“Do you miss it?”

“No! – Oh,” Claire played with the rim of her wine glass, “I answered that too quickly. As you know, I haven’t worn any of it for over a year. The rings were beautiful and when I received them, I loved them. Wedding rings are supposed to be a symbol of a feeling. Without the feeling, they’re just metal and stones.” A little more empathically, “I always disliked the journey necklace.”

“Really? It was lovely and you wore it often.”

“Yes, I did.” Claire allowed the rim of her glass to loiter on her lips, less than a subtle hint she’d said all she was saying on the subject.

“And, the earrings?”

“They were beautiful too. Tony gave them to me for my birthday, right after that party we all attended. Remember, at Eli and MaryAnn’s?”

Courtney knew, from the copy of the preliminary brief Brent obtained, what happened in California. She knew when Tony and Claire were alone on that trip he’d physically abused her. Claire didn’t know she knew. Courtney planned to share that during this visit, however, now didn’t feel right. “I remember the party. Afterwards, the two of you went to Yosemite, right?”

“Yes.” Claire’s expression lightened as her lips turned upward and her eyes began to sparkle. “I’ve considered buying myself some diamond studs. Everyone needs a nice pair, don’t you think?”

Courtney smiled, seeing her friend’s pride, discussing her ability to do as she pleased. “Well, yes! Everyone needs a nice pair of diamond studs!” Courtney agreed.

Courtney also talked about Tim and Sue. Their baby, Sean, just turned one! She showed Claire a picture on her phone from his first birthday party.

“I can’t believe their son is actually one. I’ve missed so much.”

“Honey,” Courtney’s voice reflected her look of concern, “there’re some people who truly believe you tried to kill him.”

Claire looked down into her glass. “I assumed.”

“Just so you know, I’m not one.”


“No. He doesn’t believe it either. Let’s just say, we have a different perspective than most.”

Claire reached out and grabbed Courtney’s hand. Her green eyes glistened as tears teetering on the rims. “Thank you, for believing in me. I know I can’t prove it. But just knowing there’re people who believe me and support me; it means the world.”

They cried and laughed. They chatted, laughed some more, and cried some more. When the sun rose they were both exhausted. Sleepily they stood at the railing and watched the dark sky fill with light as a red hue spilled across the Gulf of Mexico. Eventually, the red became orange, brightening the sky until the black became blue. They both agreed; sleep was in order.

So many memories of their friendship filled Claire’s mind as she settled into the queen sized bed. Instantaneously, sleep overtook her.

Unbelievably, she didn’t stir until after 1 PM. Looking at the clock, she couldn’t believe the time. Walking into the empty living room she found a note:

Hi Honey – I’m at the pool. There’s coffee in the pot. Before you come join me, please look at some papers on the kitchen table. I hoped it would be easier for you to read this without me looking over your shoulder. Brent accidently received this information via Marcus Evergreen. He never should’ve had it, read it, or shared it with me. There’d probably be stiff legal ramifications if it were discovered. Of course, Tony doesn’t know we have it or read it. Those ramifications don’t need to be said, we all know they’d be stiff. Please know we love you and believe every word. I hope you’ll come down and talk to me when you’re finished.

Love – Cort

Although, only about seven yards from the living room to the kitchen, Claire’s feet suddenly weighed a ton apiece; with each step, her goal seemed farther away. She could see the binder thick with pages. At one time, before she married Tony, he showed her the article written by Meredith Banks, and another time, he had the news release of Simon’s death. Both of those experiences came rushing back. Claire wasn’t sure what the binder held. Somehow, she knew, it wasn’t good.

Sitting her mug of coffee and muffin on the table, she exhaled and opened the binder. Inside she read: January 31, 2012, Paul Task, Attorney At Law - Preliminary brief - State of Iowa vs. Rawlings, Claire. Claire thumbed through the pages, catching a word here and a phrase there. She didn’t need to read it word for word, she’d spoken it. Hell -- she’d lived it. The account of her life with Tony, the truth, was right there in black and white. It wasn’t all inclusive, that was even stated, but it was descriptive. From her abduction, to his abuse, his punishments, his controlling nature, her near death accident, his change of behavior, their marriage, his control, his domination… and the reason she drove away from the estate. At two thirty her cup was empty and the muffin was cold, stiff, and still wrapped in a shiny tin.

Claire stared at the open binder and wondered what to do, what to say. Other than outsiders, her attorneys and Dr. Warner, she hadn’t discussed any of this with anyone. She felt a twinge of panic, if Tony finds out that they know... Oh God! It’s a direct violation of his rules.

Leaving the binder open she went to her bedroom to put on her bathing suit. Claire realized this was the information Courtney wanted to share-- in person. She really did know. Claire remembered the cathartic feeling she experienced when divulging all of this to her attorneys. However, with Dr. Warner it was different. Claire felt ashamed, like it was somehow her fault; she allowed all these things to happen. Dr. Warner agreed, well -- in so many words. Claire allowed Tony to dominate her.

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