His gaze went to Sophie. Her eyes widened in recognition at his words. He’d said them to her, the night they first met. He’d been joking, at first, but he knew now just how true they were.

“Love is just the beginning,” he finished, still looking at Sophie. “What comes next, that’s the real adventure. Here’s to you, Dex and Alicia, for the next part of your journey.”

He raised his glass, and everyone followed suit.

“To Dex and Alicia!”

Dex nodded across the table, and mouthed “thank you.”

“Anytime,” Austin winked, then sat back down. Sophie leaned in.

“That sounded familiar,” she said and squeezed his hand.

“Really?” Austin drawled, teasing her.

Her eyes glittered with mirth. “Some guy tried to pick me up in a bar with that same line.”

“Sounds like a smart guy,” Austin grinned. “Whatever happened to him?”

Sophie smirked back. “He got lucky.”

“Damn right he did.” Austin drew her closer for a kiss. “And our luck’s going to stay, just you wait.”

Sophie melted into him. This love, she could believe.


Carina & Garrett

After dinner, the party kicked up a gear. They set up speakers, cleared space for a stage and a dance floor, and started the real show. Live bands and singers, all of Dex’s music world friends took their turn, dedicating special songs to the happy couple. The music and laughter echoed out across the bay as the sun sank lower, and the sky streaked with blazes of pink and gold. Carina watched them all pack the dance floor, but every time someone came to try and pull her into the fray, she shook her head.

“I’m beat,” she protested, tucked in a corner with Garrett and the baby. “You go ahead!”

Juliet pouted, but was all smiles as she lead Emerson onto the floor.

“You can go,” Garrett told her, still cradling Sawyer against his chest. “The little guy and me will be just fine.”

Carina looked at the men in her life, and felt her heart melt all over again. “It should be illegal for you to look this good,” she scolded him playfully. “Hot Dad of the Year award, right here.”

Garrett chuckled. “Sure, catch me first thing in the morning changing his diaper, and you’ll be taking that back.”

“Never,” Carina swore. Garrett had taken to fatherhood like a natural: up every time he heard a cry; playing with Sawyer for hours, even placing up his seat on the counter at the bar so he could chat to the baby as he did his early-morning set-up. Becoming a parent may have been stressful and tiring, but Carina couldn’t imagine what it would have been like with any other man at her side.

She had a good one, right here.

“Did we tell mommy how beautiful she looks today?” Garrett rocked Sawyer, and gave Carina a wicked look over the baby’s head. “Now, if you could just sleep extra-late tonight, I might even get a chance to show her for myself.”

“I’m going to hold you to that,” Carina warned him with a grin. With the new baby, they had to steal time together alone whenever they could. But even running on three hours sleep, Carina was never too tired to share a moment with him.

“We could ask Jules to babysit…” Carina suggested. “You know she always loves to look after him.”

Garrett shook his head. “Not tonight. I think Emerson has something special planned for them.”

He opened his arm and beckoned her closer, so Carina pulled her seat in, until she was snuggled in his embrace with Sawyer. She leaned back, feeling a new glow of contentment as she watched her family and friends celebrate all around. Maybe some people could take a life like this for granted; she knew her old sorority friends couldn’t understand why she was building a home here after leaving the glamor of her old world and designer parties behind, but Carina knew the truth: she was more blessed here with love and belonging than she’d ever known in her life before. Sometimes, she would be doing something completely ordinary—unloading laundry, or rocking Sawyer on her shoulder as she watched a movie with Garrett on their couch—and she would be struck all over again with a sense of gratitude, so deep and true it took her breath away.

Not everyone got a second chance like this, a love to last forever.

Garrett watched Carina as she leaned her head against his chest. Even now, she made his heart beat faster, just by touching him. “What are you thinking?” he murmured, brushing his lips against her silky hair.

“How lucky we are.” She tilted her head up to him with a smile. “You, me, Sawyer…it’s everything I ever wanted.”

Pride swelled in his chest. Pride, and fierce possession.

“Me too,” he said, holding his family tight. “Me too.”


Tegan & Ryland

The sun set, but the party continued late into the night, a glitter of candlelight and lanterns, and the silver of the half-moon reflecting off the ocean. Tegan had long since switched her heels for sneakers; she spun around in a swirl of bridesmaid silk and danced in the sand until her feet hurt.

“Happy?” Ryland asked. He’d abandoned his tie and rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt. He spun her again, then pulled her into his arms.

Tegan caught her breath against him, dizzy. “Yes,” she answered, holding on tight.

Everything had worked out just the way it should.

Dex and Alicia were singing champagne-fueled karaoke with the other members of his band; Blake and Zoey snuggled up sharing a slice of cake, and even Ash, who she’d become resigned to winding up alone, was slow-dancing with Noelle, their foreheads touching as they exchanged soft whispers in the dark.

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