name quickly.

“Do me, do me!” her friend begs, so Dex signs her shirt too, across the shoulder. The girls gaze at him in total adoration.

“When will you release a new album?” the blonde asks breathlessly.

“No time soon,” Dex shrugs. “Look, we’ve got to get going.” He slings a possessive arm around my shoulder. “You girls have a nice day.”

“Wait!” the blonde calls as we’re walking away. She whispers to her friend, and then hurries over, passing Dex a slip of paper. “It’s our number. Just call, if you wanna, you know, party.” She giggles again. “With both of us.”

“Sure,” Dex answers curtly. He pulls me away, and the minute we step outside, he crumples up the paper and tosses it in the trash. He strides towards the car so fast, I have to hurry to keep up.

“I can’t believe she hit on you like that.” I shake my head. “I was standing right there!”

He shrugs, his posture still tense. “That’s nothing. I’ve seen some crazy shit, girls showing up to my hotel room totally naked, offering to blow me just to get backstage…”

“Every guy’s dream,” I try to tease him and ease the tension, but Dex shakes his head.

“It wasn’t like that. Those girls, they’re barely legal. They could be my sister, you know? Watching them debase themselves like that…” He scowls. “They don’t even want me, they just want the story to tell all their friends. Or the tabloids.”

He reaches the car and wrenches the door open, tossing my shopping bag in the backseat. I can feel the anger radiating off him, a desperate reminder of his past he can’t escape.

My heart aches for him, a sudden pang.

I cross around the car, reaching up and quickly pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Dex tenses against me in surprise, but then he slips his arms around my waist and draws me closer, kissing me deeper; a slow, languid kiss that melts the tension from his body and send my senses reeling with bliss.

I could kiss him forever, and never come up for air.

Finally, Dex draws back. He stays close, resting his forehead against mine.

“Thank you,” he whispers. “I needed that.”

“Anytime,” I murmur, gently stroking his cheek. “You ready to get out of here?”


Dex opens the door for me, and I slide back into the car. I’m beginning to see that his famous rock star lifestyle isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. He may have the gorgeous house and the fancy car, and his songs playing on the radio, but there’s a darker side to fame. I can’t imagine what it’s like having everyone know his name: flocking around like those girls, demanding his attention. No wonder he moved way out here to try and get away from it all.

“Where now?” I ask, as we pull out of the parking lot. “Back to the house?”

“It’s up to you.” Dex turns to give me a dangerous smile. “We could go make good on that private show you promised me…”

My stomach jolts with delicious anticipation.

“Or, we could take the long way back, stop off for some lunch,” he offers. “Your call.”

I pause, not sure what to say. My pulse is still racing from kissing him, and a part of me is demanding that I do it again as soon as humanly possible, but the other half is still holding back, nervous.

Before I can reply, my stomach answers for me, letting out a loud rumble.

“Oh my god,” I exclaim, embarrassed. “I guess I forgot to eat breakfast.” That plus the fact I was too nervous to do anything but pick at my food last night means that I haven’t eaten since yesterday morning.

Dex chuckles. “Lunch it is.”

I exhale, almost regretting the choice. But as he turns onto the highway, Dex reaches across and casually rests his right hand on my leg, inches above my knee. He squeezes gently, the heat blazing through my dress.

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