The summer passed away, and autumn, with its infinite suite of tints,

came creeping on. Darker grew the evenings, tearfuller the moonlights,

and heavier the dews. Meanwhile the comet had waxed to its largest

dimensions,--so large that not only the nucleus but a portion of the tail

had been visible in broad day. It was now on the wane, though every

night the equatorial still afforded an opportunity of observing the

singular object which would soon disappear altogether from the heavens

for perhaps thousands of years.

But the astronomer of the Rings-Hill Speer was no longer a match for his

celestial materials. Scientifically he had become but a dim vapour of

himself; the lover had come into him like an armed man, and cast out the

student, and his intellectual situation was growing a life-and-death


The resolve of the pair had been so far kept: they had not seen each

other in private for three months. But on one day in October he ventured

to write a note to her:-'I can do nothing! I have ceased to study, ceased to observe. The

equatorial is useless to me. This affection I have for you absorbs my

life, and outweighs my intentions. The power to labour in this

grandest of fields has left me. I struggle against the weakness till

I think of the cause, and then I bless her. But the very desperation

of my circumstances has suggested a remedy; and this I would inform

you of at once.

'Can you come to me, since I must not come to you? I will wait to-

morrow night at the edge of the plantation by which you would enter to

the column. I will not detain you; my plan can be told in ten words.' The night after posting this missive to her he waited at the spot


It was a melancholy evening for coming abroad. A blusterous wind had

risen during the day, and still continued to increase. Yet he stood

watchful in the darkness, and was ultimately rewarded by discerning a

shady muffled shape that embodied itself from the field, accompanied by

the scratching of silk over stubble. There was no longer any disguise as

to the nature of their meeting. It was a lover's assignation, pure and

simple; and boldly realizing it as such he clasped her in his arms.

'I cannot bear this any longer!' he exclaimed. 'Three months since I saw

you alone! Only a glimpse of you in church, or a bow from the distance,

in all that time! What a fearful struggle this keeping apart has been!' 'Yet I would have had strength to persist, since it seemed best,' she

murmured when she could speak, 'had not your words on your condition so

alarmed and saddened me. This inability of yours to work, or study, or

observe,--it is terrible! So terrible a sting is it to my conscience

that your hint about a remedy has brought me instantly.' 'Yet I don't altogether mind it, since it is you, my dear, who have

displaced the work; and yet the loss of time nearly distracts me, when I

have neither the power to work nor the delight of your company.' 'But your remedy! O, I cannot help guessing it! Yes; you are going

away!' 'Let us ascend the column; we can speak more at ease there. Then I will

explain all. I would not ask you to climb so high but the hut is not yet

furnished.' He entered the cabin at the foot, and having lighted a small lantern,

conducted her up the hollow staircase to the top, where he closed the

slides of the dome to keep out the wind, and placed the observing-chair

for her. Copyright 2016 - 2025