The sound of a car on gravel filters up through the open window, enough to break through my daze.

“Bunny!” I leap back.

I check outside, and my worst fears are confirmed. She’s getting out of her car, heading for the front door. The bathroom looks like a flood zone, with wet towels and water all over the floor.

“Stall her!” I beg Ash. “Please, she can’t see it like this!”

I throw the driest towel at him. He quickly mops his face and strips off his soaking vest before pulling on his dry shirt again. Any other time, the glimpse of his naked torso would be the only thing I cared about, but there’s too much riding on this magazine review. “Hurry!” I urge him, hearing the door open downstairs.

“What do I say?” Ash protests.

“Anything. Make rich people small talk!” I hiss, shoving him out of the door. I hear him head downstairs, and then his voice comes, ultra-polite.

“You must be Miss Vanderberg. Ash Callahan, a pleasure to meet you.”

I take a breath. Ash can be prickly, but I’ve seen him turn on the charm. It’ll buy me five minutes at least. I quickly mop up the rest of the water, until the bathroom is spotless. Then I shove the wet towels in a laundry hamper, and sneak downstairs.

Ash has maneuvered Bunny into the lounge. Their voices drift out as I sneak past.

“…I was just in Charleston, at the Marlborough.”

“Oh yes. Charming property, but their breakfast leaves something to be desired.”

“You know, I thought just the same thing!”

I dash for the laundry room and ditch the hamper. I shrug off my wet tank and bra, and root around in the clean washing until I find a fresh shirt. I pull back my hair, straighten up, and then stroll back in like nothing’s wrong.

Bunny is sitting on the couch beside Ash, deep in conversation.

“Oh, hello, Ms. Vanderberg.” I feign surprise. “I didn’t realize you were back. Your faucet is all fixed, by the way. No more drips.”

“Oh, that’s fine.” Bunny waves away my concern, gazing at Ash with a besotted expression. “It’s no problem.”

No problem?

My mouth drops open. Ash catches my eye and makes a face as if to say, “zip it.”

“Have you tried the afternoon tea here?” he asks smoothly. “I’m not even a guest, but I have to come.”

“Well, I don’t usually indulge…”

“Oh, come on.” Ash gives her a roguish smile. “With a figure like yours? I’m sure you can eat whatever you like.”

Bunny giggles.


“Well, perhaps just a taste,” she simpers.

Ash gets up, and offers her his hand. “How about we take it in the gardens? And you can tell me more about your fascinating career. I’ve always been so interested in the hospitality trade…”

He guides Bunny out, sending me a wink as they pass.

I can’t believe it. Thanks to him, I might actually stand a chance of getting that good review.

“Noelle?” His voice snaps me back. “Tea?”

“Coming right up!”

Ash and Bunny sit in the gardens for a full hour, working their way through an epic afternoon tea. Despite her initial protests, Bunny polishes off a plate of finger sandwiches, two slices of cake, and three of Nana’s blueberry scones. By the end of the day, she’s laughing uproariously along with Ash, regaling the both of us with stories from hotel review hell.

“…And then the plumbing malfunctioned!” she chortles, wiping crumbs from her lips. “Water gushing everywhere. As if a proper establishment can get away with that kind of shoddy service. Can you imagine?”

“No,” I answer faintly. “Not at all.”

“Well,” she says, decisively. “This has been a most surprising afternoon, but I think it’s time for me to retire and take a little rest.”

“So soon?” Ash looks disappointed.

She chuckles knowingly, getting to her feet. “I’ve taken enough of your time. You’re too kind, indulging an old lady like me.”

“Nonsense.” Ash smiles. “This has been fun.”

Bunny looks over to me. “Tea was delicious. Thank you.”

“I…you’re welcome,” I offer faintly, stunned at the praise.

“You’ve done a lovely job here. Very charming,” Bunny adds, before heading inside.

I gape after her, trying to process what just happened. “Does this mean…she likes it?”

“I’d say so.” Ash polishes off the last scone.

I sag back in my seat, suddenly exhausted. “I can’t believe it. After everything that’s happened today…”

“You pulled it off,” Ash grins at me. “Congratulations.”

“You mean, you pulled it off,” I correct him. “If it hadn’t been for you…” I don’t want to even imagine the outcome. A flooded B&B, and a very angry Bunny, no doubt. “I don’t know how I can repay you,” I tell him fervently. “Thank you, really.”

“Consider it my apology,” Ash says wryly. “For being such an iceberg.”

I laugh. “Well, let me send you home with some pastries, at least.”

“Not going to argue with that.”

He helps me clear the dishes, then follows me through to the kitchen. I pull down a Tupperware container and start filling it from the trays on the table. Copyright 2016 - 2024