Calm down, I order myself. I could see it in Garrett’s eyes, he’s still trying to hold back. He thinks he needs to fight the attraction, that this is wrong somehow.

I have to show him nothing in the world could feel so right.


I put the CD on the stereo, my hands fumbling with the case.


I catch my breath, blood pounding in my ears. Every rational thought in my mind is screaming to get the hell out of here.

Every instinct in my body is forcing me to stay.

Look what you’ve gone and done, the voice in my head mocks me. You knew she was trouble, and you went there all the same.

I stifle a groan. It’s my own damn fault. Sitting there on the couch together for the movie was bad enough, but then she had to go and slide her gorgeous legs to rest them in my lap.

I didn’t stand a chance.

If Hunter and Brit hadn’t been right there, I would have torn her clothes off and f**ked her senseless into that couch before the opening credits were done. It was torture, having her so close, yet out of reach. Agony. No man on earth could have resisted the temptation, so who can blame me for stealing a single caress?

One touch, that’s all I allowed myself, one touch of her satin-soft skin, but even that was too much for me.

Watching the desire flush on her face. Hearing the soft pant of her breath. I’ve never been so turned on in my life before. Hell, I could have come right there, a hundred times over.

And now I’m walking right into the fire.

The music starts. I’m hoping for something fast and loud, but instead, it’s an acoustic guitar, soft and sultry. A guy’s voice kicks in, low.

You’re so screwed.

“He’s good.”

Carina’s voice comes from behind me. I whirl around, and stop dead in my tracks.


She’s leaning in the doorway, looking like a wicked angel sent to lead me straight to hell. Her hair tumbling loose, a silken black robe pouring off her body, the peek of black lace visible below.

“What do you think?” Her lips curl in a devious smile. She slowly pirouettes on her tiptoes, so I can see every inch of her perfect body. “About the music, I mean.”

She winks.

Dear God.

A better man would turn her away. A better man would stay strong, ignore the lush curves peeking from under that black lace and the burning look of passion in her eyes.

My knees go weak. I sink down onto the couch.

Carina slowly sashays towards me. She tugs the silken cord on her robe. It parts, sliding off her creamy shoulders and falling in a ripple to the floor.

My heart stops. My vision blurs.

She’s perfection.

“What are you doing?” I manage to gasp, my voice strangled and hoarse. “Carina…”

She leans closer, so close I can smell the scent of her jasmine perfume. Her br**sts swell, inches from my eyeline, plump and firm and spilling out of their lacy cage.

“You promised me once,” she whispers against my ear. Lust slams through me so hard I can barely breathe. “You said you’d show me what I’ve been missing out on, what it feels like with a real man.”

I stifle a groan, crumpling the couch cushions in my fists to keep from reaching for her. God, the things I could do with her, the ways I would make her scream.

But it’s wrong, she’s not ready for this. I cling on to that thought with everything I have, even as my body betrays me, aching and hard.

“So,” Carina murmurs. She climbs onto my lap, straddling me, her h*ps pressing against the bulging ache of my cock. “Show me.” She meets my eyes, her blue gaze teasing and bright.

I falter.

“Teach me.” Carina dips her perfect tongue to my neck, licking up the column of my throat in a sultry caress.

I groan for real this time, strung out on the edge of madness. Desire is pounding through me, my body braced against her wanton heat.

“Take me.”

A better man could resist temptation, the wicked heaven pressed up against him. A better man would tell her no.

I guess I’m not that man.


For a terrible split second, I think I’ve made a mistake. Garrett stays motionless beneath me, his expression agonized. My heart drops.

Oh God, no.

Then he breaks.

With a fierce growl, Garrett grips his hands around my waist and flips me, driving me back into the soft couch as his mouth consumes mine in a devastating kiss.


Stars explode in my bloodstream as I fall back, gasping, clawing at him, hungry for more. We tumble in a hot surge of hands and bodies and fevered kisses, desire taking me over, an endless chasm, glittering and dark. I grasp for him, greedy, but Garrett grabs my wrists and pins them above my head, bearing down with all his weight, trapping me beneath him and holding tight as his body drives into mine and his mouth demands everything I have to give.

I surrender it all to him, drunk on his kisses, tasting him, reveling in the plunging of his tongue and oh, the feel of his body, surging against me, hard friction between my thighs. I’m lost to him, completely at his mercy, drowning in the fierce hum of desire and the ache inside, twisting tighter, demanding more, him, everywhere.

Garrett wrenches his mouth from mine and rocks onto his knees, straddling me. I fall back, my head spinning as he looks down at me, devouring me with his eyes. For a long beat, he’s poised there, tracing my body with his burning gaze as my stomach curls and I tremble for his touch. Then he reaches for me, yanking my bra down with one violent motion as he dips to close his mouth around my breast. Copyright 2016 - 2024