“Relax!” Daniel cut her off, laughing. “I’m just teasing. It’s all booked.”

Lacey exhaled in a whoosh. “Don’t do that!” She hit his arm. “I nearly just had a heart attack, and my wedding outfit doesn’t come with a defibrillator!”

Daniel caught her hand and pulled her against him. “I’m sorry.” He grinned down at her, more unpredictable than she’d ever dreamed. “I couldn’t resist.”

“You’re lucky I love you so much, Mr. James.” Lacey couldn’t even pretend to stay mad.

“I’m counting on it.” Daniel kissed her long and hard, until her head was spinning, and she didn’t know if she would ever come back down to earth.

And that was just fine with her.

“C’mon,” he said, taking her hand—and her heart. “We’ve got a wedding to get to.”


Brit & Hunter

“My man scrubs up good,” Brit teased.

“Don’t you start.” Hunter looked over with a self-deprecating smile. He was relaxed in the driver’s seat, one hand on the steering wheel, and the other slung around her shoulder, like always as they wound through the country roads on the outskirts of Beachwood Bay.

“I mean it,” she grinned, admiring how handsome he looked cleanly shaven, in a well-fitting tux. “Look at you: not a shred of plaid or denim. I’m so proud.”

“I aim to please, ma’am.” Hunter mussed her hair, laughing. Brit ducked away with a cry.

“Don’t! All the bridesmaids are supposed to have their hair up.”

“So we’ll fix it later.” Hunter gave her a smoldering look. “Who knows what else will happen between here and the ceremony.”

“I’m guessing you have some ideas,” Brit laughed.

“Plenty. Although, to really be thorough, I might have to wait for that vacation we’ve been talking about,” he added.

Brit sighed with longing. “God, yes, a vacation! I feel like it’s been forever since we had a break. We didn’t even get a honeymoon!”

“I know I owe you for that,” Hunter agreed.

She glanced over, frowning. “You know I didn’t mind. You had breeding season at the ranch, and business for me has been crazy—especially now I’m launching my bridal boutique,” she added. Her excitement rose, thinking of Alicia walking down the aisle in another of her dresses. She loved working with brides to bring their perfect image to life in her designs, and with a months-long waiting list for her private clients, it had been a natural move to expand her flourishing fashion line into a bridal boutique. She had the store location all picked out in the city, with a gorgeous salon and studio in the back for her work.

“Still, I promise, this summer we’ll make the time,” Hunter vowed. “Just you and me on a beach somewhere.”

“Like right here?” she teased, pointing out the window to the sparkling ocean.

“Far, far away,” Hunter corrected. “Clothing optional. We can finally get started on those grandkids my mom keeps bugging me about…”

He gave her a wink, and Brit felt a glow of possibility. “Maybe,” she said cautiously. “Although, I kind of love how hard she’s hinting. Every time we visit, she bends over backwards being nice to me, like that’s going to make the difference.”

“It’s pretty great, ” Hunter agreed. There were worse things in the world than his parents and wife actually getting on for a change. “But you know, we should probably start practicing.” he added, giving Brit a meaningful look. Her bridesmaid dress had a dozen tiny buttons up the back, but he was pretty sure he wouldn’t have to undo a single one, not with that skirt folded loose around her thighs, just begging to be pushed higher…

“Start?” Brit arched an eyebrow, and he laughed.

“Day and night, if that’s what it takes.”

Brit pretended to sigh. “I guess I better take one for the team.”

Hunter pulled into the driveway at the house, and hit the brakes. He slid his hands around Brit’s waist, and with one swift yank, pulled her into his lap. “You’ll take whatever I give you,” he murmured, his hands roaming over the curve of her silk-clad ass. “Until you’re screaming my name.”

He felt her breath catch. “Is that an order?” she whispered, her lips grazing his ear.

Lust slammed him. God, it was always like this: as hard and wild as the very first time.

“You bet your life it is.”

He slid a hand between her thighs, tracing the soft skin. Brit’s eyes locked on his, her cheeks flushing. Somewhere, he registered other vehicles arriving, and people heading for the house, but they were alone in the cab of his truck and nothing else mattered in the world.

It never did when he was with her. This was his universe, right there in his arms.

Hunter leaned down and slowly kissed her, licking deep into her mouth as Brit melted against him. His hand strayed higher, teasing, until he could feel her heart pounding in her chest.

Then he pulled away and smoothed her dress down. “You should fix your hair before the ceremony.”

His smirk was infuriating. Brit panted for air, her body crackling like a live-wire. “Evil,” she cursed him. She loved it when he made her wait, but still, that didn’t make it any less frustrating.

Hunter opened the door and gently lifted her down to the ground. “I promise, it’ll be worth the wait.”

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